November 3rd, 2019 - PM - Only Two Choices, Part 2 (Matt. 6:19-34)

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Breaking Bread with Barnabas  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  55:33
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You become free to advance God’s kingdom when you stop worrying about how to meet your own needs and allow God to care for you,

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Write thank you. Take your Bible and join the American chapter number 6. Gasoline praying about three messages. I was praying over today and I think the Lord wants me to go here and just continue where we left off in the next life because much of my groundwork has already been laid in a Matthew chapter number 6, we looked at the remainder of what's here, and we pick up the second major thought for you this morning included that we can serve God and Mammon and so as we look at this chapter, we look at burst 24 and following. I really never summer twenty-five. It's where we need to pick up in 25 out loud with me. Jesus says here. Therefore I say unto you take note off for real. I what you showed me or what what you shall put on it's not the light more than me in the body and rang but I pray that you will bless her time of your work. Minister gray Stewart Golden Age one of us continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ Our Savior in his name. I pray amen. So the principle that we left off with is that we cannot serve God and Mammon at the same time and so with that attitude and there's some things that we can take away from this. Let me give you some points if I could just to encourage you by wave application as we anticipate. What are we going to do? If we follow Jesus this is our savior anticipating where I mind is going to go. He's already ahead of us because he knows once we cross that line we say board here. Am I send me in the back of my mind were wondering if I'm focused on taking care of the things of this life. How's that going to work out? Naturally we ought to be concerned about that in Jesus is going to alleviate our concern before I give you some principles here to take home with you. I want you understand. This passage can be taken out of context. If we were going to put words in God's now and make promises that God never made. The promise that's giving here to live a life free of worry is not a blanket statement for someone to come to that doesn't know Jesus. That hasn't said I'll follow you more. It's the same kind of principle that applies to the Philippian Believers the moving of the Holy Ghost. He promised those Believers at Phillipi because of their Heart chords Mission and their help the policy Minister for the gospels because they Marowak sacrificial giving the Church of Philippi

But my God, shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. So the problem comes when you want to apply that person you're not really wholeheartedly giving to the gospel like God would have e-gift. You see the breakdown. You're not really living for Jesus like you should

The only place you'll find a sweet piece in the comfort that is backed up by versus like Isaiah 26:3 and Philippians 4:6. Be careful for nothing. But the God let your requests be made known unto God. The only time you'll find that piece that everything's going to be okay is when you are right in the middle of where Jesus wants you have stepped over the line. You said Lord. I'm going to serve you. I'm going to trust you. How does that work out of that? Pull out? Play Begin by showing you some examples in the Bible of both how it didn't work out so well, and how did work out? The first I would want you to would be a man by the name of get high again by Ozzy.

And the story that I would remind you of is when this man was serving with Elijah. In Syria up in the North Country. There was a man named was General.

Amtrak in leopard, and he was seeking for a week and there was a little Hebrew girl. Remember the story Little Hebrew girl. She go see and listen to her at first. Then well, okay. So he makes the journey down to go find Elijah. He finds a life at a time what episode

It's just a nasty River. It's not somewhere. You want to be even really getting close to getting into Jesus did.

We had to go to the store.

And so like I can understand that aspect.

Pull up there I go up there. Okay, you want me to get into this to get clean?

So his servants with him convinces him a number 1 through 6 look like kissing you think about that number one or number 6.

Number 7 he comes up at 7 time after all the mud washes off.

Music start when u b i mean what?

diagnosis bill of clean health and so Naaman comes again, if you don't have leprosy and I believe he is trying to get to know if I can take Because you can't find Miracles God can't buy got off with your money. Maybe you're missing the point. Until I mean think about this, this is General high-ranking. General series got plenty of means I can send him away is no I don't need any of it. Can I tell you that Elijah had a single Vision he had a single eye.

He had an evil eye. And he got focused on Mammoth. So as the story unfolds through Reading 2nd Kings 5 and in those verses.

You know what? I don't know why my master said what you said. Now he's he's changed his mind will take the gifts. Okay. So what is Naaman do he gives?

What was it? Somebody remind me special? You can't hear the story about the hate, you know, what happened to him after he took the gifts from Naaman?

She said it. Food and raiment and money and stuff. But the big thing was food and raiment. Change the clothes.

So didn't have a single I he was focused on the Here and Now. And the outcome for him.

I'm not saying that if you don't choose the right decision, you know Jesus. Can I tell you if you do decide to stay on the other side and not hold you before if you wind up distracted serving Mammon said the same kind of corruption will happen in the just like with that leprosy did to get hazy that will happen to any future award you could have it will become contaminated and send will take over and you will miss the mark doesn't mean you walk around and growth in a with Cydia Smith the rest of your life.

On all the blessings I got would happen. If there's another man that I would tell you about. I'll tell you about him rather quickly because you can go back and read about him in the book.

Joshua chapter number 7 was it that saw and lust after in Jericho?

Raymond and where does it go? So do you see why I'm cleaning to these because it was the same for Aiken. It was the same for today.

Food and clothes. Where's the treasure going to be? Tell me about somebody work out the first I would choose actually dripping you the text because we read about what he did in the book of Hebrews. Chapter number 11, but his life account and what he did for God was actually in the first five books of the Bible particularly in Exodus. The man's name was Moses and Hebrews reminds us that. He suffered with kautsky. Why do we do that? Because he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. He weighed in the balances and he says what God wants matters more to me God's people matter more and he suffered Affliction with each individual Peach. He chose to suffer affliction.

Another Joseph story, you know from Rags to Riches from the bulrushes to the palace and yet he chose to suffer Affliction with a greater problem about is a man who has everything going for him. I mean stupid a Pharisee of Pharisees you can read his pedigree in Philippians chapter number 3. And this man came to Crossroads when the Lord showed up in his life and Drew the Line in the Sand and said it's hard for you to kick against the Pricks. In other words of eating meat that is cheap and this man

He didn't have a single eye to begin with God's Modem with blindness on the road to Damascus and he had to go and find in a night in the next town. He would tend to get baptized before the scales will be removed from the side trim spiritual vision. I have a single I forgot floor. What was the glory in Christ Jesus?

Is Christ and to die is gain? That's the single eye. So what are we doing? We serve God we serve God to live by. I would encourage you like those Macedonian Believers. The only way you're going to see that happen this when you first give yourself to the Lord. Is 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 Lord? They were poor didn't have a lot to give to begin with and they were generous with her above and beyond. And the whole race is inverse 5 of 2nd Corinthians 8. It says they're they first gave themselves to the war. Make sure you give yourself to the Lord first. I don't have much work whatever I have is games that you can give money away.

I think about it this way. What is YouTube order your Affairs in such a way, What if we could order your Affairs, you know get an emergency fund a baby emergency fund and all his little six-step there get out of debt have a fully funded emergency fund be working towards investments in kids colleges in paying off houses in and let your money work for you, So it doesn't get to the place where you're not laying up letting it up for your own nest egg. And then you can retire on InFocus in Kingdom Hearts 1 week. We have a missionary that we didn't know was coming.

When I was at Elmwood Baptist Church missionary that we support you could pass in the room. He came out boy and he preached. Space for an event I want to be clear about that. He did not petition.

but through the course of his message was that were listening heard that he had any He was totally unaware that I guarantee you. He had no idea we picked up on what we did and we heard about the money. And this was a huge mean he was talking about Shaq to the trying to build over there and and all the stuff in Nigeria that don't even have shoes on their feet and their pastors and they love God and they want to see people say they're just doing the best I can.

Now I'm telling you this story because through the course of that meeting. We all pray together and we said, you know what we can take care of that. They don't have a generator shipping container generator the whole nine yards. We just decided we're going to do this and we did we raise enough funds to cover the shipping container from the United States to Nigeria with a generator and and clothes and whatever else we can get over there.

a very humble thankful. Yankee Fastener live in Spain wait, but now they could take to distribute Bibles and study books and these things to the pastors and it's generator generator. Turn your electricity on this morning. Don't take it for granted special in California.

So what if you can order your fairs in a way that nobody even knows I'm going to use the hypothetical you come to church and missionary shares the story what if you could just say, you know, what? Between me and the Lord. Is checkbook. What do you need for that? Maybe do some Googling?

We need to pick up the special love offering. I need to go sell shoes to be able to raise extra money, or I'm

dirty work. So now and you saved and invested wisely and the Lord has blessed in his heart and as the Lord has blessed him. So let him give you coming here that nobody else. And somehow someway the funds show up and that need is met on for Mission field simply because you said yes to God and weren't so focused on Mammon that you can help. And you could be used to that that's just how liberating that beat now that I can go and do God's work. You can continue serving the lord give yourselves first to the Lord ways to give money away 2nd Corinthians 9:7. Maybe you need to look at simplifying your lifestyle contentment godliness with contentment is great gain. So I asked you this morning. Whom do you serve is it God or you through question number two from our savior? I believe in my own words paraphrasing it.

Whose kingdom will you advance? Your or God's working out?

Is it God kingdom or is it your kingdom? Matthew 6:25 Jesus makes an inference. He says therefore I say unto you first 25 these words the word therefore, you know, you don't want to ask why isn't there for their what is there for their? They come from two words. They're too tough. And it is a connective and it has a force to it. So it's building on what came before because we've already serving God therefore because you're going to serve God because you're going to have a single eye and because you're going to lay up treasure in heaven because you're a disciple of Jesus. Wanted to do you want to stand before God with a clear conscience? One day Jesus is therefore I say unto you. Don't worry about tomorrow.

Cuz that's in the back of my mind, isn't it? Okay, if I'm not focused on laying this up here. Where did I come from?

I'm worried about that.

Over anxiety that's that with the word review. He says in verse 25 take no thought the word had the idea overly anxious about it. It doesn't mean don't plan and be wise as serpents and harmless as doves in multiple directions because you keeping a single focus on serving God. It's generally do the normal things in life study has suggested that an average person's anxiety from anxiety.

Having anxiety about things that will never happen.

40% of people that struggle with anxiety and worry about things that are never going to happen to 40% 30% are worried about the past. It's about to change anyway. the next xiety to criticism by others What does somebody else say?

What they said wasn't even true and they're all worried about it 12% 10% were overly anxious about their health.

10% of study Which by the way is worse with stress?

8% percent out of all the people that were study only 8% We're worried about real problem that they were going to say. only 8% what consumes most of our anxiety? Okay cirepil. You could also literally translated a because of this.

1944 versus 1924 because of all of that.

Work with 1924 commands our absolute undying unwavering undivided allegiance to God the pledge allegiance to the flag of United States of America. We pledge allegiance to God first. Then we pledge allegiance to America. And you know, so the question arises how in the world am I going to take care of my basic needs if I'm always serving God if I'm always getting everything out if I think about the the caterpillar over after get its name, but you heard me references before maybe her live when he gave gave more outlet and he would get so he was approached about how old is your net profit selling all these big caterpillars and tractors and all that when you're getting so much away.

I don't know how it all works, but I shovel it out and don't worry about tomorrow. Just do what God wants you to do and let him take care of tomorrow and the things you need and so how am I going to take care of my basic needs if I'm always serving God simple it is but he says basically

You're starving. How am I going to take care of it? Because God is always hurting you. He's going to look out for you. Continue care for you to Treasure 2 by 2 Master makes this statement about not worrying about tomorrow and he says let me give you two illustrations illustrations.

and then you'll have another application point about adding height to your stature as I consulted understood that has adding length of an hour or any other day of trying to like You can't do that. In fact worrying is going to take that away. And if you if you get compacted because if you're going to try to add a cubit, which would be about a arm span. That's substantial.

Still Point

that's like a whole arm sling. Can you add that to yourself? I don't care how much you get on an inversion table.

That's that's not going to work. Jesus says you can't add anything to what God has already done and his creating you. So the first one the first come out.

And they're not worried about laying all the stuff. They're not worried about laying up Earthly Treasures. They just do their daily tasks.

Please say no.

It doesn't mean that a bird doesn't have to work through scoop house after double negative. It means he works his his hanging out everyday looking for that next worm. And how often do you see Burger working on Nest we were out camping with huge bald eagles and you can see the folks like up there.

Took a lot of work to build that Nest is not saying you don't have to work to show up if I specifically and that's the wording. If a man will not does not desire to be motivated to work now that you can't eat that. He shouldn't that's the principal and we should have to work too. But there's a difference between what bird does naturally because of its instincts instincts and how it was created. It just knows where there isn't anything to eat that bird might die. Does God see that too? Isn't he concerned about a sparrow? Are there not people? They're hungry around what were there.

So we're not talking about. Answering the problem of world hunger here will be hungry. If Jesus is God's going to provide for them up. There are other things if that's what you're worried about whether I live or whether I die.

favor of life

Whether it's in luxury and a king's Palace or whether it's in a deep dark dungeon somewhere hit. It's forgot. Whether I have a lot or little that matter because I'm serving go instinctively Trust. And works and does what he needs to and God feet. That's the point P6 make they're not worried about it. And then you point this out and I love this specially for Arpita frames. Are you not much better than they?

I do sincerely wish people could understand the difference in how creation unfolded but sadly many people don't even believe the Bible to begin with the Bible does teach that man was created in the image of God. Male and female created he them. And we are the Pinnacle women even being so does that mean he's not concerned about the difference between us and we can plan and there's things that make us different.

and so when we follow what the Bible teaches we learn how to treat each other and we learn how to treat off. We don't wind up in an animalistic Society steeped in cannibalism because everybody's been saying them know there's a distinction. We're not Birds. Jesus points out that God looks much more value to him than Birds. How precious Is It soul of human being for whom Jesus came back Redemption of creation that he can come and shut his black blood to save Birds fishing and he died to save men and women who would believe on him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of world. Officially the savior's if I would have come and fish. Mankind humans needed redemption in Jesus Christ came to be that lamp. He died in our place if we were us ports.

Events happening. He said this in his all the days devotional behold the fowls of the air on this verse to come in and see how much I owe you. My feathered friends who have sung for Me Through The Years free of charge. Since those precious Boyhood days in the country long ago been indebted to the bird poop right through generation after generation of cardinal Meadowlark Kingbird stereo warbler many many more. Heather trouble if they keep singing because they found an answer tell like this. He said they still staying the same to thank the Lord.

Hallelujah God has brought them through and not a sparrow Falls without our father a when's the last time you just thank the Lord for that course of birds waking you up at 6 in the morning on The Farmhouse. That's not warblers. 4:30 every morning. Maurice tillet more than even bird is cheap. Don't worry take care of you apart from miraculous interventions, like Hezekiah or the sun standing still or things that are outside of the normal. You can't add to your stature God for who you are. So are you with me? The Willy will cover the concerns about the raiment and the body release histamine when to come in from the desert every one of those 50 degree temperature changes in the day, you know that has an alarm. This is similar. I think what Jesus is making a point on these points out to see the beautiful wildflowers the Rocky Mountains.

Consider the lilies of the field how they grow they toil not toilets a good word because that comes from the curse coil is when you work and work and work and work and have nothing to show for it when you're done. Where was my bad work work is a four letter word. That is not a bad word mankind work before the fall. They tend to the Garden what became bad was t o i l in your hand with a hammer beautiful. He says and yet I sent to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed is a reflexive close in all of this Raymond in all of its winter all the glory Jesus's we were going black coat and we were watching those snowflakes fall from the sky and you can see all the detail every one of those snowflakes. Are you going to worry about what you can let God take care of that?

Eagle Point next apocalypse statement

Now there's multiple times he's going to use that phrase first disciples usually is when they're struggling, isn't it? So do you see Jesus knows our struggles anticipates? The reason you're struggling with worry and anxiety is because of the lack of faith. Words flower they just trust just trust it will show up in his time for the is way and when it comes she'll be like this morning.

So there's two entrances to imprints. Lambert's first is for today. And the inference second is for tomorrow to Treasures two eyes two masters to illustration to improve entrance for today in infants for tomorrow at least 8 or so, is is the word that you are a verb, don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't work the word take no thought. Okay. This is interesting and I'll lean on the way. Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones for for what I'm going to tell you here. He said take no thought saying his disciples. What should we drink his disciples?

Deadpool after all these things do the Gentiles your heavenly Father Knows.

Be not over careful take no thought don't be worried. I'll be over anxious everyone for the be careful for nothing full of care is the idea. So it's in his studies on The Sermon on the Mount second volume. He says he points out that the original word used to indicate something which divides Something which separated something which distracts?

He goes on to say if you turn to Luke chapter 12 verse 29. Lukaku 94.9 School or tonight show that Soul be required of Thee.

He says her 29 the corresponding passage to this you'll find that the expression is used need to be the doubtful mind. Totem mine which is divided into sections or compartments. It's not single. It's not simple. It's not whole is divided. That fits with the eye being the light of the bottom, right? So it's not functioning as a whole. A Bible Expositor once described it the picture behind this word. He said he could well be Shred.

Take no fault. Don't let your mind become divided and your focus be torn in the triplets.

The devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

I will keep him in perfect. Peace. Whose mind is here's the hard part. Stayed on the

not giving up drinking with the winds and toss. If so, then it's not difficult to understand the mental distractions to break the mental structures of our personalities. Give way to a collapse then so Jesus encourages his disciples.

Just trust God they don't trust God the Gentiles we would expect we expect them to be concerned about all the food and all the rain.

Then where's the go when they're gone, maybe the next Generation if state tax doesn't get first.

It's just don't be like the Gentiles earlier in our prayer time to not be like the Heathen dude. The message of the battle is over and over and over only ourselves and Oblivion. I use that as an illustration of what happens today, and then it's just for them to have therapy and feel better better value to God.

Number 33 Reddit earlier this morning seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. So secondly, okay fervor. Don't worry about today or caught up into that. You know that that's how we expect God for today. What about tomorrow?

Don't worry about the trouble for tomorrow. Number one don't worry about the needs that you have for today number to don't worry about the trouble that you fear would come tomorrow. Take no thought for the morrow you're seeking first. The kingdom of God is righteousness the promise in the rain.

What's 34? Take therefore. No thought for the morrow for the morrow shall take thought that sings with itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. There's a story that was said told by about a man that was walking down the street. He had his head raised high in a friend of his to be a worrywart. No worries and kind of person he stopped and he asked him what happened here with somebody need to worry anymore because you don't have to worry for me. We'll have a great night. It's friendly choir. I give him $1,000 a week.


$10,000 a week. That's amazing. Okay to come up with that kind of money.

downtown week

Sometimes we can look at past and play Matthews Dixon. Things seem too obvious don't they? They just kind of stairs right in the face. But the obvious thing is that Earthly concerns always need to be superseded. Something needs to come before then have him leave priority need to take their place. We have focused on heaven and Kingdom. Will you further or you gone or Mammon? Kingdom will you further as you follow him? Will it be kids or will be yours?

This is you know what, Teriyaki country called The Cure forward the cure for anxiety. I'll tell you what when I did a search through my library. I had no shortages sermon outlines and I probably didn't do half of them justice, but I just want you to see what the text says so that you can make your own conclusion about what Jesus said. And you know, I can give you pointers on this and pointers on that. I can try to help you leave yet.

Did it right there? And once it's right there Then overtime eventually everything will work out in the end. So here's the solute Jesus gifts as we put it all together.

We need to realize that we have a heavenly father who cares for us. We pray to Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Do you realize how much he cares for you? Then why are you worried about tomorrow? If you really do realize that he's going to watch out for every little thing you need for he cares for you movie learn about the devil being a roaring lion.

So we can refuse to worry about material needs. Need a light at the cross say Lord. I'm going to trust God my heavenly father provide leave them with him put his concerns first in your life have Kingdom priority Kingdom. Will you further?

A loving father a solid trust in him a deliberate refusal to worry.

It's going to lead to the same place in Oregon.

first place Play some Disturbed desserts. Total commitment commitment shallow as a disciple and you're only going to go so deep and only going to watch so far until things get tough. Then you're going to get scorched. Leave everything you going to leave everything to follow. Are you really going to leave everything?

Lord we left houses and homes Lansing all that serve you what's in it for us? She don't even know the half of it Jesus a reply to him with Blessings Now blessings them. Everything about Christ our our service to the Lord.

In time is just a small portion. It's the way that we can say. Thank God for providing.

The thing about Luke 12, you know that rich fool. Rich fool burlesque shows on to say that he was not rich toward God.

The heart of a disciple will be rich toward God for to me to live is Christ to die is gain. There's no question the Apostle Paul put Christ over everything in his life. No matter what came. Jesus was always first. So the only way that we're going to get the cure for anxiety that Jesus gives here. It's got its first. Also, if our Earthly needs are placed under his providential care, we trust you take care of that. This isn't a passive approach to life. We work with the birds We Gather as we need to but worth emphasizing is a simple truck simple faith that God can take care of you. This is what he's going to die.

There's going to be anxiety. There's going to be worried thirdly. I want to address this weekend. Many times I feel weird people in counseling and things and there's people that are convinced that anxiety in and of itself is it send? If you mean that you're going to miss the mark God has for you, then I'll agree with you on that. But can I get you to look at it this way? It's not as much of a sin as much as it as it is a burden that you're carrying all by yourself.

You're taking that upon you and God doesn't desire to do that doesn't mean that if you're worried because you walking around and observe how little you really are trusting him and saying for not trusting me more anxiety and worry you more like I should carry that burden your father to his arm and carry you through John wrote these words. the Jesus said let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God believe also in me, so he didn't mean that it was agreed that time and the wording is he was troubled in his spirit. So can you be troubled in spirit and not You have to be able to be our savior. So it's not a matter of the lack of trust. Real trusting God is going to help you overcome. It's going to help you see by faith. That's where the victory is and you'll be able to overcome anxiety worry fear troubled heart is only going to become send listen now. It's only going to become sin and God in control everything because we're servant to that.

Paul wrote this in Colossians, 3:5 and Ephesians 5:5 turn on reader Witt Colossians 3:5 this big long list. And this is what he says at the end of it all mentions covetousness. He calls it what it is. In Colossians 3:5, what does Paul say covetousness is? Along with all the other people is there. One More Dance

it's taking the place of God in your life covetousness mammoth.

I think that's pretty clear and then we'll get into the boards table.

Worry is a futile thing. It's something like a rocking chair. It'll keep you occupied.

But it won't get you anywhere.

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