Messiah's Mission to the World
Christmas: Give Him Praise and Glory • Sermon • Submitted
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Messiah was called and commissioned by the LORD God ( )
Messiah was called and commissioned by the LORD God ( )
Explanation: The Book of Isaiah contains four sections that are called The Servant Songs. They are located at ; ; ; and . Each of these Servant Songs are Messianic prophecies that detail the life and ministry of Jesus, and they were penned approximately 700 years before the Birth of Christ. This morning we are going to look at the second of the Songs, one that details the mission and ministry of Jesus the Messiah
An important Truth that we need to remind ourselves of is the Eternal nature of Jesus as the Second Person of the Trinity. During the Christmas season we place emphasis upon the Birth of Christ, which is good and right. We must never forget, however, that His birth in the manger was not His introduction to life. Jesus is Eternal, and He is not a created being. His birth was simply a new Chapter in God’s revelation to mankind. The Incarnation itself was not a new idea: the Incarnation was conceived in the mind of God in Eternity Past, and it reveals the perfect harmony within the Godhead. The Father commissioned the Plan, the Son is the Agent of Redemption, and the Holy Spirit is the Empowerment of the Plan.
The Prophet Isaiah shared the Coming of the Messiah to the people of Israel long ago, and related how His coming was Commissioned by God Himself. The nation of Israel had been brought into existence for a purpose. Their purpose as a people was to be God’s servant to the Nations. As a whole, Israel failed in this task through idolatry and disobedience. God, foreknowing that the nation would fail to represent Him as a Faithful Servant, commissioned His Son to be that Servant, but Jesus would be a Perfect Servant.
Argument: The Jews interpret these Servant songs to represent themselves as a nation (cf. ), but a better interpretation sees Jesus as the perfection of the Servant where the Nation failed. This fits with other Scriptures as well. The prophet Micah foretold the coming of Jesus () and Matthew confirmed Jesus as the Coming One ().
Messiah’s Purpose is to bring Glory to the LORD God ()
Messiah’s Purpose is to bring Glory to the LORD God ()
Application: We who Name Jesus as King have been commissioned as well. We have been given the privilege of being part of this ongoing Kingdom adventure. We observe the birth of Messiah at Christmas, and we celebrate the Light he brought to a world in darkness. 2,000 years later, we can tell others His story by shining our light in the darkness.
Messiah’s Purpose is to bring Glory to the LORD God ()
Messiah’s Purpose is to bring Glory to the LORD God ()
Explanation: The Coming of Jesus had, and continues to have Purpose. A purpose on which we naturally focus is His purpose as Redeemer. We celebrate Jesus as Savior, the One who came to seek and save that which was lost (). This purpose is real and high and is to be celebrated. But, we must not forget that the Ultimate Purpose of Messiah was and is to bring Glory to God. The speaker in this section of the Song is the Servant (Messiah) and He is recounting the Words that the LORD God had spoken to Him, when He declared God’s promise that in Messiah, He would be glorified!
Illustrate: Have you ever been fascinated with the luminescence of a full moon? I remember a Harvest Moon one year that was shining so bright it was amazing! Did you know that the moon doesn’t have any light of its own? What we call moon-light is actually reflected sunlight.
Application: Jesus is God in the flesh. During His Incarnation He displayed His glory to those around Him (). We have no glory of our own, but we are called to reflect His. The Christmas season is a great time to glorify God by bragging on Jesus!
Messiah was Rejected by His own people, and seemingly failed in His mission (4)
Messiah was Rejected by His own people, and seemingly failed in His mission (4)
Explanation: The wording of v.4 sounds out of place at first glance. It would have been almost impossible for the first listeners to comprehend the meaning of this statement because it referred to a future event for them. This verse describes the rejection that Messiah faced during His first Advent. We who live on this side of the Cross have an advantage in that we can see more of the entire Redemptive landscape.
The words “I have labored in vain” still seem shocking when we consider that they are the words of Jesus. But consider His mission from the standpoint of the Crucifixion. Jesus had come to His own, but they rejected Him (). He selected twelve men to form the core of His followers, and one of them betrayed Him, while 10 of the remaining 11 deserted Him at the Cross.
Argument: One author gives commentary on the seeming futility of our labor: “Too often we miss the two-sidedness of what is being said here. On the one hand, we think that to admit feelings of futility is not to trust God. On the other hand, we often believe that if we really trusted God, we would never have feelings of futility. The Servant shows us that neither reality is incompatible with the other. Trust has ultimately to do with the final outcome, and of this the Servant is fully confident. It is God, the God who called him, equipped him, and is using him, who will make the final adjudication (mišpāṭ, justice) concerning the Servant’s work." (NICOT-Isaiah) (accessed from
Application: Do not judge by appearances. Someone evaluating Jesus’ performance as Messiah immediately after the Cross could very well judge it a failure. Someone can also look at the state of Christianity in the 21st century and declare it is finished. Both of those appraisals would be incorrect! Now is not the time for despair, but for renewed Trust. The Story is not finished.
Messiah’s Mission extended beyond Israel, and He will ultimately be worshiped and acknowledged by all people (Isa 49:5-7)
Messiah’s Mission extended beyond Israel, and He will ultimately be worshiped and acknowledged by all people (Isa 49:5-7)
Explanation: The LORD God is the speaker in these verses, and His words are again very clear that the Servant is Messiah, not the nation of Israel. God says to His Servant in v. 6 that His mission will expand beyond just bringing the nation of Israel back to faith in Himself. God declares that the Servant will be a light for the nations, a mission that Israel was originally given, but failed to accomplish (). Where the Nation of Israel failed, Messiah was successful! The Apostle John affirmed that Jesus was the Light of the World () and Paul declares the Gospel of Jesus brings salvation to the Jew and to the Greek () and he also states that salvation is available to all who call upon the Name of Jesus ()
The LORD God also told the Prophet Isaiah that even though His Servant would be deeply despised, and abhorred by the nation (Israel) He would ultimately be successful in His mission and many would bow the knee in allegiance to the Messiah, the Hope of the Nations.
Argument: Some things have remained fairly constant over the last 2,000 years or so. World powers have risen and fallen, plagues and disease have ravaged populations, wars and rumors of wars are constant, and technology has continued to increase. During all this time there has always been a true Church of Jesus that teaches and preaches salvation in His Name alone. The message of the Messiah continues to shine in the darkness, despite the continued attacks from philosophy, evolution, secularism, and the sexual revolutionaries.
God is faithful to His Word, and His Promises will stand! Regimes come and go, the popularity of the Church with the world will rise and fall, and godless philosophies will continue to attack the faith, but the True Church will endure because Christ declared that it would. Those who have bowed the knee to Jesus as Lord and Savior are on the winning side, regardless of appearances!
Application: Do you realize what a privilege we have been given as Ambassadors for the King of Kings? We are blessed with the Eternal & Unchanging Truth in a world that is upside down and totally confused about the most basic issues. You can share the Light of Jesus with those who are scared, lonely, and/or confused. You can also share the Message of Hope to those who are angry and upset. Jesus really is the Answer!