Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
the world is ripe for change and the supernatural that’s why we are so obsessed with renovation and makeover shows.
the reality of what we are staring at is why the world so hungers for the supernatural.
A tsunami is a great makeover.
An Elijah revolution is coming and it will have transforming effects as powerful as a tsunami and it will effect the entire world.
This statement is a bold one and it is not necessary to make his point.
a lot of what he says in the first few chapter comes out of anger and judgement for the Church in america.
Much of this comes from being tucked away in south america.
the reason I make this statement is not that I don’t believe in the basic primis of this book I chose the book, I chose the book, but also to teach us how to think theologically Critically.
To think theologically critical does not mean to be critical of the person writing, it means to be able to discern the meet from the bones.
a lot of missionaries have a critical spirit when they return to the U.S.A. they see the wealth we live in and the waste it produces, they are right in matter of fact.
they are often wrong in spirit and motivation.
we say around here “if you spot it you got it.”
I have done exactly what i am pointing out here as the pastor of this Church.
I cant say that I have never been frustrated or upset in the last 20 years to the point of Judgement.
What i can tell you is that my Judgement has never produced the desired change.
the statement that I am not sure that I agree with is, “the older generation is dying and the younger generation is refusing to enter a dead church.”
I do not agree all Churches are dead.
in order to see a move of the spirit we are going to have to leave entertainment based attractions and get back to some good ole fashioned “Churchen”
We have to get back to manifesting light and truth.
The Apostle Paul tells us what about prophecy?
page 18. give me the Greek definition and all.
Prophecy is an important part of the Elijah Revolution because it will restore the voice of God in the affairs of men.
Pg 18 Disambiguation.
The meaning of revolution
A drastic far-reaching change in ways of thinking and believing;
2. The overthrow of one government or system and its replacement with another:
3. A sudden and momentous change in a situation.
It’s antonyms include terms like stagnation and status quo.
The incoming Elijah Revolution tsunami is going to eradicate stagnation and status quo.
Things will never be the same again.
All three definition of the term revolution will be evidenced.
It will be a “sudden and momentous change in a situation,” it will “overthrow” one system and replace it with another, and it will bring about a “drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.”
It will be metamorphic in this sense that is not coming to improve were slightly upgrade our present reality.
It’s coming to overhaul and transform everything that has to do with how we think or act.
Why and Elijah Revolution?
The word revolution as a stand-alone word is not a very satisfying term.
The term implies a fight against the status quo without defining the nature of the replacement.
Many have been motivated by revolution for its own sake, but that only joins the spirit of lawlessness that is increasing today across the earth.
That would only further aggravate underlying social ills.
A movement of revolutionaries will always carry a spirit of rebellion unless it clearly articulates and presents a valid replacement system.
A movement of revolutionaries will always carry a spirit of rebellion unless it clearly articulates and presents a valid replacement system.
We can’t just be against things; we have to know what we’re four.
If not, will find ourselves in a similar category as the guerrilla movements in many nations.
They know what they’re against but rarely can they articulate what they stand for.
(Here is a classic example of what I mentioned earlier, he begins to criticize churches that is clearly not a part of.
How easy is it to misunderstand a culture the you’re not involved with, spiritual or otherwise?
The premise of my assumption is that it is extremely easy to misunderstand the culture that you are not familiar with.
My conclusion is simple, in the church we should not comment from the outside looking in.
If we’re engaged in a conversation that requires us to speak against another church, we should be very careful as to how we approach it.
First of all we should preface all of our comments with a simple, “I don’t know about that” what I have found to be true in the word of God is…)
We can already see this dynamic-a thirst for change-at work in churches in the United States.
People are clearly unhappy with the status quo.
They are tired of going to church as spectators of boring, and traditional churches in droves, not because they are losing interest in God, but because they God.
The spirit of religion is so preset and in the mainline churches that it is suffocated the the Holy Spirit out of church.
Not only can most church meetings function perfectly well without the Holy Spirit, they couldn’t function if he actually showed up.
Again Mr. Johnny Enlow seems to be very judgmental here.
He assumes the only time the Holy Spirit is moving is what is visible in an assembled group of people.
Is this always the assumption we want to make about the Holy Spirit?
I believe that Mr. Enlow and I would have similar preferences to doctrine and worship style.
However I think we need to be very careful that we don’t pronounce judgments outside of the Holy Spirit.
It is Jesus in the first six chapters of the book of Revelation who pronounced judgment on the churches in Asia minor.
Not an apostle.
I don’t disagree with many of his conclusions.
We need the power of the Holy Spirit!
We need the power of the Holy Spirit like never before!
We don’t need judgment from one another!
That’s not going to help us move in the power of the spirit!
The Elijah Revolution will cause formally “dead” churches to explode with fires of God in them, while those that reject the revolution will weather, die, and disappear.
The tsunami will either resurrect churches or bury them.
There is a rapidly growing house move in the United States of America.
Some of it carries the spirit of the Elijah Revolution with it, while others of it is just rebellion.
Some house church is even thrown off the biblical mandate of church gatherings to foster the rebellion of I don’t have to listen to anybody I don’t want to.
I like to submit to anybody I don’t want to.
And I can even keep my money, only tipping God here and there.
The bottom line is that we have to check our motives to make sure we’re for something and not just against something.
the Holy Spirit does not oppose pastoral leadership only the witchcraft that occurs in the name of leadership.
Who was Elisha?
In order to fully embrace the light was a revolution, we need to understand who Elisha was, what he did, how is life applies to us today.
Elisha first shows of the first Kings 17 as the prophet of God called to confront Israel with her Baal worship.
His arch enemy was Jezebel, a prophetess of Baal he tried to kill him time and time again.
Elijah was able to decimate the prophets of Baal, and to finally anoint Jehu, the one would destroy Jezebel.
As his closing act, he released the “double portion” mantle to Elisha before being taken up into heaven by a whirlwind.
We want to look at the prophecies of a coming “Elisha” and what is focus will be.
The most significant prophecy close from Malachi 4, after which the Bible remains silent for 400 years.
The last two verses of the Old Testament leave us with an expectation of Elisha revolution that will precede the Lord’s return:
I believe it will be a revolution of mercy because its purpose would be to avert catastrophic judgment.
The key to the restoration is for the hearts of the fathers and their children to be turned towards each other.
This turning is profoundly needed in every level of church life in every level of society.
The lack of true fathers has created devastating voids.
It’s a major contributing cause of the loose sexual morals and homosexuality, as well as many illnesses and social dysfunction.
The absence of true fathers in the house of the Lord has also led to serious dysfunctions in the body of Christ.
So the last communication from the Old Testament addresses what is today a very serious issue.
By being the last information of the Old Testament, the promise of Elisha was taking serious by all scribes and Pharisees.
Even 400 years later in Jesus day, it was clearly known by all that “Elisha” must first come.
And today Orthodox Jews still put Sharon out for Elisha at the Passover-just in case you return, as Malachi promised.
Jesus disciples asked him about this in Matthew 17:10-13:
Jesus validated the Jewish expectation that Elisha would come before the Messiah showed up.
He also established that John the Baptist came in the “spirit of Elisha” (Luke 117 and that there would be a future “coming of Elisha” that would proceed is return.
Jesus simplified Elijah’s task down to the restoration of all things which Peter also referred to in a sermon in acts:
The word restoration APKATAASTASIS in the original Greek text is very powerful.
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