Ready or Not, Here He Comes (3)
Ready or Not, Here He Comes • Sermon • Submitted
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encourage one another—Jesus is coming again
Billy Graham—reserved, humble preaching in his latter years
his early preaching was a FIRECRACKER
He was not afraid to preach on hell fire and damnation
We can expect to face persecution
harsh time coming
John the Baptist was beheaded for calling out sin as sin
he spoke of how perverse his generation was...
From the days of Noah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Billy Graham and today---
Remember the Proclamations of God’s Messsengers
What is Peter saying here?
both epistles given to encourage believers in his day and time
the same God of their past will be the God of their future
the Lord’s Supper
serves as a reminder of what Jesus gave
they cross over into Jericho and the water was backed up—probably 9 miles on both sides
one man from every tribe was to take a stone
God does not want his people forgetting the things that he has done
a few things you ought to remember (from a random church member)
The past cannot be changed
Opinions don’t define your reality
Everyone’s journey is different
Smiles are contagious
Kindness is free.
a few things you ought to remember (from scripture)
God is loving and jealous.
God judges sin.
Obedience and faith are what please God.
Jesus died so that you could be forgiven.
If you are going to follow Jesus, there is a price to pay.
Jesus is coming again.
* Following Jesus is the only path that leads to God.
Jesus said if any man want to follow me they must take up their cross and follow me.
With whom are you occupied?
Do you take longer beautifying yourself with make up than you spend in God’s Word on a daily basis?
Do you spend more time taking about sports and the weather than you do with Jesus?
Remind yourself of the truth because scoffers will arise.
are you trying to put a square peg in a round hole ?
There’s only one person that can fill the hole in your heart; and, that is Jesus.
God has always been involved in His creation and it is foolish for anyone to scoff at the reality of Jesus coming again.
Don’t forget: God is not operating on our time frame:
Wouldn’t it be nice if you only had one thing not to forget?
Time may control us; but, God controls time.
Our God is not controlled by time; our God controls time.
God holds true that Jesus Christ is coming again; his desire is that none should perish but all should come to salvation.
How do we remember, and not forget, the teaching and promises of God?
Keep reminding each other of the promises of God.
How do we remember and not forget the teachings and promises of God?
Hide His Word in your heart.
Use sticky notes with scripture.
Testify to others of God’s goodness.
Fellowship and worship together.
Encourage one another.