I Corinthians 15:35-49 (Part 72) The Answers Concerning the Resurrection
*First question: How are the dead raised? (15:35-41)
*Second question: With what kind of body do they come? (15:42-49)
• The resurrection body (15:42-44): 1) The nature of the resurrection body (v. 42); 2) The glory of the resurrection body (v. 43a); 3) The power of the resurrection body (v. 43b); 4) The adaption of the resurrection body (v. 44): a) Natural body—back to Adam. b) Spiritual body (example of Christ).
• The precursor of the resurrection body (15:45-49)
• The spiritual body is adapted to the environment of heaven.
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Every system let to its own devices always moves from order to disorder; its energy moves to less and less availability, which allows for no further work. [Around 1850, Rudolf Clausius and William Thomson (Kelvin) stated the Second Law of Thermodynamics].
Last two points of Chapter 15
• The mystery of the resurrection, vv. 50-53: 1) “Now this . . .” (v. 50)—introducing a review of 15:1-49; 2) “Mystery”—something we can only know if we are told. 3) What the mystery is—v. 51. 4) The event (v. 52)—“in a moment” (emphasis on suddenness)
• The victory of the resurrection—vv. 54-58: 1) Triple victory—death, sin, and the law; 2) “Swallowed up”—death has been gulped down; 3) A taunt, v. 55; 4) Sin is sin because it violates God’s law, v. 56; 5) Conclusion and motivation to service, vv. 57-58. 6) “Gives”—present tense—He is giving us the victory.