Everybody else you can open up to 1st Corinthians if you have a Bible.
Anybody hit up the Starlight parade last night. Yeah with was that not freezing.
Yeah, it was the numbness parade and I didn't bring gloves during storage and my hands are frozen, but we had a good time and we made it for almost all of it. So that's pretty amazing 12 this morning for going to shift gears from that in my story of sadness to what I want to do and talk about here this morning in I'm as we look at redeemers one of the questions especially coming into this time of year where we're heading towards New Year's resolutions and were kind of planning. What does personal life look like or for our family does life look like and what I want to take a moment to do here this morning, that's a pastor Moment by the ways to 45 minutes or longer not today at redeemers. What's this all about? Why are we Gathering? Why do we do what we do and over the last six years. You don't know this church was planted 6 years ago last October as we met there in the backyard for the summer leading up to that October and then bounced around from place to place in the question know that I really want to come to his what are we building and over the last six years one of the things that we have firmly. Is late a foundation about what this church is about really a sure footing that if you come to Redeemer, one of the things that you know, we're going to stand for and hopefully you could answer this is the good news the Gospel of Jesus Christ that no doubt. We are a message group of people as we said last week A Beautiful Mess some more than others. Right, but we are a messy group of people but we are church that loves Jesus preaches Jesus teaches Jesus. However, I don't want Sunday's to Simply Be A Bible school or a seminary for us for Christians on Sundays. But really that's what we do in gathering Spurs us on throughout the week. We really want this. Russian of the church and expression because when you talk about full expression of something and 1st Corinthians, it gets a little treacherous as we're going to see in the months to come what I desire for our church is to see the way that God is working and moving in our lives on Sundays to be displayed as we scatter throughout the week. Cancel my attention this morning is to pick up on Paul's qseer and to look at what is he saying for the church? What does he desire for corn? And what I desired articulate today is something that many already do very well and I want to encourage you to keep doing it. But I also want to clue everybody else then. I'm really my hoe for our church and why we exist here. So in 1st Corinthians 3, we're going to pick up at the end of one of all starts their inverse 9 where he says for we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field God's Building according to the grace of God given to me like a guild master builder. I laid a foundation and someone else is building a pond it but each one. Take care how he build a pond it for no one can Leo found a Mission other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ anyone build on the foundation with gold silver precious stones wood. Hay straw each one's work will become manifest for the day will disclose it because will be revealed by fire in the fire will test what sort of work each one has done if the work that anyone is built on the foundation survive. He will receive a reward if anyone's work is burned up. He will suffer loss though. He himself will be saved but it's only through fire. Do you not know and hear when you read this you have to get your best Texas Accent on as we talked about several times in 1st Corinthians, when we read it in our translation. It says that you are and it sounds similar but what he say, that's y'all and Hugo are God's Temple collectively corporately God is writing to the church and Paul the same y'all are the temple don't take that. an individual saying for yourself and I got Spirit dwells in you if anyone destroy is God's Temple. God will destroy him. Forgot the Temple of holy and y'all are that Temple. Let no one deceive himself If anyone among you think she is wise in the sage. Let him become a fool that he may become wise for the wisdom of this world is folly with God for it is written he catches the wise in their craftiness. And again, the Lord knows the thoughts of the wise at their futile. So I know one posted men for all things of yours with a Paul Apollo's or cephas are the world or life or death or the present or the future all are yours and you are Christ and Christ is God's. What are we doing here when we think about the church and I know that over the course of probably the last 20-30 years pass really been trying to do a good job to get our mindset away from the building and moving it towards people that is because that is what Paul is precisely describing here. He says as he looks at Corinth you all are the church. You have the spirit of God dwelling within you and Paul uses this idea of building and he kicks many of the materials that made up the temple and he begins to describe the church building upon this foundation and he staying collectively this is who you are in this idea of the church being a community of people is not just Pauline is not just an idea that she constructed but you can read even in some of the Dead Sea Scrolls. This was a thought process. Mini held onto that were not just shoot attached herself to a building to a temple with that. We the people are God's Temple. Now today, you're kind of going we get that we understand that but you a first century Christian, especially one coming out of some kind of religious background weather Judy is loved their Temple or even the pagans worship at temples could not fathom a religion apart from a physical Temple. That's where everything took place that's where the acts of worship happen. That's for Sacrifice by giving praise. All of that happened as they gathered around the Temple and so Paul is getting into their heads and he's saying you guys need to share this this morning. The people make up the church and that belongs to God. Now this is really important for us this morning. And when it comes to specifically with Paul dealing with in church division, why because people often forget that is the church that belongs to God not us. Call Ben in churches pastors Elders deacons leaders, whatever begin to formulate this opinion that the church belongs to them personally and if their ideas in their thoughts are always the best in this is the way things have to happen and what begins to take place as more people invest in this idea and they believe because I put in my time my money my gifts. I have invested it's as if we become shareholders and the church and we become the most important opinion or View at the church has and Paul is warning against this this morning. How many of you guys get the Babylon bee? McAfee of you. All right. How many you guys can understand satire? Okay, then. Alright will read this your this morning divisions. This took place in Marksville, Louisiana sounds about right.
I don't know who said that but let's hang out later. According to sources within first United Grace Christian Church of Christ. The church with United prominently displayed on a sign out front is currently undergoing its fourth split of the last two decades the controversy that led to the split reportedly concerns, the flavor of coffee grounds provided for parishioners each Sunday the split prior to that was centered around the color of carpet while the split air.
You guys get a laugh or just wait nobody still at that church can remember what the congregation's first split was actually about our church has United in the name because we think it's really important to be United with those people who agree with you on every minut Doctrine to the church's new pastor who just took over the job of a pastor who was voted out in a narrow congregational decision. We Are All One In The Lord At least the first United Grace Christian Church of Christ Christians are even claimed that everyone attending the new congregation are going to hell you people at second United Christian Church of Christ. Oh, yeah, you're definitely going to burn. All right. It's satire. It's the Babylon bee but listen to this year. Is a lot of stuff on churches and he took this poll on Church splits. I'm just going to be a handful of them. These are white churches have split. This is not satire argument over the appropriate length of the worship pastors beard. Yeah, Geralyn, there is no appropriate length of your beard in this church. Okay, we're just going to lay that out quick and easy for you a deacon accusing another Deacon of sending Anonymous letters in deciding to settle the matter in the parking lot 45 minutes heated argument over the type of filing cabinet to purchase black or brown to three or four drawers. A petition to have all the church staff clean-shaven. What is up with this?
Major conflict when the youth borrowed a crock pot that had not been used in years.
A church member was chastised because she brought vanilla syrup to the coffee server. It looked too much like liquor. Yeah, guess what one more of these are real I dispute over whether to church it allow people to wear black t-shirts since black is the color of the devil.
That's funny. I'm going to wear all black next week.
These are real reasons. Those II that are red or white churches went through splits division problems and issues, but whole mentality is off because what people have done is in their efforts to be a part of the church, they assumed ownership not stewardship and that's a serious problem in the church. They assume that their opinions and their views with the things that mattered most and by golly we're going to build the church on those ideals and those ideas and Paul is dealing with a far less humorous situations where he's got the softest with come in and these Corinthian Christians who going this is how the world doesn't we should have. This mentality in order to attract more people with maybe they're thinking I'm not quite sure. We don't know every detail on what was going on. But there's this idea where the church was beginning to split Splinter and divide and Paul the same you need to come back to your phone. Mission to what you first believed you need to understand what he's begin to form you and it's so easy to get off task. What we have to do consistently and constantly as a church in your personal prayer life together. Only gather for prayer is say God. How do you want to build our church? This is an important question to ask for the foundation is not solid and sure it's going to affect every aspect of the building of being put up and it's really easy to look outside of the local church and go I read a book that said we should do it this way. I went to a conference or hear the church and model and here is what we need to do in order to be something great and excellent to feel successful in our lives. And listen. This is probably one of those messages again for me standing up here because there can be this idea up. I've got to build I got to create I've got to make to hear is how we ought to do it and then the church has created all sorts of metrics to determine the success of a local congregation Now it's the three bees it's bucks bricks and butts. That's basically it's if you can successfully knock those things out you are than a successful church because the standard is based upon some sort of growth aspect. And here's my heart today every single person matters every single person that walks in the store and we would love to see seats filled and God moved and got work at something that we don't want to push away from but listen. Ultimate goal in building up the church. It's the latest firm foundation and a church that's known for its love towards one another. That's what I desire here. When we look outside, we can see other things that works and then we want to adopt those and try to manufacture it because maybe there's an Envy in somebody's heart says we should we could we ought to be like that and we can move from the foundation and that create huge problems in our lives. So what are we doing? I've had four kids over the last eight years. I can my wife had them. I didn't have them. Let's just let's just be clear here, right my kids love to build things to build things like picking those blocks and my kids when they block on block on block on block and we have competitions and five High game over for them. But Daddy can build them 6 feet high. It might take longer. It might take more bricks. It might take a little extra time. But why when you build with a Foundation is Dennis sturdy and it can weather storms. It can have who we call it the Audi monster come by and guess what? It's not going to Temple over. It's not going to fall. It's not going to break because there is a foundation and so one of the things I want you to hear this morning if this is your first time at redeemers are it's your 600th gathering with us about that close, I think. Oh my goodness. Our foundation is going to be Jesus. Going to be Jesus and you need to know this and if you ever go to another church, are you move away? You want to check their foundation and see what it is? How do I know? people love most but they talk about most really easy to now whenever somebody talks about is constantly coming out of their mouth. That's the thing that they're most attached to also Whatever Gets You The Angriest that tells you what you love because you don't get angry over things you don't care about do you get you don't but you get angry over the things that you love and when they're taken from you in so you can watch it sure. You can listen to it. You can watch a church go through storms collectively and you can begin to seep is this church about Jesus because churches are built on something Somerville Turn 1 2 3 step model enter constantly trying to tell you how to have a bigger better life summer built on prosperity and wealth or Justice to built on programs and processes. Everything has a foundation. That means you just have to be at the core they might Adam in for his namesake. churches have foundations
process hear Jesus is your foundation and everything is built off of that. Corinth is building on personality man's Wisdom and was collapsing before their eyes. So, how are we going to build at redeemers? Who are we building on at this church? Do you want you to turn over to Matthew Chapter 7? When we got verses 24 through 29 here this morning.
so this everyone there and who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man built who built his house on the rock in this letter to the Corinthians. We've been doing a lot with wisdom and foolishness, haven't we and we seen the wisdom of the world in the Folly that it brings in the problem that has brought when they bring in the world for loss of Peace. Then we see what is seems to really should grow something or make something happen. And we say that God is using the falling of this world to build something and he received word the wise man once again who builds his house on the rock and it says in the rain fell in the floods came and the winds blew and a Beat on that house, but it did not fall because I've been founded on the Rock and everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who's built his house on the sand in the rain fell in the floods came and the winds blew and against that NFL and great was the fall of it. Jesus is talking about here. Once you're going to build on and he says they're going to build something. You need to build something on my word on who I am and what I have said I'm what I have told you if you want to be wise Builders now, there's two models that have really come about over the last 30 years here. There's this idea that you can build on a comment CE model and this is what the majority of Evangelical churches that are baby bees Grand buildings and big things are doing a safe come and see what's happening on Sunday come and see how excellent how great how awesome how amazing we are. We do serve the best coffee. We do have the best system. We do have the best process is now I live in the Pacific Northwest. I like good coffee. You guys like good coffee. This church won't serve Folgers if you drink folders, sorry, okay, but here's the deal. Those are not the things that we're going to build a pond that we are going to make us who we actually are. She come and see just come and watch a few of the elite come and watch a few of the extremely gifted come and listen to the very talented and that'll get you through each week. Redeemers, there's not an inkling an ounce of anything in me that wants to be a coming to church and you may like come and see Church cool. If you're part of one that you think is way better than us a promise. We're going to be a calm and be Church the comedy church. This is vastly different and what this is the foundation is Christ and the community that is in connected and intertwined because we're connected to Christ the idea that we come and receive but then we go and do we go and live and we're a part of something together. In fact, it takes on the words of Jesus to his disciples there and Matthew 28 go therefore and make disciples teaching them all these things baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. This idea that is not something that a few special gifted people do with the body of Christ is something that we're all apart of regions for.
Says in verse 12 talking to this church and action Bristol of me says he gave Apostles prophets evangelists the Shepherds and teachers. To equip the Saints for the work of the ministry for building up the body of Christ until 18 the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to what your manhood to the measure of the statue in the fullness of Christ so that we may no longer be children talk to and fro by the way isn't carried about by every wind of Doctrine like human cunning the craftiness Minecraft innocent people schemes rather speaking the truth in love where to grow up in every way into him. It was the head into Christ from the whole body joint and held together by every joint with which of these each part is working properly makes the body grow a set of dolls itself up and love what is Paul saying and declaring here. What is the purpose of all the ministry that we do here at redeemers? Why do we have Tuesday Morning? Men's Gathering? We pray and read scripture. Why is there a Bible study being hosted here on Wednesday nights? Why are there Retreats? Why are there women's dinners? Why are there Men's breakfast? Why are there things happening here at this church? It's so that we may grow and be mature in Christ. This was a problem. If you were here last week with Corinth. They were immature Paul calls them babies and he said you guys need to grow-up you guys need to come in to maturity for here to a healthy church at after this Paul is writing to them and he says look God has given you pastors and teachers and Shepherds and Apostle and evangelist why to do all the work of the ministry? No to equip the church. So the church May grow up any church that only allows for a select few to handle. Everything going on is an immature stunted church that needs to grow and needs to grow. This is the call here in Ephesians that were equipped because the ministry needs you. Ministry needs us. National but it takes the whole church to help mature the church to gather together. So how can we participate in this play something? I love the Sunday Gathering I love and these seats are full in the Praises go up. I love that. We worship God and sorrow and enjoy. I love as We Gather here in fellowship with one another what to do with polish stain can't happen for an hour and a half on a Sunday morning. It's just can't we get Snippets of it and we enjoy the rich fellowship and we enjoy talking to me enjoying courage and queens Joy hearing the word and singing praises to God corporately coming together and the gifts are coming out that God has given us but you enjoy to participate necessitates that we don't just come and see but that we come and be a part of what God is doing here. This means is we need a deep commitment to the church.
Millennium even commit to dinner tonight all my goodness, or maybe you're raising the anti-establishment hippie era commits anything you got to be kidding me. See if those are your thoughts. You misunderstood what pulford said the church is. Not just this government style establishment. It's not a building committed to it's a people you're committed to Redeemers we need to be deeply committed to one another. We need to be deeply committed to loving serving carry and being there for one another and this idea is not just in one my new place small spot in scripture. This is all over Paul's letters where the church is to Bear one another's burdens what you care for those who are in need for the encouraging one another would actually be participating and what God is doing to wake up to this great drama that he is allowed for us to partake in and the starts with the foundation. That is Christ. We want to build relationships on that Foundation, which means we have Community because of Christ. A lot of people love the idea of community we can kind of warm and fuzzy inside maybe in this short season of your life. You had this great friend Circle that you did everything within you looked finally back on that. Maybe it's gone. Maybe it's still there, but we love the idea of community. But a lot of people don't want to do the hard work of community. I don't want to just come and see what God is doing and go home and do their own thing then come back the next week and enjoy it. And listen. I'm glad if you're here and you're hearing the word and its impact in your life. Are you up too? Good worst pick up the stir you up to engage one another. HJ we have all sorts of enemies of community today ease and convenience Netflix to be a community cell phones and urgency of other things. All these can be used to avoid Community the community is what our soles are deeply pray for having been created in the image of God before it needing community in that sense with one another. God uses Community to grow us changes and work in us God uses these Connections in his relationships form anything. Let me just list a few of why it's important to not safe. I belong to a structure I belong to a building, but I want you to think I belong to a people. That's different. That's really different. I was reading this church planner story years ago. He was in an inner-city Ministry and his church was thriving and they were meeting in schools and they were growing 100 200 300 400 500 people are coming to the skies church and down the road. There was a church. That was As Dead As It Gets five would show up on a Sunday and they had this extravagant beautiful building and it was paid off. Begin to do ministry with them and they begin to connect with one another and with these five people that would show up on Sunday in this vibrant Church. Well, they decided that maybe it's a good idea this vibrant Church takes over this other church, then how we could really be doing something together Community Church went to vote every member on that role showed up two votes, which is about a hundred members of that church. That only had five would show up on Sundays, but I'll hundred showed up and they said no, We don't want it. We want our way our thing, even if we're not participating it they were more committed to their name their building their past into a God was doing in their community. Church, we need to be committed to one another. Messy hard awkward. It's not always easy is draining. It's tiring. It's exhausting. No more committed to one another or committed to something far bigger than whether we have a place to gather in or not. We're actually doing obeying walking in what God has called us to deep relationship is for Comfort during his burdens serving one another prayer confession wisdom rejoicing and celebrating weeping and suffering. How do I know if I'm doing this? How do we know if I just committed to an organization? I'm actually committed to a people. When you go through storms who comes around you.
That's a really good question to ask. Your community is who you turn to when things get rough. Your community has a theology. Your community has a view on life. The community has a way of when things should be done and when tough decisions need to be made your community cannot be your drinking buddy. They probably won't give you the best advice when your marriage is in a whole lot of trouble. Your community cannot just be worldly wisdom that you take in why because it would be completely contrary to the way that God would have us do things.
Who do you turn to? Or when you've gone through something, who is it that shows up. What is Christ on Christ tells us who we are and Community gives us a place to belong and grow. We have to be in a place to live out the expressions of the gospel and it happens and Community not theology lessons living out. The gospel is not mastering another you logical Principle as nerdy as that might be, had a little nerd session yesterday at lunch or right as fun as that, isn't it? Kind of get something going inside of me living out the gospel? Is that Jake Torkelson came back into town, but only been a part of our church for two years before he a year-and-a-half before they went back over to Colorado and he calls up a last-minute get together and people show up and hang out and laugh and there's joy and he says Brett this was a very special season to my wife and my life because we felt loved cared for and connect it. Redeemers that's what we should be about and we need to express that not just nerdout on theology is the call for each and every one of us because you are too valuable to the mission of God to bow out and I really feel the scent of my heart to call us to something not just to come here and hear another teaching in to sing some songs to go home and have some soup and hang out and watch football greatest. Sunday was Now The Drudge of the week, it's us and we get knocked out like we're fighting Mike Tyson and we're thinking oh my goodness. I can't even apply the stuff to my lights. We need community in order for really what we're learning here on Sunday begin to impact our hearts and lives Community says you belong here. Community says I don't care what your last week look like and I mean that with all sincerity and honesty I don't care what good or bad words came out of your mouth. I don't care what good or bad actions came out of your art community because of Crisis you belong here. We want to encourage you in Christ to grow and be transformed into be changed Community here says, it doesn't matter if you're rich poor or in between you belong to Christ. It says it's better give a brilliant mind or a dull mind you belong to Christ This is a community mission for King Jesus. We're going to show and live out the gifts that God has given us that forgiveness and Reconciliation ought to be put on display and truly. This is the groaning of the world. All of creation groans we read that. What does that mean? Secularism desperately wants a Utopia. They want to elect a president a leader a system a philosophy that says here's how we're all going to be nice and get along but we turn to secularism. We see that it is absolutely failing Us. In fact, as we mentioned many times secularism is feasting on the works of Christianity without the god of Christianity. They take the ethics of Jesus and they want those without the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit working and moving in our lives. That's really been the hope of secularism and when we look out and cultures today secularism is failing. Are we Kinder and nicer than we were back in the 80s? No, we're not about the 70s. 60s how far back should we go 30s? Okay. We're desperate for desperate. The groaning of the world though.
someone to help us
Jesus says Paul write to us. Here's your foundation. Here's what you've done all the pain you need Community. I already know the rebuttal Community is exhaust why people are exhausting. Certain people call off and you go well that's going to be 45 minutes of my life. I'm not getting back.
No, thank you. What happens if you answer the phone call you were taking a phone calling you in that was draining that was tiring when we are in community of people and we pour out to them. It's going to take something from us. You have two options. You can detach I got to go by.
You can say I don't want to take this. I don't want to listen. Here's a few piece of advice and I'm on my way or you can engage. You can find your heart up with their heart. You can actually care for one another and to engage will cost you something to share your life to share your story to share your resources to share who you are is going to take something from you. But in the end of that you're giving yourself to something in return it becomes life-giving. If the other option is to detach is to take the motto. You're going to see a thousand post come out in the next month starting in January. No more draining people no more non-life getting events. No more light non-life getting friendships what they're really saying is this world? This life is all about me. What is the word saying where they kept ourselves to others we're to lose ourselves if we want to find ourselves where to be poured out and in so doing we will be filled up. Jesus goes completely the other way than the world goes. I know mentality of why I don't want to be drained anymore. But you disengage from that is to ignore what God has called us to do to be a part of people's lives. Ministry is people. This is Ministry preaching and teaching part of it. But just thinking songs and Sunday. It's part of it. It's people it's being called to a people. Why Renee end on this? Change ultimately happens in community. I love this. Nobody take this the wrong way. There's no specific instance in my head. But I'm out a couple of Sundays. I may be like hit a double and you come up to me and you're like pretty good today. I cool. And we can talk a little bit and then maybe that we can't get to see you and and I go so what you learn yesterday and I don't know pretty good yesterday, or is it just all right, and I can have this moment where I'm like, oh my goodness. Do I even remember what I talked to the devil? Would you teach and I say something like Jesus?
How do I say yesterday? I can barely remember what I had for dinner last night like last of life right now. All right, and so so what I'm trying to say is what we do here in preaching the word is so important to gather on Sunday to be Central to what we do as a church what we want to see some Monumental earth-shattering idea what I realize this. It happens in the moment and your heart and gauges with something I'm saying in the spirit and then you go get lunch you take a nap and you have dinner and over over. How does that gets stirred back up throughout the week? When you get together with somebody and they begin to say what is God showing you? How's got changing you? What are you learning?
See we need each other change happens and Community my biggest aha moments never happened in a Sunday Gathering and trust me. I'm a big fan of ascended gather can a what I do a lot of biggest moments of change having when my wife calls me out on the kitchen floor because I'm not living out. three things I preach. It happens when I'm 5 years old, and my mom is sharing the gospel with me in the car and at that moment when I responded to Christ. That was when I was in Redemption group with six guys and I realize what it means that God loves me at age 25 though. I had known God for a lot of years. Change happens Community. I'm going to call you to something. I'm going to call you to community. I'm not going to structure that here. We've opportunities with groups and meetings and Gatherings. What I will say is you do not do Christianity alone because you're to be committed and called two people. You need to be involved and engaged with one another. I know so many of you do that while here at this church. I know so many of you want to gather together and you want to hear and you want to reach into each other's lies and be a part of what God is doing and so my encouragement to us is somebody or crushing it keep crushing it. Keep doing a good job of engage, you know can sometimes feel like this just cycling a drug and we're going around and around and around but God is working in the most mundane my new moments of Our Lives. And we have this kind of community. It becomes contagious.
I had lunch with a new family a couple of weeks ago and we are sitting down talking and they want to get involved in the church and it said will had you even really get connected and said there's a couple in our church. That invited us to lunch and then for a hike and we are just like yeah, but we're going to go to go do that. We had no idea. We didn't know then we didn't know anything about him and it's our conversation for grass that really touched by that and they said how can we serve at redeemers and I said do for a new family with that family did for you? Redeemers, I'm not always going to hit it out of the park. I'm going to fall on my face preaching far more often and something just really Rings home worship may come in hot or it may come in Flats. But Jesus never said they'll know you or they'll know me by your great preaching or by your worship. He said they'll know you are my disciples by your love one for another. You're going to crush it somewhere. Let's crush it in our love for each other that's really care for one another. Let's be inviting and engaging and watch the gospel at work in our hearts and our lives before our very eyes. Let's make sure that not only collectively as a church is Jesus our foundation. Let's make sure that individually he is our foundation. And to do that can't we can we need each other? That's what I'm calling or church do this next year.
You talk about redeemers and you tell somebody the preachings Greg probably lied to them. Right now I'm not seriously if you say expected this or expected that no, that's not what I want. I want people to know you'll be loved. If you come to this church, you'll be invited to community group. You'll be invited to a Bible study. You'll be invited into a home. You will have a place to call home. Church may you be known and we be known for that more than anything else is good preaching good worship. It will come it will go but you are called to a people not to person appear. Group of people that lead you're called one to another.
Father we want to do this well, because we are your children. I know my heart is stirred on this and pricked on this.
Personally wanted to find better ways to live this out. And I pray that that is the same calling in the hearts of those call this church home. But you will know us by our love for each other.
Not because we're incredibly skilled or gifted. Because your love is working our hearts and our lives.
I want wider arts and worship before you we know that were loved by you that enables us to love others to go to work in Us in this time convictus or we're not doing this give us opportunities to minister to serve at a levite other in Jesus name. Amen.