A Paradoxical New Exodus [Exit]

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“Paradox” - any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature. Mark: “Jesus is the Son of God”The old Exodus in view in Mark 1 - the verses quoted from the OT, the baptism and 40 days in wilderness. Grand motif of the Exodus is the time when God Passed Over the children of Israel.
Jesus has come to deliver people from under the wrath of God, from slavery of sin & the power of Satan. Jesus has come to give his life as a payment for many - Mark 10:45
(V. 12) The place for preparation. The disciples ask a question about a place for the Passover(V. 13-15) The pre-ordained plan for the place. Jesus’ instruction shows a superior knowledge of the place. This means that it was not happen-stance. (V. 16) The fulfillment of the pre-ordained plan. Everything took place just like Jesus said. This shows the certainty of who was in control.
Who is really in control?
(v. 17-18) The purpose of Jesus INCLUDES betrayal. Jesus further reveals knowledge that confirms He knows who the scriptures say He is. (V. 19) The people around Jesus are unwitting characters in a cosmic plot. The disciples show evidence, by their question, that Jesus clearly knows more than they know of themselves. (V. 20-21) The pre-ordained, scriptural plan does not exclude people from divine judgment. Jesus confirms the depth and seriousness of this deception. It is someone eating with him and there is a “woe” declared to this person and about this person.
Suffering is not outside the scope of God’s will. Don’t run from difficulty. In addition, God’s providential work does not eliminate man’s judgment and responsibility.
(v. 22) The prepared body of Christ typified. The first of Jesus’ INTENTIONAL acts pointing to his body. He takes. He brakes. He gives. He commands. (V. 23-25) The prepared blood of Christ typified. The second of Jesus’ INTENTIONAL acts pointing to his blood. (Exodus 24:8, Isaiah 53:12) He adds further truth to point to a future joining in the kingdom.
Full, willing, bodily living sacrifice is only reasonable in view of Christ’s providential, intentional activity. (Such as has been previously modeled - widow, woman with alabaster box) The evening in which a church observes Communion is supremely significant and not to be dismissed simply because you’re off duty. (Two elements typify and are for remembrance of a particular Person.).
(V. 26) Off to the Press - They conclude by singing a hymn and going to the place where he would be pressed like “olives”. (V. 27-28) On to Prescribed Scripture - The pre-ordained scripture regarding God smiting Jesus will take place - resulting in the scattering of the sheep; but they will be gathered after the Resurrection. (V. 29-31) Overconfidence of Peter - The pride of Peter and the disciples is evident in their belief that they will brake or not fulfill the scriptures.
The scriptures should be believed as authoritative.
Confess the sin of pride: The sin of pride is inconsistent with Jesus Christ.
(v. 32-34) Pictures of the Mt. of Transfiguration are in view but the sorrowful soul of Jesus indicates a different kind of glory will be manifested. (V. 35-36) A Prepared Hour is Understood - It is an evident prepared hour, and the WILL OF THE FATHER is exposed as the ultimate will here. (V. 37-42) The Prayerless Disciples are Exhorted. The sleeping disciples present a contrast to the intensity seen in Jesus re: the will of the Father.
The intensity of Jesus and the submission of Jesus to the will of the Father is instructive for us. Do you know God’s will? Are you submitted to God’s will?
(v. 43-44) The ironic planning of the Traitor - Judas, and a group with weapons of force, arrive to take the willing Jesus. The ironic planning of the traitor. Deception for an event that Jesus had already been planning for.(v. 45-46) The epitome of fig tree deception. (Including self-deception that considers them taking Him into their hands) (v. 47-49) The vain attempt by a disciple. Disciple attempts to take control, but Jesus points out that even the events of they are pawns in fulfilling the scriptures. (v. 50 - 52) The scattering of the sheep fulfilled. All forsook him and were ashamed.
Trust in the unique, finished work of Jesus. Jesus inaugurated the New Covenant. Trust in Jesus purely for Jesus. Examine for and repent of high treason. Playing church has a way of making us feel as though we are in control. Some trust in Jesus for selfish gain. It is self-deceptive and damning. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Trust and live in obedience to the word of God (will). The scriptures are the authoritative will of God for mankind. Submit to the scriptures. Live currently under the dominion of God rather than the dominion of sin. Rejoice in the future resurrection, and live currently in the power of the completed resurrection. I Corinthians 5:7 Live with more watchful prayer! Through his work, we have received the same Spirit, whereby we cry ABBA. Prayer is a place where our will can be confronted by the Father. This is a protection against being tempted to faith/flee for self-preservation or fight for circumstantial-control. Trust that difficulty is meaningful. Don’t discount the difficulty of life. Adversity is not something we run from, but rather something through which we persevere like our Savior has done. Consider I Peter 2:21-25 Live out your loneliness hopefully and boldly. See loneliness differently. Loneliness, for the Christian, should be understood in view of Christ’s loneliness for you. Do not fear it. Rejoice in it, if it is for Christ. There is a resurrection on the other side of relational abandonment.
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