Core Belief - God is Good - invokes Thankfulness 11/24/2019

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MIT presents and we thank you that you are here you are ever present help in time of trouble. We thank you that your hand is extended towards and on our behalf. We pray today God that as your word Goes Forth it will accomplish everything that you sent it to and it will do our part allowing it to grow and be rooted deep within our hearts so that we can bear and bring forth much fruit. Will you ask Lord that you would just touch are hearing touch are seeing this experience that were have right now Lord. Will hear from you in Jesus name and everybody said amen. Everybody knows what's coming up Thanksgiving least if you don't now that you do, you know. All of us can say a lot of things about being thankful and stuff. But I think one of the things is if we Center in on who God is It will cause us to be thankful. Do I have the title to message thankfulness and vote which the word invoke since you might not have ever. It's just a thought I had so I just looked up the word, you know, sometimes I get thoughts and it means to draw on engender spawn put into effect that makes someone have a particular feeling or remember something do I believe as we see God for who he really is it will invoke. Birth and Ross into thankfulness, you know what Thanksgiving during the holiday time. Some people have this tradition that they go around go around the table or or maybe even around the room after they eat their meal and they express the one another what they're thankful for and that's that's good. If you do that, I like that better than people calling next Thursday turkey day if some people have watered down some so many things to means so much of nothing, you know, it's the time of really If we cannot stop in our life and then and think of things that we should be thankful for what we are definitely way too busy, but one of the things that I want to Center in on cuz that is good and and I don't see nothing wrong with that. I'm glad that we do that thank God and aren't thank people for the four things and good things has happened and all that but I think there's even something more than of being thankful. And that's thanking people for who they are not for what they do. And so today I just wanted to express to you not that this is anything new but I do know I have everybody has but I have four beliefs but I feel like our basic fundamental things that make me who I am and beliefs are powerful, you know, if someone believes something strong enough if it can change the color of their hair people have been struck with fear. and their hair change a moment. I just quickly. I mean this this this proven that this cuz he's kind of what people believe they believe something bad is going to happen to him. They were people have dropped dead over what they believe by hearing words. The police are very powerful if it can be if we can see a lot of it in the negative of belief is also very powerful in the positive. And so everybody in your has beliefs. one of the purposes I believe of us gathering together is hopefully change beliefs that need to be changed and reinforce believes that need to be reinforced encouraging one another but also exposing you to maybe belief belief that are something you should take onto I also describe beliefs is like planting a flag in the ground, you know and saying this is where this is my territory and this is what I believe in and I'm not I'm not giving up the ground that I have had that I have in my belief. I'm always open to God to change my beliefs least. I want to tell myself that but police are very important and the word good is thrown around a lot in our in our culture and in our just we we use the word good a lot and there's nothing wrong with that with the one time we reading scripture where a person that it was kind of like if you kind of step back and see the scenario he was wanting The ad Jesus to his lie.

He wanted he was wanting to add him to his life. But the problem was is that that's not what Jesus was calling for? And Jesus doesn't want to be added onto what you're already doing. He wants to destroy what you're doing and be the beginning of something new and great. And so here with this man. He was rich. He was young. He was a ruler who he kept the law. He was obedient to his parents. He did a lot of the right things. He came running to Jesus. He knelt down before Jesus and use all these kind of all these things, but he said something to Jesus that Jesus would not let go. He said Mark 10:18. Well, I'm not reading what he said, but he said right before the 7 first 17. Is it good teacher what must I do to inherit eternal life something along that line and Jesus stopped him and said something to him that I don't know if we have stopped long enough to hear what Jesus is saying here, and that's what I'm hoping to do today. But Jesus said you have why do you call me good? No one is good, but one. That is God.

I have a strange response. I would think. Instead of Jesus moving on he he wanted to abruptly stop with this man had to say and focus on something that I'm wanting us to focus in on today. There is only one. That is good.

And so I don't know if we are we see glimmers of good. We see glimmers of good coming from people. But God is 100% good. 100% good, you can't say he's not diluted so to speak. The soldier describe the scriptures declare something about God that maybe we've overlooked or misunderstood and even mess mess represented. God is 100% good and you'll mankind struggles with Concept that I'm sharing with you today. They look at the world around them and say how can that be? How could God be good while I'm looking at the world today?

Well, the Bible does have answers for that. But just if you just kind of casually looking. There's some for 6 in the first part of the verse says there are many who say who will show us any good. NASCAR like where the where people are at today, you know like well, yeah, let's show me good. Your religion also doesn't believe. That God is good.

If they do believe that God is good that usually twist the meaning.

And I'm you know, I always use religion in a pretty wallet and a negative slant. So I'm you know, it can be used in a positive way cuz it says in James at pure religion and undefiled before God is to visit orphans and widows in distress Till There is a pure religion, but we're not so so when I use the word religion I'm talking about that which is anti what God is all about cuz guys about relationship not about us doing a bunch of stuff to get favor with God or to impress our maker. So they Twisted, you know, though, they'll say things like this relational say something like that. You never know what God is going to do.

You know, he might just want to break your legs to teach you something. I've been upset in I've said under people that it's hot me.

About stuff like that in the name of Jesus.

I'm a male and I meant to say.

And they will call that guy being good breaking your legs, but I want to tell you something. He doesn't break your legs. just doesn't and I will I don't believe that that that's formula and that presentation of who God is is accurate. I believe it's a distortion. I do not believe that the devil is God's you sent him out to do his Dirty Work. I don't believe God and Satan are even mostly alike. And I believe that the that light doing the Bible calls God light and caused the devil Darkness. There's a reason for that cuz they're not nothing alike yet. Some people in their religious abilities try to color it or we are confused.

You know the religious people of Jesus day got upset because Jesus would heal on the Sabbath said we're thinking about the healing they were thinking about the rules. They were thinking about all these other things that you know, you can't touch lepers and you got the stone the guilty and that's what they were into but Jesus showed a difference picture. Your experiences and our fallen world would lie to us. About the goodness of God and who got is and it's constant and unending.

Because we cannot look to our experiences. This is as we all have them as to be the the definition of what God is and what good what good is

sayings out the convinces out of the nest. He's he's his name me and slander and he's out the slander God and he's out to convince you that guide your problem. Any lies about who God really is? I'm very passionate. I might not be showing it right now. I'm very passionate about what I'm talking about today.

Has God is not a child abuser?

God is not what people say he is very

it troubles me deeply sometimes when I hear what people say God is like and we is he's not child abuser

There are things that if people did what they say God does will be locked up.

God's not a murderer.


God is 100% good.

And there's no darkness in God.

He only wants to bless your life. He only wants two to make things so much greater than we can even ask or think or even conceived. That's who God is.

I'm glad that we have a thing called the Bible.

The book I was looking for one. I carried around in my phone, but they don't look through through spiritual. Does it? I have a lot of versions in here. But anyway.

So I'm not a bible thumper on my iPhone Tapper. Okay.

But I'm glad that we have the Bible because she it reads the same.

It reads the same. The Bible says in Psalm 119 160. The entirety of your word is truth. The truth that God is good as so powerful that it it will be the pillar that will hold you up in hard times difficult time when life is crumbling all around you knowing that God is good that will hold that will hold you.

Because if he's against you you have you are lot you are without. Hope you have no chance.

Did some people think that God is out to get them if he's out to get you your already got.

David said it like this. I would have lost heart unless I had believed he had a belief system that I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living. They he didn't even just thinking about you in the sweet by-and-by. He was thinking about the the tough now now That he would see the goodness of God in the land of the living. So you have a choice and what do you believe?

I'm going to read out of some different versions of scripture today Psalm 145:9. The Easy-to-Read version says the Lord is good to everyone. How many?

That hasn't been good to me. The Lord is good to everyone. He shows Mercy to everything he made. That's God. God is merciful.

Living Bible says he is good to everyone and his compassion is intertwined with everything he does.

You ever walked into a sweet-smelling room. Everything is Tainted with that Aroma, right? That's the way we can have we can God leaves a scent. So to speak and everything that he touches everything that he does and doesn't leave leave you with a stench of death. I'm telling you. It's a sweet-smelling Aroma. It's wonderful. It's wondrous and everything that God touches. I'm telling you it comes to life. Under the tree in the Bible talks about in the future that we're going to get in this River. It's called the River of Life.

Read about it even in the Old Testament this River everything then it touches lives.

The Message Bible says it's 14059 like this God is good to one and all and every everything he does is suffused with Grace. It means just a guess. This is all the same verse but it just is suffused means it's like it's like Intertwined in in an intermingled and it's like like I said that like the aroma in a room. Everything is in touch with his his one version says Mercy one version says compassion one version says Grace because it's hard sometimes to say with one word. What a word means, hopefully. Jesus said it well.

Here's what I want. I challenged everybody if you have trouble.

in seeing God look at Jesus.

The Bible tells me he is the exact representation of his nature.

He's either he is what you would call an exact. Duplicate her whatever. I it's you. See Jesus you see God you see Jesus look. Look at the gospels with that. Thought this is for the way God is this is God. This is how God would deal with this situation. You can hear the heart of God when the disciples wanted to call down fire from heaven. Jesus says, you don't know what Spirit you're off.

When they wanted to Stone the woman caught in the act of adultery, what was Jesus doing? He wrote In The Sand I don't we don't know what he wrote In The Sand but when he stood up he says woman, where are your accusers?

He says I don't condemn you. Who is he speaking here? Only thing the only thing you said was what God told him to say and he's the exact representation of God. But you know what? He did say go and sin no more because he knows what symbol do telling somebody not to sin is not a negative thing. It's a positive thing.

I've said this many times and I think it's something good to remember Stan is not the list of fun things that God does not want you to do. Said it's not that that's what you think. That's what people think Beyond The Heart level. That's what they believe Satan is the thing and got his want me to do that. I want to have tells the truth is the same as the thing is killing you. Swedish. It's rather than from you it's taking from you. It's promising life, but it's taking it from you.

Bromances that we we probably as Believers Heaven representing God want us to know that living for God is the most happiest joyous experience. You can have some people look like they they met Godzilla or something.

When I expressed Jesus. Like a dill pickles for breakfast.

That doesn't have a bad hair day.

He doesn't just go yours. Just something about you that takes me off.

Isn't it wonderful know that there's a person that did the Bible declares. That's 100% good. He's all the time good. He can't do anything but be good.

And there's no fluctuation. Jane says there's no variation. There's no shifting Shadow. You don't even matter where angle you looked at it no matter if you walk all the way around. You look at every every aspect everything that his did everything that he does all his Works. Everything is Park his mom is everything about him is 1/8 and its 100% good all the time when he says no, he's looking down the road and he knows exactly what you're wrong decision is going to do for you. And when is their produce for you?

We just had Hollywood and all these people proof for trade of us that having three women is 4 better than having one woman asked Solomon how that worked out.

One's enough. I'm telling you.


Jesus said it well. accurate and without hesitation notice what he says in Matthew 5 But I said you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you God loves his enemies. I mean if Jesus is telling us to love our enemies and pray for those that are persecuting us. This is a reflection of God's heart for people.

You didn't love what they do. He loves them right he loves them so that you may be the sons of your father who is in heaven for he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous Yokai dismiss have a little thing where you know, like, okay.

I have sunlight for you, but not for you know, he cares about everybody. He's in his goodness and Matthew 7 9 through 11 and and or what man is there among you? If his son asks for bread. Will he give him a stone guys that you know your Charlie Brown he went he went trick-or-treating and got rocks. That wasn't his heavenly father that gave him the rocks.

If you ask God for a fish, he's not going to give you a serpent, right? If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children. And it did this is the thing. I love about scripture in and comparing scripture with scripture and seeing what it has to say. The Bible says this about God and ice.

Do we think the Gods Not compassion? Oh God, yo, and we will we will try to bring him down to a lower level than us and the Bible says that our love

for children wanted to do the best we can for our children are loved in comparison to God and his love our love's just evil. It's only way I can describe it. We don't know what 100% good is. We've never seen 100% Could we see glimmers? Rebuilding scripture, but still it stated our perceptions of of it all.

When Jesus says give expecting nothing in return how many of us can say we give expecting nothing in return we do it we are we're walking the best that we know how it it, but it was 7 doesn't have a well what's wrong with him. What's wrong with her?

You think at least say, thank you.

That's continually giving God continually pouring out on us. How much states does he get? even from his own people there was ten lepers that were healed. How about that? Only one 10% 110 came back and even acknowledge. What happened?

How many people has God spared your life?

Enter and they've already forgotten about it already discounted try to Exhale. You know, I just I just had it just was luck. Whatever that is. Left is bad. I don't know. I haven't done any research on as if I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I heard Lex based on the word Lucifer.

I guess I'm not going to give him any credit for things happening in my life. I ain't Givin luck credit for anything.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Just take a step back. Which is how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him just take a step back. I don't think we have you ever taken the time maybe just to take a step back and just look at the life of Jesus and see how he how we did things and recognize the fact that this is God in action.

Time and time again. He demonstrated the goodness of God, you know when some people can't handle goodness and your wife the religious people didn't did not like the goodness of God. It made them mad because they were power hungry. They were they were control first people. They were more worried about their control and their power then about the goodness of God.

To see when God got them. BJ's giving us gifts. It can make us mad if your heart's not in the right place. I wanted this and I got that.

Sometimes I went on Facebook and say things and people don't know exactly what I'm saying. That's why I leave it ambiguous so that wherever your heart's at. You can hear God's wanting to say to you about that situation. Not just about what I'm going and dealing with it that time but you know, it's just important to know that sometimes we ask for things. And we don't like what we get.

But that's not what we wanted.


If God only gives good and perfect gifts. Maybe we need to.

Take what he gives us and be joyful about it house that be joyful.

The Bible says Jesus in scripture that says Jesus totally Express God in his goodness. It says an acts 10:38 passage. It probably most of you know by heart how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power who went about doing good. He just didn't talk about goodness. He did goodness and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with him.

Jesus went around demonstrating who got is and you know how he did it. He healed the sick. That's how he did it.

Set people free. That's how he did it.

Yo, Jesus didn't when people came up for healing. He didn't say or not. Hold on. Hold on. Have you been a good boy?

I'm just saying if you are the deliverer come up and said Lord if you're willing if you're willing you can make me clean. What did Jesus say well now, where are you live for the wrong? That's how we look at this. Hell are religious stupid religious. Thinking can be well. Why are you where you're at now? It says Jesus is the Jesus response was I am willing.

I don't know if there's anything for you, but it's exciting to me to know that's what that's the way God is that's how he's looking at it. He knows he knows our Frailty. He knows we make stupid decisions. He knows that you don't have to tell if you can find out when you told him.

Joette that isn't stop the goodness of God. I understand that. There are things that we do there that we might have to bear the consequences of our actions that that's not what I'm saying, but it doesn't stop God for what he wants to do now. He can still in the midst of all our Brokenness pickup. The pieces and start bringing health and healing into our lives. Whatever it neat whatever needs to happen. He is the repair easy. He's the restore. That's who he is. He's a repairer of the breach.

Jesus let me know who the thief was.

God is not your robber. He's not a robber. He's not a thief he's not taking from you anything that used to he that we didn't take him from you or anything. He takes and asked you to give up is because it's stealing from you. Not that it's stealing from him. His motives are all one hundred percent pure.

The Bible Jesus said the thief is the one that comes to steal kill and destroy Jesus said I am the I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. Jesus went on to say I am the Good Shepherd. He said Good Shepherd, right the Good Shepherd gives his life for the Sheep. There's a Christian song back in the 80s. That you heard me quote. You might not know. I was quoting a song. It's called God Good Devil bad. If you learn that today, you are on your road to Blessing by leaps and bound if you know that truth. Paul declare God's goodness. He says in Romans 2:4 or do you despise The Riches of his goodness forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance.

It's God's goodness. It leads us to repentance people. I know that we could be in in our darkest situation, but it's his goodness it and it's leading us to repent and turn away from those things in 2nd Corinthians. 5:19 and 20. It says is the New Living Translation for God was in Christ who was in Christ God. What was he doing reconciling the world to himself. So when Jesus was on the earth guy was in Jesus and he was doing something he was saying God's not your enemy. I'm trying to let you know. He's your friend. He wants to be your friend. He wants to make a man's he wants to Jesus was God's representative and he's ran around trying to bring reconciliation to the world right to get to the father. Right? So no longer counting their send people sends against them. Your Jesus didn't get up and start. I don't know why sitting down there with the sinners in the eating and drinking with him. He ain't talking to him about there since it says it got wasn't counting their sins against them. That wasn't just trying to bring reconciliation.

God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world. John 3:17, right? Choices, so we are Christ's ambassadors. God is making this appeal through us we speak for Christ. When we please come back to God, that should be our thing. Should have looking for something to be wrong. Why don't we looking for reconciliation? Where are we looking and quit it look and trying to categorize people while we just love people.

It's his goodness that will bring them to repentance when they see how good God is they will recognize. That in their life that has been destroying and bringing destruction. So in closing they closing price on it. When is that going to happen?

Don't be deceived Bible says do not be deceived anytime. You read the phrase do not be deceived recognize the Holy Spirit know something.

That you're not aware of.

There are several times in the New Testament. It says this phrase do not be deceived whatever follows after that is somewhere that the Holy Spirit recognizes that there's great deception among people. And so why is it it's just give me a little Cube. I got to really listen to this cuz this is important. This is really a big thing to me says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above can comes down from the Father of Lights whom there is no variation or shadow of turning our thankfulness people should be invoked by God and His 100% goodness. Goodness. I'm hoping that you will say yes to God and all that he has for you. And yes who God for the plan that he has for you.

You may think you have a better plan. You may think you have a better way. You may think if I do this short I take this little shortcut.

There are no shortcuts.

That says it like this in closing in general my 29:11 for I know the plans that I have. I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord God has plans for you.

Plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future that's in IV version of way saying that God has plans for you. I remember when I was growing up and young and they had was this little tract that they would hang out called the four spiritual laws. And if you ever remember that one of the things that they talked about in this little packet was that God has a wonderful plan for your life.

And that is a true statement. It's not Pie in the Sky wonderful, but it's wonderful. We live in a fallen world and there are things that you and I have to face that are not easy. Does it mean that everything is going to be a smooth ride sometimes? The holy spirit's going to say buckle up.

But I'm driving the car just buckle up.

But there's a crash ahead buckle up.

And you know the time has it might feel like that in our physical life. But you know Paul said it well and said, you know, I've learned that in every situation no matter what he faced whether he had a lot or didn't have a lot because I just do a lot of paraphrasing here if he's at the top or if you was at the bottom. If he was rich or if he was bored, he said I learned something and all these different things. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And you know what? You cannot be defeated if you know that God is for you and not against you the Lord your helper. What should a man do to me if you know these verses and understand that God is good. You might not understand everything. Who dies? Who dies? But if you can put your trust in a person and knowing that he is he's one hundred percent good and you're doing everything, you know.

to be obedient and what you can trust that what you're walking through is God.

David said even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil for you are with me. So let's all Stand Together.

I'm hoping somehow this would invoke can you something fulness? Knowing that God is good and that he is for you and he is he he has wonderful plans for your life even matter what your age is? It matter what your age is if you're here, he's not he's got things for you.

or we thank you for this day and for just The wonders of who you are. We don't even know what all those wonders are but we know that you are wonderful. We know guy that you are 100% good and I just pray for her that you would help each person at the sound of my voice that that would be A pillar in their life a pillar that they can hide under a filler that they can Embrace in their life and know that that's a strength for them God and I just ask Lord your blessing on your people as they leave and that they will they will if there are things in their life that they recognize are not of you they will lay it all down at your feet and say Lord. What is it that you want me to do?

is one day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.

In Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen if any of you.

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