Parenting Principles (Part 2)
Proverbs 19:18
• “Train up
1) Translated often times “discipline”
2) It is intensive here in Hebrew
3) Paraphrase—“discipline intently & consistently” (not hit and miss)
• “Let not your soul spare for his crying”
1) Hebrew style is to use extremes to get a point across
2) Method is correct and no abuse is involved
Proverbs 22:6
• “Train up”
1) To initiate
2) To dedicate
3) To educate
• “The way he should go”
1) Way—manner of life
2) Educate the child tailored to his particular personality
• The promise connected
1) He will not depart from that training
• The assumption
1) Parents will be active and involved not passive
2) Actually guide and not just a responder
Proverbs 20:7
• What the father is spiritually influences what the children are emotionally
• Righteous man—consistent in his conduct which results in sons that are happy and adjusted after him
Proverbs 23:13-14
• Do not hold back discipline
1) Most probably do (it is easy to neglect)
• In both v. 13 and v. 14 each statement has a command supported by an encouragement
• Waywardness is not to be overlooked, v. 13
• Corporal punishment, v. 14
Principles of discipline
• Discipline enforces the principle that all actions have consequences
1) Actions have consequences
2) Thoughts have consequences
• When punishment is needed two things should be avoided
1) Humiliation
2) Embarrassment
• We should and must commend our children (encourage and recognize what is right)
• The child must know . . .
1) What is expected
2) Why it is expected
3) What will happen when not performed
• Learn to help the child determine goals
1) Immediate
2) Intermediate
3) Ultimate
• The aim of imposed discipline is self-discipline
• Do not take away elements of life that are needed for maturity (growth) as a form of discipline
Proverbs 22:15—children are born devoid of the Word of God