Dreams Like Shaddows Rise and Fall
Dreams Like Shaddows Rise and Fall
Psalm 109:23
I am gone like the shadow when it declineth; I am tossed up and down as the locust.
Doug was bullied by all the other children. Some days he would dream of being bigger than everyone else; then he would show them. In the morning he would walk to school, watching his shadow loom out large before him. Oh, if only he were as big as his shadow. Then the other children would run! But each day by noontime, Doug's shadow had dwindled in size and he had to turn his dreams to other solutions.
Often we try to put our hopes on solutions that just aren't real. We kid ourselves into thinking that maybe our problems will take care of themselves and will require little effort on our part. Earthly, easy solutions fade away like shadows in the daylight. We shouldn't look to shadows for answers, but to the light. God is the source of all our solutions. Unlike the shadows, nothing causes God to fade into nothingness. His solutions are forever.
Shine the light of You r truth into my life, and help me to see that there is no solution too large for Your love to handle. Reassure me in times of doubt, O Lord, Amen.
(Wisdom from the Psalms September 2, 2008)