Middlesborough Interview
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My understanding of Christian faith and Evangelism
My understanding of Christian faith and Evangelism
This year I went to Finland for the first time
I also went fishing for the second time in my life
In fishing on a wide lake, with no one around just me and the river and a friend early on a Saturday morning
I reflected on this verse:
While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him. And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.
This small extract from the bible shows us how to build a community of Christians
Which is essentially what you are trying to achieve here in Middlesborough on the Brambles Farm Estate
Jesus firsts finds two people that are fishing so he meets them where they are at
Now why did he chose fishermen?
He sees that they know how to Fish
Now why did he chose fishermen?
Fishermen know what bait to use to catch fish
Here is the only part in the bible where it says I will make you fish for men
Therefore they can transfer that into the gospel and catch people.
Here is the only part in the bible where it says I will make you fish for men
We are to be like fishermen,
Being an evagelist is to be like a fisherman.
He then Says to them follow me and I will make you fishers of men
He sets up a relational envoirment first for them to follow him
So first we need to be intential
Second we need to setup a relational space
We need to follow the example of Jesus
He went every where with the desciples, he brought them along on his Journey taught them first how to fish for people
Showed them and taught them what to do with the Kingdom of God and the world
He showed them how to heal people, love people, and tell people about the kingdom of God.
He did this all with relationships.
Then he charged them with making new desciples.
He charged them with making new desciples
then we are charged by God to go and make disciples of all nations
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Matthew 1
We must be intentional in leading and making disciples
We must follow Jesus example and build a relational envoirment
In doing this we will reproduce desciples
Essentially we will hit your vision and your goal in making a new community of christians on the Brambles Farm Estate
Experience in Christian Ministry
Experience in Christian Ministry
I come from a church planting background
I was employed to open an empty church building and to fill it with people
Which I have done with some success we meet now as a group of twenty five people, each sunday
We have grown from zero to twenty five over the course of two years
First I made sure that I was fishing
I built a community a fringe if you like around the church
We run a Foodbank on a Friday morning, which brings in around sixty five people a week, putting the Bait out there.
I enjoy having people over our house and building relationships
Oliver and Library Story
I enjoy having people over our house and building relationships
I talk to people and put them into a relational enviorment
I have cooked for people in the church and have them around my house and everyone enjoys coming over to my house to have dinner and we speak about Jesus and the Gospel.
Right now we are exploring the purpose of Christmas through Sundays and the Home Group
Oliver and Library Story
On a Sunday we meet in the church building and have a relaxed service
I run Family film afternoons every now and then at the church this is to come along side mums and families in Rayleigh
I have rented part of the building out to a Dance school with the intentional view of speaking with parents of the children building relationships whilst the children are dancing
Oliver and Library Story
I enjoy having people over our house and building relationships
In my time of running the Church I have baptised someone and brough them into faith
I am an intential fisherman and evangelist.
I do all these things for Christ and the Kingdom of God
The Church in my view first needs to serve the people, and build a relationship enviorment and then make desciples.
How am I equiped for this?
How am I equiped for this?
This Job is very very similar to the work I have done
My heart is for the poor and needy
For it says “Blessed are the poor for they will inherit the kingdom of God.”
One of my inspirational people of the faith is Mother Theresa and I have the same values as her.
She was all about the poor and needy and going to them meeting them where they are at
I do this a lot and find myself wanting to come along side people and help them to show them the gospel.
Couple at the foodbank with a bed… (Maybe Check Timing)
This area Brambles Farm over the past year has had 2,609 crimes comitted
Most were commited as Antisocial Behaviour
Drug crime has shot up from 2 a month to 14 a month
Robery is high
Domestic abuse is high
This tells me that this place is ripe for a church, ripe for the Gospel
We as Christians need to go in build a relationship enviourment with the help of CAP or RESTORED or another ministry to show these people the Love of Christ
These crimes show me that poverty is high here this is based on my own experience with poverty from running a foodbank in Rayleigh
Therefore the Kingdom of God is at hand and these people are about to be blessed.
Therefore the Kingdom of God is at hand and these people are about to be blessed.
Blessed are the poor for they will inherit the Kingdom of God.