3364 λόγος (logos), ου (ou), ὁ (ho): n.masc.; ≡ DBLHebr 1821; Str 3056; TDNT 4.69—1. LN 33.98 statement, that which is said (Jn 4:41); 2. LN 33.99 speech, the act of speaking (Ac 14:12); 3. LN 33.260 gospel, the content of what is preached about Christ (Ac 19:20; Col 3:16; Mk 16:20 v.r.); 4. LN 33.51 treatise, systematic treatment of a subject (Ac 1:1); 5. LN 33.100 Word, Message, a title for Christ (Jn 1:1, 14; 2Ti 4:2; 1Jn 1:1; Rev 19:13+), note: some verses may be in other entries; 6. LN 57.228 account, a record of assets and liabilities (Php 4:17); 7. LN 89.18 reason, a cause for something (Mt 5:32; Ac 10:29; 1Pe 3:15); 8. LN 13.115 event, matter, thing (Ac 8:21); 9. LN 30.13 appearance, to seem to be (Col 2:23); 10. LN 56.7 accusation, legal charge of wrongdoing (Ac 19:38), note: see LN index for a fuller treatment of the lexical units.