I Corinthians 1:5-19 (Part 66) The Content of the Gospel
A. The content of the Gospel, 15:1-5
B. The doctrine of the resurrection, 15:6-58
1) The proof, vv. 5-8
2) The chief proponent, vv. 9-11
3) The objections, vv. 12-19
4) The affirmation, vv. 20-28
5) The advantages, vv. 29-34
6) The answers, vv. 35-49: Two questions, v. 35: 1) How are the dead raised? vv. 35-41; 2) What kind of body are they going to have? vv. 42-49
7) The mystery, vv. 50-53
8) The victory, vv. 54-58
The resurrection of Christ: Its proof, vv. 5-8
• “Was seen,” v. 5 [passive voice: subject acted upon. 1) Emphasis on what they saw not what He did; 2) It always refers to physical sight.
• The list of who saw, vv. 5-8: Peter, The 12, 500 at once, James, All the apostles, Paul
The chief proponent of the resurrection, vv. 9-11:
• His past persecutor of the church, v. 9
• His presence as an apostle, 10-11
• He credits three things to grace . . . 1) Grace transformed him; 2) Grace motivated him; 3) Grace enabled him
The objections to the resurrection, vv. 12-19
• You say that there is no resurrection
• If that is the case—the following is true