I Thank My God For You! Wk#8
Philippians would be the "joy and crown" of Paul. Their existence, untiy, faith and steadfastness would attest to his ministry to the and the strength of the Gospel itself. Likewise, each of us, has a desire to leave a legacy of faith behind. To do so, we must be standing together for the Gospel, we must rejoice in faith and we must be constant in prayer.
Paul is essentially saying;
Let nothing distract you
Even disagreements among yourselves
Do not let the culture draw you away nor let the world change your God
We Rejoice in Faith
4:4 Rejoice. The joy that Paul calls for is not a happiness that depends on circumstances but a deep contentment that is in the Lord, based on trust in the sovereign, living God, and that therefore is available always, even in difficult times.
Paul’s formula for joy is apparent in this letter. We can summarize it by saying we must have:
• THE CAUSE OF CHRIST as our priority. That cause, of course, includes the fellowship, the furtherance and the faith of the gospel (1:5, 12, 27);
• THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST as our pattern. This is the character of sacrificially giving one’s self up in the interest of others (2:5–8);
• THE COMPREHENSION OF CHRIST as our passion. This means crying out with Paul ‘that I may know Him’ (3:10);
• THE CARE OF CHRIST as our peace, which the apostle is about to express (4:6–7).
Be Reasonable-The Lord is at Hand v. 5
88.63 ἐπιεικής, ές: pertaining to being gracious and forbearing—‘gentle, gracious, forbearing.’ μηδένα βλασφημεῖν, ἀμάχους εἶναι, ἐπιεικεῖς ‘not to speak evil of anyone, nor to be quarrelsome, but to be forbearing’ Tt 3:2.
Trust God and Pray vs. 6-7
We have no guard as competent as the Lord!
Believers who carry their burdens to the Lord will find peace and rest in their spirits. This peace will stand at the door and guard the hearts and minds of believers so that anxious care and worry cannot enter. It is a glorious peace from the Lord that unbelievers cannot find and cannot explain, and it is a peace that believers themselves cannot fully understand.