Gospel Relationships
What difference does the gospel make to your relationships?
How does it affect the way you look at yourself in terms of those around you; and how you look at others in terms of yourself?
How do we see this work in Practice?
BIG IDEA: Bear the burdens of the one another’s and restore joy of their empty hearts.
1.Restoring the fallen repairs the virus of self-reliance.
If a doctor is going to address his medical students on a disease caused by a certain virus he will most likely address the virus that is causing the disease in every lecture.
Exposing someones sin will be difficult but it does not mean that we should ignore it and walk the other way.
Most people have become the CEO of minding your own business!
Who should confront the fallen?
Restoration: returning something or someone to it’s original state.
Restoring the fallen is done by the spiritually strong.
“Believers being caught in sin.”
How are we to restore?
Restoring the fallen is always done with gentleness.
Do we kick such a person out of the church? No. Pick him or her up. Help them to run better than they did before. Set their bones for them if they have been broken. Help put everything back into it’s proper place. When someone is caught in sin it is too often the habit to push them down - to cast them out and forget them all together. The spiritually minded person does not do this. “The spiritually minded person is always thinking how they can help restore this person.”
Gentleness will only come if we watch ourselves.
Restoring the fallen makes us bold and humble.
It also emboldens me before anyone, telling me I am loved and honored by the only eyes in the universe that really counts.
2. Bearing the Burdens of the one another’s repairs the hallow heart of self-reliance.
2.Bearing one another’s burdens changes the heart of our self-reliance.
*Carrying burdens is rarely convenient and takes up allot of time.
THE CHRISTIAN LIFE WAS NOT MEANT TO BE LIVED ALONE. (starts with the words “one another”.)
Physical HealthDepression
None of us are immune to anxiety. Not if we’re honest with ourselves. “Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of it’s sorrow, but only empties today of it’s strength.”
We need people who, as a part of their responsibility in life, will carry the burdens and wounds of other people and be outraged by them.
So.....what does it mean to Bear?
Things we must remember when bearing burdens.
We must not fear the emotional messiness.
We must rely on God’s presence more than our words.
We must put aside our schedule’s and agenda’s.
We must accept the fact that the burden’s we bear may never be fully appreciated
we bear may never be fully appreciated
Jesus want’s those who have received mercy to be mercy givers.
The remedy? Certainly for one thing we need to remember that in and of ourselves—apart from God—we are nothing. We are all rebel sinners in whose flesh there dwells no good thing, who have nothing that has not been received as a free and undeserved gift, and who are only able to serve and glorify God because we are divinely enabled to do so.
Carrying our own Load
Carrying our own load gives us immunity.
Carrying our own load leads us to personal examination.
On May 23, 1939, the submarine Squalus, a five-million-dollar vessel, sank off Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The famed McCann rescue bell was used for the first time. Through this bell-shaped valve, men were able to reach and to rescue the thirty-three men trapped inside. When the rescue squad reached the stricken submarine, they tapped with metal on the hull in an effort to locate the sailors. The imprisoned men, answering in similar fashion, asked in the language of the Morse code, “Is there any hope?”