A Season to Give Thanks

A Season to Celebrate  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Junior Church Dismissed
This week marks the beginning of the holiday season. It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year and for many it is but for some, it can be a time of sadness. Statistics show that depression cases rise during this time of year.
I think there are many reason as to why this is. We get so busy trying to keep up with the Joneses and work overtime to spend money of things or take trips, we allow ourselves to get tired, weak, and down on ourselves when we don’t accomplish the unreachable goals or tasks that we have set up for ourselves.
Another reason we find ourselves sad and depressed, which causes the previously mentioned problems, is that we get so caught up in our own lives and what gifts we have to buy to be the best parents, grandparents, or friends that we forget, not only the reason for the season if you will, but who we are in relation to that reason.
Jesus is the reason for Christmas and He is also the reason for the upcoming Holiday, Thanksgiving.
When we allow ourselves to put our focus on us and not on Christ, we will get depressed, we will be complainers, we will be whiners, we will begin to dwell on all the problems we have leading us to develop a woe is me mentality.
We become useless for the kingdom of God and lose sight of the victory He has already promised us.
Thanksgiving as a holiday has only been recognized as a national celebration of gratitude since President George Washington proclaimed it so in 1789. However the tradition of setting aside a specific day ]to give thanks dates back much further. Puritans observed special days during the week to give thanks for God’s blessings and before that the Israelites were given guidelines for observing feasts of thanksgiving in the Old Testament.
Then throughout the Bible there are verses that teach that giving thanks is not an option but a command.
Psalm 92:1 KJV 1900
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, And to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:
Colossians 3:17 KJV 1900
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
One of the reasons we are to be thanking God is because everything comes from Him. Giving thanks is a very important part of the Christian life. But why?
I believe gives us three reasons why having a heart of Thanksgiving is important and I want us to explore those this morning. Think on these questions as we explore the text this morning “Is my heart one of thanksgiving? Is my thanksgiving being translated into worship for God?”
Follow along as I read this morning
Psalm 100 KJV 1900
A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: Come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, And into his courts with praise: Be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; And his truth endureth to all generations.
The first reason that having a heart of thanksgiving is important for us is because Thankfulness reflects our Heart.

I. Thankfulness Reflects our Heart

The first verse of this psalm of thanksgiving commands us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Now for an example of what that is I’ll turn my mic on next week during worship and you’ll understand. I’m joyful and whats coming out of my mouth is a noise and not much more.
When we are thankful to the Lord, we have a heart of Joy.

A. A heart of joy

Psalm 95:2 KJV 1900
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, And make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
God wants us to give thanks because when we come before Him with song, with an attitude of joy, and gratitude, these are reflections of a heart that says “No matter what else is going on in my life, Lord, I am so grateful for all that You have done for me.”
That type of joy only comes from knowing the Lord and for all of the lands to be shouting unto Him with joy they must all have their faith and belief in Christ and who He is.
It’s believed that this verse is pointing towards the millenial reign of Christ. A time when all nations and people will know Jesus and believers will be gathered together singing praises unto God.
There will be an unrivaled Harmony across the globe because at the center of it all will be Christ.
For there to be unity there must be something to be unified around. The Bible calls us to be unified around Jesus Christ.
Notice this bicycle wheel. You see how the spokes at the edge are away from each other. Let this represent the Christians that are trying to get closer to one another by some means that is grounded and secure…unchanging. You see they can be together but they are not as strong, they are not as effective at being a wheel.
This is what happens when our fellowship is focused on getting closer to one another and developing relationships focused on one another.
However, when we are all moving closer to God we come closer together. Relationships are then built on more than just superficial things of this life. They are centered and grounded on Jesus Christ, who He is, what He has for us to do.
That’s a lasting Christian relationship…not something out here.
Paul Chappell wrote “Your best friends are those with whom you have Jesus and serving in common”
Through thanksgiving we reflect a heart of joy and with thanksgiving focused on Christ we can unified together to accomplish something great. This is because Thanksgiving leads to a heart of service.

B. A heart of service

The first word of is serve.
An attitude of thanksgiving is inseparable from a heart that knows the value of service to God. Giving thanks and praise is a way of offering up a service. We are offering a heart of praise in response to the great love that has ben extended to us.
When this Psalm was written the Old Testament Hebrew could only approach God through the tabernacle. And even then if they weren’t a high priest they could only enter in to the court.
It’s believed that Moses is the author of this Psalm. He was the one who lead the Israelites into the desert and was given instruction to build the tabernacle. He was given the instructions that would be given to the Priests to instruct them on how to approach God.
He knew that to approach God in the old Testament meant that it could only be done by entering through the gate to the tabernacle which gave entrance to the outer court.
John Phillips said it this way...
Once the gate had been passed, the seeking sinner was confronted with an altar and a laver to teach him that he needed a radical and a recurrent cleansing. Even when he had been accepted at the altar, unless he were a priest, he could approach no further. He remained in the outer court.
Upon entering the outer court the sinner would be face
If he were a priest, he could pass the door, enter the holy place, and enjoy the benefits of the table, the lampstand, and the golden altar. But he could go no further than that—unless he was the high priest. He alone, after elaborate ritual preparation once a year, could lift the final veil, pass the last barrier, and come haltingly into the presence of God.
If he were a priest, he could pass the door, enter the holy place, and enjoy the benefits of the table, the lampstand, and the golden altar. But he could go no further than that—unless he was the high priest. He alone, after elaborate ritual preparation once a year, could lift the final veil, pass the last barrier, and come haltingly into the presence of God.
Calvary has changed all that.
Calvary has changed all that.
As Christians we have the right to access the presence of God through Jesus.

The story is told of a little boy who went up to London to visit the king. But he could not get into the palace; the gates were closed against him and a soldier stood on guard. Several policemen were walking up and down to move people along. “But I came to see the king!” the boy explained. “Can’t help that, sonny!” said the policeman. “You’re not allowed in there.” About that time a well-dressed gentleman came along and overheard the conversation, “What’s the matter, boy?” he asked. “I want to see the king,” the little boy replied. “Well, you just come with me,” said the gentleman. He held out his hand and the boy took it. To his surprise the policeman made no attempt to stop him, nor did the guard. Indeed, the guard sprang to attention and presented arms while the policeman unlocked the gate. In they went, along the corridors and right into the presence of the king. The little boy had taken hold of the hand of the prince of Wales, the king’s own son. That gave him access.

The story is told of a little boy who went up to London to visit the king. But he could not get into the palace; the gates were closed against him and a soldier stood on guard. Several policemen were walking up and down to move people along. “But I came to see the king!” the boy explained. “Can’t help that, sonny!” said the policeman. “You’re not allowed in there.” About that time a well-dressed gentleman came along and overheard the conversation, “What’s the matter, boy?” he asked. “I want to see the king,” the little boy replied. “Well, you just come with me,” said the gentleman. He held out his hand and the boy took it. To his surprise the policeman made no attempt to stop him, nor did the guard. Indeed, the guard sprang to attention and presented arms while the policeman unlocked the gate. In they went, along the corridors and right into the presence of the king. The little boy had taken hold of the hand of the prince of Wales, the king’s own son. That gave him access.

We can rejoice because of the access we have. We can present our thanksgiving because of the joy we have to know the Father and the privelage we have to serve Him. When we have a heart of Thanksgiving we will respond with with a heart of Joy and a Heart of Service.
We’ve seen how thankfulness reflects our heart and now I want you to notice how Thankfulness respects God’s nature.

II. Thankfulness respects God’s nature

The Psalmist here presents a threefold grasp of the nature of God.
We first See his person.

A. His Person

Verse 3 “Know ye that the Lord he is God.”
God is who He is. Remember we spoke of the millenial reign and how everyone will know God. This is the first truth that will be universally accepted during that time and is integral to the close fellowship of a church.
If we are not accepting of Jesus being who He is, then we can not begin to have a heart of biblical thankfulness that fills us with joy and leads us to Serve.
Giving thanks to God acknowledges Him as the sovereign ruler of all.
There are not multiple Gods, there is one God represented in the three parts of the Godhead.
Jesus is God and died on the cross for our sins. He is a wonderful God and worthy to be praised.
As God He is all powerful. The Psalmist gives us an example of His power and also shows us another part of His nature.
We see in verse 3 His Power

B. His Power

It’s Him who Has made us and not we ourselves.
We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
When we are relying on ourself or thinking we must be a self-made individual we can not acknowledge how we came to be.
If your facing trials, if you are going through difficulty, and you are doing it alone you are not able to be thankful to God because you are not acknowledge who He is in your position. He is the creator.
The only reasonable response to this truth is to sing the hymn by Thomas Ken that is known as the doxology:
Praise god, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Understanding we didn’t create ourselves and we didn’t get where we are on our own allows us to understand thanksgiving as the opportunity it truly is and will lead to us giving thanks to the Lord, our creator.
The Psalmist has wrote of God’s Person and power then he closes verse 3 with His purpose.

C. His Purpose

God’s purpose is to redeem us through Christ. It is only when we have trust in Jesus that we become God’s people and the sheep of His pasture.
Salvation only comes through faith in Christ. It doesn’t come through a church, through a sacrament, or through a prayer, it comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
God’s purpose is to have a relationship with you filled with love, harmony, unity, and blessings. That comes through respect and obedience to His nature.
A heart of thanksgiving is one that respects God’s nature and reflects our hearts of joy because of who He is.
A Heart of Thankfulness is a response to God’s love

III. Thankfulness responds to God’s love

Verse 4
Psalm 100:4 KJV 1900
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, And into his courts with praise: Be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Why do are we thankful? Why are we grateful for what we have and what God has given us? Why do we enter His gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise?
verse 5
Psalm 100:5 KJV 1900
For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; And his truth endureth to all generations.
Because He is good, Because He is merciful, because His love endures. Because of His love we respond with Worship

A. With Worship

Worship is how we ascribe worth to something. How do you ascribe worth to God? How does a person know that you believe Jesus is worthy of your love?
We live for Him, we serve Him.
Love and worship leads to service.
It’s to action. It’s leads to being apart of what God is doing by serving in a local church. It leads to living a life that is glorifying to Christ.
We will not be trying to imitate the world but will be trying to imitate Christ.
What are some practical things this looks like?
It means we don’t complain about our circumstances like the world does because we know God is in control.
It means we don’t post vulgar language on Facebook and say “sorry for the language” no, we are called to a higher standard of living because our lifestyles, our conversation as the KJV says
Philippians 1:27 KJV 1900
Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;
the way live, the way we talk, the way we conduct ourselves should be motivated by the love of God as an act of Worship because of who He is and what He has done.
It’d not a debt we are trying to pay it is a gratitude we are trying to show.
Because thankfulness responds to God’s love with Gratitude.

B. With Gratitude

When we worship with our lives and actions we are showing our gratitude and love for God and what He has done for us.
I think it’s great what some families will do at Thanksgiving. They go around the table and have everyone say something they are thankful for.
It’s an opportunity for us to take a moment and show our gratitude for the things God has given or done for us over the last year.
This Thursday as you argue with family members, battle shoppers in stores, or get upset over a football game or food bring burnt, don’t forget to be thankful for what we have because, as the old saying goes, “someone always has it worse than you.”
Having that heart of thanksgiving daily shows worship to Jesus.
Warren Wiersbe said of having a spirit of thatnksgiving that it
helps us overcome some of the “sins in good standing” that too often invade our lives: complaining (v. 1), idolatry (v. 2), pride (v. 3), and ingratitude (v. 4). It was when our first parents became “unthankful” that the human race began that terrible descent into sin and judgment (; note v. 21).
When we become unthankful we begin to send our lives down a path that does not lead to anywhere we want it to be.
Before I close I want you to notice the first words of verses 1-4.
Make, Serve, Know, Enter.
All of these can be considered verbs or action words.
I believe that helps us see that giving thanks is an action we must be intentional of taking.
We must decide that we will be thankful for our spouse, our children, our homes, our clothes, our place in life, our shoes, etc.
So let me ask you a question this morning…are you thankful?
Better yet…are you living a thankful lifestyle?
Does your thanksgiving lead to thanksliving?


As we transition into a time of response to the message this morning I’d like to ask you to bow you heads and close your eyes. Now is your time to go to God about what you’ve heard this morning and ask the Holy Spirit to examine you.
Is your heart one of thanksgiving?
Is your thanksgiving being translated into worship for God?
Are you here this morning and think you have nothing to be thankful for?
I’d like to tell you something I’m thankful for every day. That’s my Savior Jesus.
It’s becuase of Him that anyone who believes in Him can be thankful.
why? Because He always loves me. He loves me so much that He died for me. He died for you too.
John 3:16 KJV 1900
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
When we believe on Him we can have eternal life.
Ephesians 2:8–9 KJV 1900
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
If your here this morning and you don’t know Jesus I’d like to give you the opportunity to have the best thanksgiving ever and celebrate your relationship with Him.
If you’d like to trust Jesus as your Savior and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, would you pray after me
“Dear Jesus, I know I’m a sinner, I believe you came to die on the cross and rose from the dead. I put my faith right now in you and ask you to come into my life and change me from the inside out. Amen.”
If you prayed that prayer would you raise your hand and let me pray for you? I won’t embarrass you…lift your hand up just so I can see.
Christians…how are you living an unthankful life? What areas of your life do you need to adjust because of God speaking to your heart this morning? Make those adjustments now?
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Kami for OCC
Thomas Pray
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