1 Corinthians 11:17-34 (Part 52) The Lord's Supper
Revolves about three themes
• The problem of mockery at the Lord’s Table—vv. 17-22: 1) In general; 2) Specifically
• A review of the significance of the Lord’s Table—vv. 23-26
• Warning about partaking of the Lord’s Table—vv. 27-34
Introduce, vv. 23-26
• The Lord’s Table was instituted by Christ—the love feast was not
• The Lord’s Table was celebrated in direct connection with the Passover
• The Lord introduced the Lord’s Table with a thanks (blessing)
The elements involved
• Its authority: 1) The source—v. 23a; 2) The protection—v. 23b
• Its time—v. 23: 1) Tied to the betrayal—why?: 1) It shows the kind of men He was dying for; 2) It shows the kind of salvation He is dying for; 3) It demonstrates the kind of love that He has
• Its initiation—vv. 24, 25: 1) Bread—represents His body (unleavened at Passover): a) Sinless body; b) Broken body; 2) Cup (unfermented): 1) Represented a covenant made possible by His blood; 2) Shedding of blood places emphasis on the violence of it
• Its obligation—vv. 24, 25: 1) Do this—preset tense (ongoing) and imperative (command/obligation—not choice)
• Its significance—v. 24, 25: 1) Remembrance—“to call to mind”—a word of . . . : 1) Commemoration; 2) Confession; 3) Concentration
• Its proclamation—v. 26: 1) Do shew. a) Emphasis is on significance; b) “For you”—on behalf of you
• Its termination—v. 26: 1) Until He comes: 2) Today we drink in memory; 3) In the kingdom we will drink with Him