A New & Living Way
Sermon Tone Analysis
The Hebrew writers speaks of Jesus being the inaugurator of a new way into the presence of God the Father through the blood of Christ - v 19, 20
This new way is the only way unto eternal life. This “way” is familiar to us in other passages of Scripture - ; ; ; ;
The author of Hebrews writes to Christians who are being persecuted and tempted to forsake Christ and Christianity to go back to keeping the law of Moses. But he affirms that the Christ is the author of the “new and living way.”
Contrast of “ways:”
Old and Dead Way
Old covenant - 8:13
Dead works - 9:14
Based on family - 8:10,11
Animal sacrifices - 10:4
New and Living Way
New covenant - 8:6
Good works - 10:24
Available to everyone - 8:10,11
Human sacrifice (perfect, free-will, sinless) - 10:8-10
A New Way: Jesus Christ
A New Way: Jesus Christ
Entrance into the presence of God is available through the blood (metonomy) of Jesus - v 19
Jesus lowered Himself for the purpose of death - 2:9
Through His death atonement/propitiation might be made - 2:17
Without His shed blood then redemption would not be made possible - 9:12
It is the blood of Christ that effects the forgiveness of our sins! There is no other way in which forgiveness of sins may be accomplished - 9:22
Christ inaugurated our salvation through His flesh - v 20; 2:10,14
“...through the veil, that is, His flesh”
The veil (metaphor) of His flesh (metonomy), i.e., Christ’s sacrificial death
At the death of Christ the veil into the Holy of Holies was torn asunder; the symbolic passing of the old way/covenant -
The High Priest was to only enter into the Holy of Holies once a year, going into the presence of God. These things were a figure, that Christ only had to die once to give the way unto God, entering into heaven, the true Holy of Holies - 9:8, 24-27
It is through the passing of this veil, the death of Christ, which allows us the way and access to the Father.
2.It is through the passing of this veil, the death of Christ, which allows us the way and access to the Father.
The death of Jesus was the work of Him as our great High Priest - v 21a
Every High Priest comes from among men in order to represent man - 5:1a
1.Every High Priest comes from among men in order to represent man - 5:1a
Every High Priest offers sacrifices for sins - 5:1b
Jesus is our great High Priest because of His perfect sacrifice, Himself - 2:17; 10:8-10
Jesus Christ serves as priest over the house of God - v 21b
Moses served over the house of Israel - 3:5
Jesus serves over the church - 3:6
It is the church, the house of God, that has access to the Father - 12:23
A New Heart: Cleansed By Blood
A New Heart: Cleansed By Blood
By the new and living way we are able to draw near unto God - v 22a; 4:16; 7:25
The way by which I draw near to God is by sincerity of mind and heart and the full assurance of faith - 11:6
The kind of faith I am called to have is an obedient faith - 11:7,8
Through an obedient faith I am then able to have my heart renewed and cleansed - v 22b
The focus is on the inner man, the heart, not the outer, physical ceremonial cleansing of the old law.
The sprinkling of blood alluded to Old Testament sanctification - ;
However, we are not sprinkled with the blood of animals; rather, the blood of Christ cleanses our conscience - 9:13,14
The blood of Christ is the cleansing and saving means by which our sins are atoned.
Our bodies are washed with water to accomplish purity and salvation - v 22c
The focus continues to be on the inner man, not the outward ceremony. Water baptism is not a church rite and ceremony that recognizes you’re a Christian and becoming a member of a local congregation.
Water baptism cleanses the conscience, not by the outward appearance and act, but by the blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ -
A New Hope: Assurance of God
A New Hope: Assurance of God
The Hebrew writer exhorts his audience to hold fast the confession of our hope - v 23a
The confession of faith in Christ as the Son of God, the One who died for the remission of sins, and the One who was raised on the third day, filling us with joy and confidence.
The confession pertains to Jesus Christ as our Apostle and High Priest - 3:1,6
Confidence in the work of our High Priest, Jesus Christ, is the beginning of my faith. If I lose my faith, it often is because I doubt the efficacious death and blood work of Christ
It by the work of Jesus Christ that I have hope of entering into the presence of God in heaven - 6:19,20
The exhortation of “holding fast...without wavering” implies that some do waver, some do lose faith
Faithfulness to God is rewarded - 11:13-16
Unfaithfulness to God is punished - 10:26-31
I must remain stedfast and confident in my faith in Jesus Christ, specifically in His death and the saving power of His blood.
God is faithful to His word and His promises - v 23c
God who sent His Son to this world to die has provided everything that is necessary for my salvation. I have no reason to doubt the hope which He provides me with.
God is faithful in His dealings with men
The example of Abraham - 6:13-16
The same is true of us - 6:17-19
The two immutable and unchangeable things are God’s oath and His promise - v 18
For it is impossible for God to lie - v 18
One day a father left his son at the street corner downtown, telling his son that he would return in about half an hour. The father’s car broke down and he couldn’t get to a phone. Five hours passed and he was worried that his son would have left in a panic. But when he got there he found his son standing in front of a store. The father hugged his son, and apologized for being so long. “Weren’t you worried,” the father asked, “did you think I was never coming back?” The son replied, “No, dad. I knew you were coming. You said you would.”
The child of God is assured of the Father’s faithfulness, no matter the time. We retain our hope in times of delay. We place our trust in our God and live in accordance to our hope.
A New Life: Love and Good Works
A New Life: Love and Good Works
The new and living way through Christ’s death and blood, gives me new a new life
On the “living way” I am to consider one another, considering the need of my brethren and how I can be an encouragement to them, exhorting them to do what is right - v 24
The term provoke means to incite, to stir up. I am to stimulate my brethren in Christ by my good example and my concern for them.
I must encourage my brethren to do loving things and good things. I should encourage my brethren to behave as they ought to and not participate in questionable activities.
C.Neglecting my responsibilities to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ is seen in lack of effort and attendance of the worship assembly - v 25
Neglecting my responsibilities to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ is seen in lack of effort and attendance of the worship assembly - v 25
The child of God that has lost faith, lost hope, lost trust in God’s provision of His Son and has abandoned Christ and Christianity, neglecting the church is the person under consideration.
If I am to remain strong, faithful and confident then I need the people of God in my life.
Having the local church in my life will encourage and exhort me to be faithful on a daily basis.
The new way that Christ has provided gives me a new purpose in my life with a newfound sense of concern for, not just myself, but my brethren.
You can find yourself on the new and living way this very day by being obedient to the gospel of Christ, having your heart sprinkled with the blood of Christ, having your conscience cleansed in the waters of baptism.
Then you must continue on in your faithful living unto God.