Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Will The Real Gospel Please Stand Up Part 3
EXPOSED… The Truth About The Ultimate Lie
Point of Tension: What in the world is wrong with the world???
What Is The Lie?
The Lie: I can be complete/ right/ righteous/ completely whole and fully empowered inside of heaven’s abundant life without God.
Gen 2:16-17 The Temptation
Gen 3:1-11 The Fall
One lie wrapped up into 4 parts
If you partake of the knowledge of good and evil...
1.You Will Not Die — You will not lose abundant life — Loving being you
If I live without believing, I can still be a good person.What is death.... Walking zombie...Broken, paycheck to paycheck, fear and anxiety
2. Your Eyes Will Be Opened — Epiphany—See what will make you happy
There is wisdom and knowledge out there that can tap you into a supernatural life without submitting to God.
You Will Be Just Like God / You will be able to make your own decisions
You are god...You can do it your own way… you will be happier...You can trust in yourself… Don’t trust in anyone else...?????How many of you made decisions that brought brought you to your Knees or put you into a hole and if it wasn’t for God … you wouldn’t be here right now.???
You Will Know Good And Evil/ You will know the secrets of life and power that God hid from you.
If you know enough you will be able to do it right enough to feel right about yourself Looking at knowledge as a way to be happy, healthy and safeKnowledge that makes you live in the fear that keeps you from:Praying over your co-workerStarting that businessWriting that book… etc.
1. Did They Die?
Are you living dead?Real death is separation from the source of life--God
Gen 3:22-23 Banish from the garden and the tree of life
Isa 59:2 Your sin has separated you from God
Rom 5:12 Sin entered the world through one man and death through sin
Rom 8:1-2 Law of sin and death/Condemnation
2Cor 3:6-11 Letter kills, / Ministry that brought death which was engraved in letters on stone
2. Were Their Eyes Opened?
Gen 3:7 Eyes were opened and now they realized they were naked (coming up short/ Incomplete)
Rev 3:17 I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing
(Self reliant)But do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and nakedDid They Become Just Like God? Yes / No!
Where have you become your own God....???
Gen 3:22 Man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.
They became like God in that they knew good and evil but unlike him in the area of being able to be right by that knowing.There is nothing inherently wrong with gasoline but is destructive if put in a diesel car
Did They Receive the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Yes!Gen 3:22 Man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.
The Truth About The Ultimate Lie
The Ultimate Lie Is The Cause Of All Sin And Therefore All Death
Rom 5:12 Sin entered the world through one man and death through sin
Rom 8:1-2 Law of sin and death
2Cor 3:6-11 Letter kills, / Ministry that brought death which was engraved in letters on stone
2. The Ultimate Lie Makes Us Slaves To Self And Condemnation
Jn 6:63 The Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing
Gal 3:3 Are you trying to attain your goal by human effort?
3. The Ultimate Lie Is The Opposite Of Love
Because the law is about self… Love is about others and giving.
Jn 5:37-42 Study the scriptures diligently but do not have the love of God in your hearts
4. The Ultimate Lie Is The Opposite Of Faith
Heb 11:6 Without faith we cannot please God
Gal 3:12 The law is based on human effort, not faith
Faith releases miracles
Mark 9:23 Everything is possible for him who believes (Man with demon-possessed son)
James 5:14-15 Prayer offered in faith make the sick person well.
Luke 17:19 Your faith has made you well (10 lepers)
Lk 8:48 Your faith has healed you (Woman with issue of blood)
Lk 18:42 Your faith has healed you (Blind Beggar)
Take Home Truths
1. Have you bought into the lie of all lies???
2. Are you living in the only thing God never wanted you to have and the only thing satan wanted you to have?
3. Are you believing that you can go without prayer, worship and bible reading and still live in the amazing life God has intended for you.
4. Are you believing that you can fulfill your deepest needs and longings through people, ministry, hobbies, sports, movies, media, business and financial gain.
5. Are you believing that you can be right or righteous if you do the right things, (a life wrapped up in me and my works) without genuinely believing God
6. Are you living outside of believing God and living intimate with him
Your Response To Truth
1. Are you willing to confront the reality of your wrong relationship with the law?
2. Are you willing to surrender to God’s way of making you right/complete?
3. Are you willing to begin a new life of getting your life (that which makes you enjoy you being you) from believing God and living in him?
Our Sacred/Damaged Conscience
Delivered from a sin consciousness
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9