Husband Wife Relationship, Ephesians 5:22-23
Ephesians 5:22-33, Husband Wife Relationship [Sunday, January 28, 2018 AM]
Marriage is the nucleus of society
As pertains to the wife, 5:22-24
• "Be subject"--the word is supplied (literally--"wives to your own husbands").
1) The stress is on "to whom" she is subject
2) "What?" to your husbands?--v. 21 (context is the answer):
a) General thought, v. 21
b) Specific, v. 22
• "As unto the Lord" (the motivation).
1) Does not mean to give your husband the same deference that you would the Lord.
2) Does mean submission to one's own husband is the duty owed to the Lord.
Tri-personal relationship
• Submission owed to God
• Given to the husband
In order to have right relationship on the human level, there must be the divine elements
Marriage to be God-centered
• Based on an analogy, v. 23.
1) God has established hierarchy.
2) Does not necessarily imply superiority:
a) Hierarchy in the Godhead.
b) Superiority God to man.
c) Headship with husband wife (order)--included is the concept of protection (v. 23)
Misunderstandings to guard against
• Submission indicates inferiority, I Cor. 15:28
• Submission denies the right to independence, Luke 2:41-51
As pertains to the husband, v. 25
• NT teaching came in direct conflict with the thinking of the day
• The relationship is reciprocal
Characteristics of love
1. It is a love that is realistic, v. 25
2. It is a love that is sacrificial, v. 25b
3. It is a love that is purposeful, vv. 26-27
4. It is a love that is unreserved, vv. 28-29
5. It is a love that is exclusive, v. 31
• Ephesians 5:22-33 shows the practical value of doctrine
• Teaching on marriage is not psychologically based--it is doctrinally based
• Christianity is theocentric (God) not anthrocentric (man)
• Biblical stance becomes increasingly difficult in largely humanistic times
• The major influences of life are anti-God
• All Christian relationships are tri-personal