11/24/2019 Sermon Engage The Battle 3
Defining Biblical Gossip,
Slandering, Backbiting, Etc.
Great and Wonderful Discussion:
Is it edifying and building people up?
Is it biblical?
Would you stand in the pulpit on Sunday and repeat?
Is it pleasing to God’s ears?
If Discussing A Problem With The One Person Of The Problem:
Is the root of the problem biblical; not just your opinion?
Since the problem is with this one person, are you following
Matthew 5:23-24 and Matthew 18:15-17?
If Discussing A Problem Involving Another Person(s)
Is the root of the problem biblical; not just your opinion?
If possible, have you talked directly with that person or persons?
Are you talking to someone with all the facts and knowledge?
KEY: Are you talking with someone who has the responsibility
and authority to facilitate correcting the problem?
If you have been or ever find yourself in such wrong conversations,
know this - you are Gossiping, Slandering, Etc.!
You need to stop immediately.
Interrupt the speaker and tell them this is not appropriate.
If they don’t stop immediately, tell them you will be glad to go
with them right now to talk with the Pastor about this.
If they refuse to stop, leave.
If they don’t stop talking and you don’t stop listening, know this:
You are committing a grievous sin before God.
You need to repent of your sin.
If you have done this in the past, you still need to repent of your
Also Cf. Romans 1:29-30; 1 Timothy 5:13; 2 Timothy 3:1-7
Biblical Definition of Gossip – a person who spreads rumors or idle,
fruitless tales. The Apostle Paul described some of the early believers
as “not only idle but gossips and busybodies” (1 Tim. 5:13). Jesus said,
“For every idle word men speak, they will give account of it in the day
of judgment” (Matt. 12:36).
Biblical Definition of Slander – evil, malicious talk intended to damage
or destroy another person. Slander is prohibited throughout the Bible.
The greatest slanderer of all is the Devil, or Satan – the adversary who
opposes God’s people and accuses them before God (Job: 1:9-11; Rev.