Thanksgiving 2019
God does so much for each of us. This week we need to focus on how thankful we are for a Wonderful Christ! We should do it everyday, but this week reminds us.
I) The Teachings of Thanksgiving
Being thankful is the result of being Spirit filled!
Being thankful results in living victorious lives
“This was Paul’s defiant, triumphant cry in the face of every trouble, and in the face of every contingency, and every conceivable trial or temptation, any and every emergency that might arise. He seems to challenge every force of the entire universe. He laughs at death. He defies principalities and powers. he hurls the gauntlet at things present and things to come. Though to be accounted as a sheep for the slaughter and be killed all the day long, yet victory shall be his. Neither tribulation, nor distress, nor persecution, nor famine, nor nakedness, nor peril, nor sword shall separate him from the love of Christ. There is no creature that shall ever separate Paul from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus the Lord. Not only will he conquer, but he will be more than conqueror.”
II) The Importance of Thanksgiving
In the first chapter of Romans, when Paul is cataloguing the destruction of a culture, he says one of the evidences of the decadence of human society is that people become unthankful. In Timothy he gives as one of the evidences of the end times that people are unthankful.