1 Corinthians 12:1-11 (Part 54) Spiritual Gifts
Does the Holy Spirit give charismatic gifts today? –it goes in three directions . . .
• Some say none of them exist today
• . . . some of them exist today
• . . . all of the gifts exist today
Some errors
• “The key to” error
• The elevation of the dramatic
Chapters 12-14 outline
• The source of gifts—12:1-11
• Diversity of gifts—12:12-31
• There is priority in the existence of gifts—13:1-14:25: 1) In terms of attitude—13:1-13; 2) Priority of prophecy—14:1-25
• Regulation of gifts—14:26-40
The source of gifts—12:1-11
• Contrasts paganism and Christianity: 1) “Dumb” v. 2—no voice; 2) The assumptions of Christianity: 1) God exists; 2) God talks; 3) God inscripturates
12:1-3—three things . . .
• The subject introduced—v. 1
• Their past reviewed—v. 2: 1) What they once were—v. 2a; 2) How they were once led—v. 2b
• Some facts established—v. 3
Emphasis today
• Emotion
• Religious enthusiasm
• Feeling
• But nothing in terms of truth and mental attitude