Common Lies Christians Believe • Sermon • Submitted
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It’s Simple. You’re Already Healed.
It’s Simple. You’re Already Healed.
I believe one of the most misunderstood aspects of the Christian life is the subject of healing. Because it’s so misunderstood, many believers approach healing as something that needs to be done or will be done not something that HAS been done. And really this mindset can be applied to many other aspects of the Christian life—peace, joy, wealth, deliverance, forgiveness and on and on. We approach all of these things as if we do not already possess them. We approach God from a place of lack instead of a place of provision. We approach them as future events instead of past tense.
One of the BEST passages to describe what I’m referring to is . I want to read the NKJV and the Passion Translation version.
Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.
But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
Yet he was the one who carried our sicknesses
and endured the torment of our sufferings.
We viewed him as one who was being punished
for something he himself had done,
as one who was struck down by God and brought low.
5 But it was because of our rebellious deeds that he was pierced
and because of our sins that he was crushed.
He endured the punishment that made us completely whole,
and in his wounding we found our healing.
I want to break down the original language so we can better understand exactly what Isaiah saw. The word “surely” is what’s called “a marker of emphasis” meaning Isaiah is emphasizing what he’s about to say. It’s like PAY ATTENTION!
Borne our griefs. The word “borne” means “cause to move up or lift up, carry, carry off, bear, forgive, remove guilt incurred and its penalty, suffer, bring upon.” Griefs is LITERALLY “SICKNESS, illness, wounds, affliction.” He lifted up and off and carried off all our sickness, illness, wounds, and affliction. And what’s amazing is it’s not just physical; it’s mental and emotional. Yahweh Rophe is “the God who heals the body and the soul.”
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
The condition of your soul determines the condition of your health and your wealth according to this scriptures. God has healed soul wounds just as much as He’s healed body wounds. The speed with which the healing manifests is determined by His purposes. Often those healed over time are equipped with needed revelation that becomes a weapon to destroy the works of the devil. There’s also the importance of renewing the mind using the Word. The more renewal, the greater health and wealth you should see in your life.
Carried our sorrows. Carried means “to carry, pick up or pull and carry an object, initiate an action to unburden another of an unpleasant state or condition, with a focus that the subject (carrying) will experience that state.” Sorrows is literally “pain, e.e. physical pain of the body.” It’s also pain of the soul—anguish, grief, mental suffering, i.e. an emotion of anguish.” What this means is that Jesus picked up and carried by experience our physical and soul pain to unburden us! He experienced the greatest amount of emotional and physical pain of anyone ever. He was the only sinless human being and was separated from Father when He carried out His redemptive acts on the cross! That was the deepest level of pain for Him.
So far from Isaiah we see that Jesus carried off all our sickness, illness, wound, ad affliction and unburdened us of physical and soul pain by experiencing those things in our place. He had to suffer specific things to free us from the law of sin and death, which is the OPEN DOOR to sickness and pain.
Isaiah says He was:
Wounded. This word means “pierced through.” It also means “defile, profane, treat with contempt, i.e. ceremonially or ritually common and impure in the eyes of deity and/or society, seen as a violation of covenant.” Even though He never sinned, he was pierced through as if He did (). Transgressions is “rebellion, revolt, i.e. to rise up in clear defiance to authority, crime, sin, offense, fault…with a focus on the rebellious nature of the sin.” HIS WOUNDING PROVIDES A CONTINUAL HEALING OF ANY WOUNDING WE MIGHT EXPERIENCE.
Bruised. This word means “crushed.” It’s having a wound on the body due to a violent pressing motion. The Lord was beaten so much so that His entire body from head to toe was bruised. Iniquities is “sin, wickedness, i.e. wrongdoing, with a focus of liability or guilt for this wrong, guilt i.e. a judicial state of being liable for a wrong done and so receive punishment or judicial sentence.” JESUS TOOK THE PUNISHMENT DUE US BY SUBJECTING HIS ENTIRE BODY TO BE CRUSHED.
Chastisement. This is “an infliction of a judicial penalty.” He suffered the judicial penalty due us for our peace. Peace is “peace, prosperity, i.e. an intact state of favorable circumstance, completeness, safety, salvation, being free from danger, health i.e. a state of lack of disease, contentment i.e. the state of having one’s basic needs or more being met and so being content, friendship with God, blessing, kindness.” IT’S THE MANIFESTATION OF ALL OF THE GOODNESS OF GOD IN OUR LIVES. JESUS WAS CHASTISED SO WE COULD HAVE ALL OF GOD’S GOODNESS IN OUR LIVES.
Stripes. This means “wound, bruise, welt, i.e. the object of a damaging blow to the body causing a wound.” DESCRIBE THE SCOURGING. Healed is “heal, i.e. cause or promote restoration of health or a right state after being sick, diseased, injured, or in a bad state.”
Once the payment was paid in full, it made any sickness, illness, disease, physical and emotional pain, and any lack of peace in our lives ILLEGAL. Sin was removed and payment made; therefore, we are free from any effect that sin can produce in our lives.