7 Ways To Worship

More Than A Song  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Most scholars have concluded that Mark served as source material for Matthew & Luke. However, in 1861 H. J. Holtzmann made the claim that Matthew and Luke had not just drawn from the the Markan source, but from a collection of the sayings of Jesus either oral or written (DJG, 711). This claim was the result of the distinct differences of these two Gospel with special to regard to discourses like the Sermon of the Mount of and the Sermon of the Plain of that are not found in Mark. Admittedly, these sermons of Jesus have many similarities. Yet, there are some vast differences. It is these differences that beg for an explanation.
Illus.: When I went into youth group one of the first things that we did that spring was go to a youth conference. In that conference we had worship sessions. We got to sing songs and hear a band, which was very different for me. I was shocked at how free and great the music was. The words were on a screen and no hymnals. It was crazy at that time in my life. I didn't know you could worship like that.
First, there are some very striking similarities between these two discourses. Mark and Luke both include Jesus’ teachings on the beatitudes, loving one’s enemies, judging others, the tree and its fruit and building one’s house on the rock versus sand. Also, these evangelists seems to agree on Jesus’ audience. In both discourses there were crowds, but Jesus primarily addressed His disciples.


Illus.: When I went into youth group one of the first things that we did
The fact is that worship isn't about a style. As a matter of fact it isn't even about a place. It's about the condition of our hearts and the action of our lives.
Second, these two discourse are presented very differently by the writers. Luke’s content is stripped down compared to Matthew’s. Some of the portions that Luke omits from the Sermon on the Plain are scattered in other places. One such teaching is the Lord’s Prayer, which can be found in nestled between a personal encounter and an exorcism. Another obvious difference between these discourses is there geography. Luke describes this teaching as happening on a “level place,” while Matthew states that Jesus “went up on the mountain.” In addition to these differences, Matthew doesn’t include the “woes” that Luke includes in his beatitudes in .
Illus.: When I went into youth group one of the first things that we did
So, today as we turn to we are going to discover 7 ways to worship God. The fact is that most of these are not about Sunday worship. They are about daily worship. So, let's go ahead and dig into God's Word today...


that fall was go to a youth conference. In that conference we had
Third, the strongest explanation for these differences is the presence of additional source material that Mark didn’t use. There are many different opinions presented in scholarship with regards to what this source may be and the method through which these writers incorporated it. However, most scholars agree that a source primarily containing Jesus’ teachings was used by Matthew and Luke. This source has been referred to as “Quelle” or “Q,” which is German for “source.” As stated earlier, there are many differing opinions about the incorporation of “Q” and the possibility of Matthew and Luke having differing versions of this source.
Illus.: When I went into youth group one of the first things that we did

1. Love One Another

13 Let ubrotherly love continue. 2 vDo not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby wsome have entertained angels unawares. 3 xRemember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. 4 yLet marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge zthe sexually immoral and adulterous.

The simple act of loving one another is worship to God. When we love one another in the body of Christ we are declaring in a tangible way our love for God, because we are loving His bride.
worship sessions. We got to sing songs and hear a band, which was
that fall was go to a youth conference. In that conference we had
There is no way with current archaeological findings for the “Q” theory to be anything more than a theory. However, it is obvious that Matthew and Luke were pulling from source material that Mark did not use. It is also obvious that they infused their Gospels with this material in unique ways that initially seem outright contradictory. This may be the result of this source being orally passed down or the result of Matthew and Luke receiving different copies of a written source. Either way these differing discourses show that these Gospel writers were not writing in isolation, but in community with other Jesus followers and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
13 Let brotherly love continue. vDo not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby wsome have entertained angels unawares. xRemember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. yLet marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge zthe sexually immoral and adulterous.
13 Let ubrotherly love continue. vDo not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby wsome have entertained angels unawares. xRemember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. yLet marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge zthe sexually immoral and adulterous.
The simple act of loving one another is worship to God. When we love one another in the body of Christ we are declaring in a tangible way our love for God, because we are loving His bride.
very different for me. I was shocked at how free and great the music
worship sessions. We got to sing songs and hear a band, which was
very different for me. I was shocked at how free and great the music
was. The words were on a screen and no hymnals. It was crazy at that
Illus.: Talk about how important it is for me in relationships that people respect and are nice to my wife and kids. You can say what you want about me, but leave them alone. If they are wrong confront them in love. Otherwise, leave them alone. Why? to disrespect my wife is to disrespect me.
time in my life. I didn't know you could worship like that.
So, when we love one another (the body and bride of Christ) we are showing God our love for him. When we disrespect the bride, we are showing our contempt for God.
was. The words were on a screen and no hymnals. It was crazy at that
The fact is that worship isn't about a style. As a matter of fact it isn't
Now, I know that the bride isn't perfect. I know the bride needs help. However, it must be done in prayer and love. Otherwise, it need not be done.
time in my life. I didn't know you could worship like that.
The fact is that worship isn't about a style. As a matter of fact it isn't
What are some ways we can do this? How do we love one another?
even about a place. It's about the condition of our hearts and the
even about a place. It's about the condition of our hearts and the
1. Show hospitality to strangers (2)
action of our lives.
Illus.: New Liberty stranger
2. Remember those who are in prison (3)
action of our lives.
So, today as we move in we are going to discover 7 ways


Illus.: Talk about sharing the Gospel with several folks through a glass panel or over a telephone connection
3. Honor marriage (4)
to worship God. The fact is that most of these are not about Sunday
So, today as we move in we are going to discover 7 ways
(this is for those married or single)
worship. They are about daily worship. So, let's go ahead and dig into
to worship God. The fact is that most of these are not about Sunday
We've got to love another, because it is how we worship God.
worship. They are about daily worship. So, let's go ahead and dig into
God's Word today...

2. Be Content

Read v. 5-6
1. Love One Another

5 Keep your life afree from love of money, and bbe content with what you have, for he has said, c“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we can confidently say,

d“The Lord is my helper;

eI will not fear;

what can man do to me?”

God's Word today...
Read v. 1-4.


Here the author tells us to be free from the love of money and be content. Contentment is an act of worship to God.

1. Love One Another

Read v. 1-4.
Illus.: One of the greatest challenges in our culture is the need for more. Everything in our world is structured to get us to buy more. There is nothing wrong with buying stuff. The problem is when things become our source of joy. That is God place.
The simple act of loving one another is worship to God. When we love
one another in the body of Christ we are declaring in a tangible way our
Content shifts our focus from what God can get us next to us getting to know Him better.
The simple act of loving one another is worship to God. When we love
How do we find contentment?
love for God, because we are loving His bride.
one another in the body of Christ we are declaring in a tangible way our
The key to contentment is found in trusting God.
Illus.: Talk about how important it is for me in relationships that people
love for God, because we are loving His bride.
Look at v. 5b-6 again. Contentment is not a self mustered thing. It's learning to trust God for your needs and trusting that His provision is enough.
respect and are nice to my wife and kids. You can say what you want
Illus.: Talk about how important it is for me in relationships that people
Illus.: For a lot of my life, I have fought this battle and I will probably keep having to fight it. It is tough seeing others gain success or wealth when you are struggling. However, when I do that I am getting it all wrong. It's not about looking at those around me. It's about looking to God and being grateful for His provision.

3. Remember Your Leaders.

about me, but leave them alone. If they are wrong confront them in love.
respect and are nice to my wife and kids. You can say what you want
about me, but leave them alone. If they are wrong confront them in love.
Otherwise, leave them alone. Why? to disrespect my wife is to
In two places here the author talks about those in spiritual leadership in the church. Since, I am in that position it is often difficult for me to speak to it. However, I will not dodge what God's word says.
So, let's check it out.
Otherwise, leave them alone. Why? to disrespect my wife is to
disrespect me.
Read v. 7.

7 Remember fyour leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and gimitate their faith.

So, when we love one another (the body and bride of Christ) we are
disrespect me.
Here we see that we should be considerate of those in spiritual leadership of us. We should be considerate of our pastors, deacons and leaders.
So, when we love one another (the body and bride of Christ) we are
showing God our love for him. When we disrespect the bride, we are
showing God our love for him. When we disrespect the bride, we are
showing our contempt for God.
We should consider the outcome of their way of life.
What is that?
Now, I know that the bride isn't perfect. I know the bride needs help.
showing our contempt for God.
It is not easy. It is pouring into something you can't control. It is investing in people that leave with no thought of the investment. It is watching folks you've sacrificed to spend time pouring into just run held long into sin. It's not a road for the faint of heart.
Now, I know that the bride isn't perfect. I know the bride needs help.
However, it must be done in prayer and love. Otherwise, it need not be
Also, read v. 17.
However, it must be done in prayer and love. Otherwise, it need not be

17 Obey xyour leaders and submit to them, yfor they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to zgive an account. aLet them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

What are some ways we can do this? How do we love one another?
There is a certain level of obedience hat needs to exists between pastors and the church. That is with regards to the Word and obviously is not about us controlling or manipulating people. However, when I stand and declare what this book says and you don't obey it. You are disobeying God and making my job more difficult.
What are some ways we can do this? How do we love one another?
1. Show hospitality to strangers (2) (Illus.: New Liberty stranger)
Illus.: Talk about the struggle of parenting and getting kids to obey and listen to you. All parents know this struggle. The joy of obedience and the sadness or disobedience.
2. Remember those who are in prison (3) (those in prison need
So, remember those in spiritual leadership here in our church.
1. Show hospitality to strangers (2) (Illus.: New Liberty stranger)
Jesus too)
Illus.: Pray for our church leadership. Pray for our pastors, deacons, staff and lay leadership. Pray that God would lead us, but also pray that as God leads His church will follow His leadership.
2. Remember those who are in prison (3) (those in prison need

4. Don't Be Led Away

Jesus too)
3. Honor marriage (4) (this is for those married or single)
Read vv. 8-9.
3. Honor marriage (4) (this is for those married or single)
We've got to love another, because it is how we worship God.

8 Jesus Christ is hthe same yesterday and today and forever. 9 Do not be iled away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, jnot by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them.

2. Be Content
We've got to love another, because it is how we worship God.
The author shows us yet another way to worship God. That is to hold to sound teaching and not be led away from it. He prefaces this by reminding us that Jesus is the same - ALWAYS.
Read v. 5-6
2. Be Content
Illus.: There is nothing more grievous to me as a pastor than to see folks get drawn away from the Gospel with strange teaching. There is tons of it out on the internet. Just because someone can shoot a video, talk eloquently and upload a video to YouTube doesn't make them a sound teacher.
Read v. 5-6
How do we know sound teaching?
Here the author tells us to be free from the love of money and be
Read the Bible.
content. Contentment is an act of worship to God.
Here the author tells us to be free from the love of money and be
Illus.: In 2007 William P. Young self-published a book that went on to be a USA Today Bestseller. In this book Young tells the story of Mack who meets God in the midst of his suffering. The problem is that God the Father and Spirit present themselves bodily to him. Many people I have met like this book. The problem with it is it present God incorrectly and counter to Scripture. God the Father is not a middle aged African American woman. To be exact Jesus said, “To see him is to see the Father.”
content. Contentment is an act of worship to God.
Illus.: One of the greatest challenges in parenting in our culture is to
help our kids learn to be content. There is so much that is pushed in
The best defense against false teaching is reading the Bible. The reason that many are led astray in this age is we just take everything the preachers says as the truth. That is not worshipping God, that's worshipping a person.
Illus.: One of the greatest challenges in parenting in our culture is to

5. Acknowledge His Name

front of them. There is so much that seems to be new and shiny. As a
help our kids learn to be content. There is so much that is pushed in
front of them. There is so much that seems to be new and shiny. As a
parent it can feel with all this pressure at times like you are just there to
Read v. 10-15.

10 We have an altar kfrom which those who serve the tent1 have no right to eat. 11 For lthe bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy places by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned moutside the camp. 12 So Jesus also nsuffered ooutside the gate in order to sanctify the people pthrough his own blood. 13 Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear qthe reproach he endured. 14 For rhere we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. 15 sThrough him then let us continually offer up ta sacrifice of praise to God, that is, uthe fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.

Make comments about Jesus being sacrificed outside the gates.
get stuff for your kids rather than enjoy your kids and build a relationship
parent it can feel with all this pressure at times like you are just there to
As God's people the greatest thing we can do is acknowledge Jesus.
Illus.: Talk about the battles in past about praying in the name of Jesus at school functions and football games.
get stuff for your kids rather than enjoy your kids and build a relationship
with them.
How do we acknowledge His name?
with them.
Content shifts our focus from what God can get us next to us getting to
1. Personal Witness. (Share your faith/testimony)
know Him better.
Content shifts our focus from what God can get us next to us getting to
How do we find contentment?
know Him better.
2. Private Worship. (Worship the Lord outside of this place)
3. Public Worship. (Lift up His name in this place)
The key to contentment is found in trusting God. Look at v. 5b-6 again.
How do we find contentment?
The key to contentment is found in trusting God. Look at v. 5b-6 again.
Contentment is not a self mustered thing. It's learning to trust God for
If we won't acknowledge Him before men, he won't acknowledge us before His Father.
your needs and trusting that His provision is enough.

6. Share What You Have

Contentment is not a self mustered thing. It's learning to trust God for

16 Do not neglect to do good and vto share what you have, for such wsacrifices are pleasing to God.

Here we are told to do good and share what we have.
Illus.: For a lot of my life, I have fought this battle and I will probably
your needs and trusting that His provision is enough.
Probably the greatest obstacle to worship is our personal greed. Greed is the idea that what is mine is mine and I'm not gonna share it with anyone.
Illus.: For a lot of my life, I have fought this battle and I will probably
keep having to fight it. It is tough seeing others gain success or wealth
Here we are called to combat greed by sharing what we have.
when you are struggling. However, when I do that I am getting it all
keep having to fight it. It is tough seeing others gain success or wealth
Illus.: Talk about dividing food when I was a kid and always wanting the bigger piece. To this day when I split something with Julie I have to fight the urge to take the bigger piece for myself.
when you are struggling. However, when I do that I am getting it all
wrong. It's not about looking at those around me. It's about looking to
However, we are given a promise with this command. We are told that this pleases God. Sharing what you have pleases God.
wrong. It's not about looking at those around me. It's about looking to
God and being grateful for His provision.
God and being grateful for His provision.
Now, we need to be wise. We need to give where it will be used well. However, we can't use that as an excuse for not sharing.
3. Remember Your Leaders.
Illus.: Talk about how generous my friend Paul is and how God used him in my life to show me that my cynicism was robbing me of the joy of generosity.
In two places here the author talks about those in spiritual leadership in
3. Remember Your Leaders.
In two places here the author talks about those in spiritual leadership in
The fact remains that sharing what we have is worship. We need to do it.
the church. Since, I am in that position it is often difficult for me to
the church. Since, I am in that position it is often difficult for me to

7. Pray for Others

speak to it. However, I will not dodge what God's word says. So, let's
Read vv. 18-19.
check it out.
speak to it. However, I will not dodge what God's word says. So, let's
Read v. 18-19

18 bPray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things. 19 I urge you the more earnestly to do this in order cthat I may be restored to you the sooner.

We need to pray for others. Here we see that call from a pastor for prayer.
Read v. 7.
check it out.
Who should be pray for?
Read v. 7.
Here we see that we should be considerate of those in spiritual
1. The Lost
leadership of us. We should be considerate of our pastors, deacons
Here we see that we should be considerate of those in spiritual
2. The Church
and leaders.
leadership of us. We should be considerate of our pastors, deacons
and leaders.
3. Pastors & Missionaries
4. The Family
We should consider the outcome of their way of life.
We should consider the outcome of their way of life.
What is that?
5. Our Country
This is just a short list, but if you want to worship God just pray. That is the best place to start.
It is not easy. It is pouring into something you can't control. It is
What is that?
It is not easy. It is pouring into something you can't control. It is
Illus.: Talk about how I have encountered God most intimately when I was praying.
investing in people that leave with no thought of the investment. It is
investing in people that leave with no thought of the investment. It is
watching folks you've sacrificed to spend time pouring into just run held


So, what now?
long into sin. It's not a road for the faint of heart.
watching folks you've sacrificed to spend time pouring into just run held
Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? If not, will you make that step today. [GOSPEL]
long into sin. It's not a road for the faint of heart.
Are you a follower of Jesus? If so, start worshipping the one who is greater rather than all the things that have taken a greater importance.
Also, read v. 17.
Remember..Worship is about the condition of our hearts and the action of our lives.
There is a certain level of obedience hat needs to exists between
Worship is about the condition of our hearts and the action of our lives.
Also, read v. 17.
There is a certain level of obedience hat needs to exists between
pastors and the church. That is with regards to the Word and obviously
is not about us controlling or manipulating people. However, when I
pastors and the church. That is with regards to the Word and obviously
stand and declare what this book says and you don't obey it. You are
is not about us controlling or manipulating people. However, when I
disobeying God and making my joy more difficult.
stand and declare what this book says and you don't obey it. You are
disobeying God and making my joy more difficult.
Illus.: Talk about the struggle of parenting and getting kids to obey and
Illus.: Talk about the struggle of parenting and getting kids to obey and
listen to you. All parents know this struggle. The joy of obedience and
listen to you. All parents know this struggle. The joy of obedience and
the sadness or disobedience.
So, remember those in spiritual leadership here in our church.
the sadness or disobedience.
So, remember those in spiritual leadership here in our church.
Illus.: Pray for Shane and his family as his mom is the final stages of her
Illus.: Pray for Shane and his family as his mom is the final stages of her
battle with cancer.
battle with cancer.
4. Don't Be Led Away
4. Don't Be Led Away
Read vv. 8-9.
Read vv. 8-9.
The author shows us yet another way to worship God. That is to hod to
The author shows us yet another way to worship God. That is to hod to
sound teaching and not be led away from it. He prefaces this by
sound teaching and not be led away from it. He prefaces this by
reminding us that Jesus is the same - ALWAYS.
Illus.: There is nothing more grievous to me as a pastor than to see folks
reminding us that Jesus is the same - ALWAYS.
get drawn away from the Gospel with strange teaching. There is tons of
Illus.: There is nothing more grievous to me as a pastor than to see folks
it out on the internet. Just because someone can shoot a video, talk
get drawn away from the Gospel with strange teaching. There is tons of
it out on the internet. Just because someone can shoot a video, talk
eloquently and upload a video to YouTube doesn't make them a sound
eloquently and upload a video to YouTube doesn't make them a sound
How do we know sound teaching?
How do we know sound teaching?
Read the Bible.
Read the Bible.
Illus.: Yesterday my wife played me a video of Francis Chan
Illus.: Yesterday my wife played me a video of Francis Chan
encountering a Jehovah's Witness. It was a long encounter about God
answering prayer. However, they point that he made to them is that they
encountering a Jehovah's Witness. It was a long encounter about God
would not believe the stuff they believe if they would sit down and read
answering prayer. However, they point that he made to them is that they
would not believe the stuff they believe if they would sit down and read
the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal it to them.
the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal it to them.
The best defense against false teaching is reading the Bible. The reason
The best defense against false teaching is reading the Bible. The reason
that many are led astray in this age is we just take everything the
preachers says as the truth. That is not worshipping God, that's
that many are led astray in this age is we just take everything the
worshipping a person.
preachers says as the truth. That is not worshipping God, that's
worshipping a person.
5. Acknowledge His Name
Read v. 10-15. Make comments about Jesus being sacrificed outside
5. Acknowledge His Name
the gates.
Read v. 10-15. Make comments about Jesus being sacrificed outside
As God's people the greatest thing we can do is acknowledge Jesus.
the gates.
As God's people the greatest thing we can do is acknowledge Jesus.
Illus.: Talk about the battles in past about praying in the name of Jesus
Illus.: Talk about the battles in past about praying in the name of Jesus
at school functions and football games.
How do we acknowledge His name?
at school functions and football games.
1. Personal Witness.
How do we acknowledge His name?
2. Private Worship.
1. Personal Witness.
3. Public Worship.
2. Private Worship.
3. Public Worship.
If we won't acknowledge Him before men, he won't acknowledge us
before His Father.
If we won't acknowledge Him before men, he won't acknowledge us
before His Father.
6. Share What You Have
Here we are told to do good and share what we have.
6. Share What You Have
Probably the greatest obstacle to worship is our personal greed. Greed
Here we are told to do good and share what we have.
Probably the greatest obstacle to worship is our personal greed. Greed
is the idea that what is mine is mine and I'm not gonna share it with
is the idea that what is mine is mine and I'm not gonna share it with
Here we are called to combat greed by sharing what we have.
Here we are called to combat greed by sharing what we have.
Illus.: Talk about dividing food when I was a kid and always wanting the
Illus.: Talk about dividing food when I was a kid and always wanting the
bigger piece. To this day when I split something with Julie I have to fight
bigger piece. To this day when I split something with Julie I have to fight
the urge to take the bigger piece for myself.
However, we are given a promise with this command. We are told that
the urge to take the bigger piece for myself.
However, we are given a promise with this command. We are told that
this pleases God. Sharing what you have pleases God.
this pleases God. Sharing what you have pleases God.
Now, we need to be wise. We need to give where it will be used well.
However, we can't use that as an excuse for not sharing.
Now, we need to be wise. We need to give where it will be used well.
Illus.: This morning I got on FB and I saw someone post negatively
However, we can't use that as an excuse for not sharing.
about someone who was living on food stamps. I stand here today
Illus.: This morning I got on FB and I saw someone post negatively
about someone who was living on food stamps. I stand here today
having never used a food stamp card myself, but I am grateful for some
having never used a food stamp card myself, but I am grateful for some
government help that fed me as a boy after my father left my mom with
two small kids. I want to make something clear. We can't say we follow
government help that fed me as a boy after my father left my mom with
two small kids. I want to make something clear. We can't say we follow
Jesus and not share what we have. If the church did their job, the
Jesus and not share what we have. If the church did their job, the
government wouldn't have to. I know that this illustration will fire off a
bunch of responses, so let me let you know that I love you and will not
government wouldn't have to. I know that this illustration will fire off a
debate or entertain any debate on what I just said.
bunch of responses, so let me let you know that I love you and will not
The fact remains that sharing what we have is worship. We need to do
debate or entertain any debate on what I just said.
The fact remains that sharing what we have is worship. We need to do
7. Pray for Others
7. Pray for Others
Read v. 18-19
Read v. 18-19
We need to pray for others. Here we see that call from a pastor for
We need to pray for others. Here we see that call from a pastor for
Who should be pray for?
Who should be pray for?
1. The Lost
1. The Lost
2. The Church
3. Pastors & Missionaries
2. The Church
3. Pastors & Missionaries
4. The Family
4. The Family
5. Our Country
This is just a short list, but if you want to worship God just pray. That is
5. Our Country
This is just a short list, but if you want to worship God just pray. That is
the best place to start.
the best place to start.
Illus.: Talk about how I have encountered God most intimately when I
Illus.: Talk about how I have encountered God most intimately when I
was praying.
was praying.
So, what now?
1. Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? If not, will you make
So, what now?
1. Have you made the decision to follow Jesus? If not, will you make
that step today. [GOSPEL]
2. Are you a follower of Jesus? If so, start worshipping the one who is
that step today. [GOSPEL]
greater rather than all the things that have taken a greater
2. Are you a follower of Jesus? If so, start worshipping the one who is
greater rather than all the things that have taken a greater
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