The Function of Deacon

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Title- The Function of Deacon
-Each member here at WBC should have this form in their mailbox....
-This form will begin the process of determining who will be chosen by the church to serve as deacon
*Each member is given the opportunity nominate someone for that position
*Questionnaires will be given to nominees to fill out with the intent to accept or reject the nomination
*Myself and the deacons (the ones not up for re-election) will compile the list and post it for your prayerful consideration
*In January we will vote on the the man who will serve WBC for the next 3 years as deacon.
-I thought this morning that it would be beneficial to go over a few reminders about the function of deacons as we come up to this important process.
Beneficial for those nominating, those being nominated, those that may in the future be a deacon, those who are not members but want to know the function and our process....
Those doing the nominating and those receiving the nomination need to have a biblical understanding of the qualifications and the purpose of deacons.
Before we go any further.
*I have the greatest of respect for and am I extremely thankful for the men who have served as deacons here at Waunakee Baptist Church and for their wives.
-I am also grateful for those I have had the privilege to serve alongside of and for their wives!…
So that being said
The last thing I want to convey is that I am pushing an agenda or attacking anyone.
*There are some things that the Lord has laid on my heart that need to be said…I have labored over how to best present and word them…
-I did not have names of individuals in my mind as I worked through this
Actually I did, I labored to be precise and not offend some
That is not the purpose of this message
-I am human and may fail…I may come across different than I intend…I may be misunderstood
-I simply want to look at what the Bible says about the qualifications and the role of the deacon in the local church in preparation for the upcoming election.
I have no agenda to attack any person or group of people
-I hope over the time I have had the privilege to preach from this pulpit I have displayed that I strive to not use this pulpit as a whipping post or a place to call individuals or groups out but a place to faithfully present God’s Word to his people.
That being said
-I desire that we be prepared, as we grow, to allow other men to understand what is biblically required of a deacon so that they can, if nominated, make an informed decision as to whether or not to accept or reject a nomination.
This upcoming election within our church can either be advantageous to the church or it could be hazardous to the church.
What is the main driving point (CPS)?
Friends, for Waunakee Baptist to function biblically we must have a biblical foundation for the function and qualifications of a deacon.
Why does the CPS matter, what is the consequence?
That being said, if we misunderstand or misuse the role of deacon it has the potential to be detrimental to the health, unity, and continuance of the church.
This morning I want us to see three areas where it is essential for us to have a proper biblical understanding of the deacon
The first area we need to have a proper biblical understanding of the deacon is in…

I. Purpose of a deacon ()

This I strongly believe is far too often overlooked
In we find some initial criteria for the qualification of the deacon but I believe that just as importantly we find the purpose for having deacons
And when we come to this passage I think we focus on the work being done and not the purpose behind the work.
Why did they choose these men?
To meet the needs of the Greek Christian widows
But it was about more than just that these women were being neglected…
What is behind this…how does this come to light?
There is murmuring about it.
The unity of the body was beginning to dissolve…
The bigger picture of the purpose of deacons is for the growth and unity of the church.
-When problems arise within the church the deacons ought to be the first to respond and work to bring about unity within the body.
-When needs arise the deacons ought to be ready to pitch in
This does not relieve the pastor from the duty of meeting those needs as well but the deacons ought to be on the front lines along side the pastor working and striving for unity within the body
It is my firm conviction from the word of God that the pastor is the leader of the local ministry, the deacons are there to facilitate the ministry, and the body is to do the ministry.
The pastor and deacons are all a part of the local ministry so they are then a part of the congregation doing ministry as well.
-The pastor and deacons are to be working just as much as anyone, but the leadership and vision comes from the pastor and the deacons are the momentum by which the congregation becomes involved.
-Service is to be church wide… the vision and motivation come from the pastor and deacons
Bridge to today
I think that too often the pastor and deacons are seen as those that sit in meetings and make decisions and give work to others.
-This is unbiblical!
-If there is a person in the local ministry that is not faithful in their service towards that ministry it ought not be the pastor or deacons.
If the deacons just make decisions, collect the offering and serve the Lord’s table (only serve during regularly scheduled services) the church is practically functioning as an elder run church with no deacons
Deacons are vital to the health of the church
To be servants with the heart desire to bring unity to the church
One of the keys in this passage and in is the idea of being ready and willing to be used.
-Not in the sense of being taken advantage of but ready to be used in any way shape or form that the Lord has
I will not apologize for this statement…
-If you are unwilling to clean bathrooms at church you are not, in my opinion, fully qualified to be deacon.
-If it is someone else responsibility to shovel the walks on Sunday morning, you ought to decline the nomination.
If you are not ready to be used of the Lord in whatever way He needs you, you are not ready to be a deacon
Deacons are first and foremost servants!
I am not proposing that we do away with deacons meetings and deacons as
I do believe that we have majored where the scriptures do not and minor on what the scriptures major on
The reality is that the church does not function like our democratic government
-Why is the sign up for the treats always full but the church cleaning comes down a couple families?
-When we have a fellowship there are volunteers to cook and help but outside of the college students there is only a couple families in this congregation willing to teach a Sunday school class
-Why does it seem like it is easier to get tithes than it is to get nursery workers?
-And the ones that are serving…if they are gone there is no one to take their place!
Why does this matter?
That is not a healthy church!
-You can justify and make the excuses you want but the truth is this…
-In a healthy church the work load is spread out among the congregation
The reality is that the church does not function like our democratic government
-And it starts with the leadership
-This is not between you and I so much as it is between you and the Lord
I will keep laboring here so long as the Lord has us here regardless how many people are by my side.
-But if you are not serving here at Waunakee Baptist and you have reasons, excuses, justifications…take them to the Lord, not me,
The deacons are not what Congress is to the president
-Tell Him why you can serve…He’s the one you will answer to
This church will rise and fall collectively
The pastor answers to the Lord by way of the congregation
That rising and falling starts with those in leadership
I think the dysfuntion comes in when we talk so much in our circles about the office of deacon and the office of pastor
-If you want to be a leader in the church you had better be ready to step up and serve
I get whats being said but am not a big fan of the terminology of “offices”
I study in an office but other than that I see the pastor as a role or function in the church
It is the same with a deacon…he does not hold an office, he serves a purpose
He has a function not a position
That function ought to go beyond serving communion and helping with the worship services
If a man feels overqualified to serve he is under-qualified to be a deacon.
In order to not continue dysfunctionally we need to understand first of all why there are deacons in the church and that is to serve
-There will be no consequences from me but the Lord, in His word, clearly presents to us that the leadership of the church ought to be those willing to serve
The second area we need to have a proper biblical understanding of the deacon is in the…

II. Qualification of a deacons wife ()

The deacons wife does not hold a position based on her husbands position
But her character and behavior can bring reproach on the church and the Gospel
Therefor the deacons wife is given qualifications as well
-Again, I do not believe these are exhaustive, these are given to get us thinking not only about the character of the man but the character of his wife
Grave- again, as with the deacon, this refers to one that is worthy of respect. Someone of good moral character.
Not slanderers- Not one that is known for attacking others reputation with their conversations
Sober- Not given to extremes… in our current vernacular we would say it would be someone who is level headed, self-controlled, lives with restraint
Faithful in all things- This is someone who is trustworthy, someone you can take at their word…if they say they will do something or be somewhere they will do it
-They are dependable!
Bridge to today
We might wonder why the wife of the one holding the position is expected to meet certain criteria…
-It is because the deacon’s wife is a part of his ministry
-If there is one person more than any other that can hold him back or help him excel it is his wife.
-Godliness begins in the home and the home that lacks godliness will not produce godliness within the church
We understand this principle in many other areas of life
-A pastor…you call the man to the ministry but understand that his wife is a vital part of his ministry
-The president…the man is voted into office but it is understood that his wife is a large part of who he is as president
-We even do this with friends and family…we look at their spouses
Why does this matter?
We have the biblical responsibility to encourage and lead our wives and our children in truth and godliness…who they are displays who we are as leaders
A man that cannot lead his family to or in worship is not prepared to function as a deacon
Not only do we need to understand the function of a deacon and the role his wife plays I believe there is a third area we need to have a proper biblical understanding of the deacon is in the….

III. The Qualification of the deacon himself ( & )

I believe that we have a pretty good understanding of these so we will not belabor them…
Grave- “Worthy of respect”… Someone of good moral character.
Not doubletounged- “Hypocritical in speech”
-Often thought of as not a gossip..and he ought no to be
-Also thought of as not saying one thing to one person and something else to another
-I think the above are absolutely true but the wording can be a simple as being sincere
-Don’t be dishonest with with our feeling by way of our speech
Not given to much wine- Without going into another complete message on alcohol I would suffice to say for today that due to the cultural differences the deacon ought to abstain from alcohol
Not greedy of filthy lucre- not desiring dishonest gain.
Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience- Doctrinally sound
Proven- this implies that there has been time for the man to display growth and fruit in his life.
-Unlike the qualification the deacon doesn’t not have the warning of not being a novice (new convert) most likely because the position of deacon is one of servanthood not power and prestige
Nevertheless he needs to be proven
Blameless- without accusation, an overarching term
Husband of one wife- This is referring to his marital status, which could be a whole separate message, but the deacon is not to be divorced. In the biblical definition, if he is a widower and is remarried to a widow or one who has never been married he is qualified
Ruling their children well- How he leads his children will display how he will be a leader in the church
Ruling their houses well- How he cares for his home, in the same way the church is not this body the home is more than just a roof and siding. We care for the building structure and ALL that is entailed with it
Willing to work- He is to use the position not just fill the position. If a man is not willing to be a servant now he is no more likely to be a good and faithful servant just because he has a title.
Of honest report- Well thought of
Full of the Holy Ghost- Not only a man who is saved but one who walks with the Spirit
Full of wisdom- Knows how to apply biblical truth
Whom we may appoint over this business- able to be a servant, similar to what we saw in …He ought to have the mind of Christ when it comes to being a servant
Bridge to today
Consider a mans character when you are writing that name on that form
When it comes to some of these qualifications you may not know his character or willingness, but he does
He knows:
-If he is a hypocrite
-If and how often he drinks
-His heart towards money
-How doctrinally sound he is
-How he leads and serves his family
-His willingness to be a servant
If you know his character does not match up…do not nominate him!!
If you receive a nomination and you know your character…your heart attitudes....Decline the nomination
If that means we end up with two deacons so be it
I would rather have two fully qualified deacons that any that are just playing the part
Only there for the position or the stature
This happens far too often in businesses, families, and in our government…there is no place for it in the church
Why does this matter?
Too many men in the secular arenas ignore their character in order to obtain positions
We need men of integrity as deacons.

II. Qualification of a deacons wife ()

The deacons wife does not hold a position based on her husbands position
But her character and behavior can bring reproach on the church and the Gospel
Therefor the deacons wife is given qualifications as well
-Again, I do not believe these are exhaustive, these are given to get us thinking not only about the character of the man but the character of his wife
Grave- again, as with the deacon, this refers to one that is worthy of respect. Someone of good moral character.
Not slanderers- Not one that is known for attacking others reputation with their conversations
Sober- Not given to extremes… in our current vernacular we would say it would be someone who is level headed, self-controlled, lives with restraint
Faithful in all things- This is someone who is trustworthy, someone you can take at their word…if they say they will do something or be somewhere they will do it
-They are dependable!
Bridge to today
We might wonder why the wife of the one holding the position is expected to meet certain criteria…
-It is because the deacon’s wife is a part of his ministry
-If there is one person more than any other that can hold him back or help him excel it is his wife.
-Godliness begins in the home and the home that lacks godliness will not produce godliness within the church
We understand this principle in many other areas of life
-A pastor…you call the man to the ministry but understand that his wife is a vital part of his ministry
-The president…the man is voted into office but it is understood that his wife is a large part of who he is as president
-We even do this with friends and family…we look at their spouses
Why does this matter?
We have the biblical responsibility to encourage and lead our wives and our children in truth and godliness…who they are displays who we are as leaders
Not only do the man and his wife need to meet the biblical qualifications I believe there is a third area we need to have a proper biblical understanding of the deacon is in the….

This I strongly believe is far too often overlooked
In we find some initial criteria for the qualification of the deacon but I believe that just as importantly we find the purpose for having deacons
And when we come to this passage I think we focus on the work being done and not the purpose behind the work.
Why did they choose these men?
To meet the needs of the Greek Christian widows
But it was about more than just that these women were being neglected…
What is behind this…how does this come to light?
There is murmuring about it.
The unity of the body was beginning to dissolve…
The bigger picture of the purpose of deacons is for the growth and unity of the church.
-When problems arise within the church the deacons ought to be the first to respond and work to bring about unity within the body.
-When needs arise the deacons ought to be ready to pitch in
This does not relieve the pastor from the duty of meeting those needs as well but the deacons ought to be on the front lines along side the pastor working and striving for unity within the body
It is my firm conviction from the word of God that the pastor is the leader of the local ministry, the deacons are there to facilitate the ministry, and the body is to do the ministry.
The pastor and deacons are all a part of the local ministry so they are then a part of the congregation doing ministry as well.
-The pastor and deacons are to be working just as much as anyone, but the leadership and vision comes from the pastor and the deacons are the momentum by which the congregation becomes involved.
-Service is to be church wide… the vision and motivation come from the pastor and deacons
Bridge to today
I think that too often the pastor and deacons are seen as those that sit in meetings and make decisions and give work to others.
-This is unbiblical!
-If there is a person in the local ministry that is not faithful in their service towards that ministry it ought not be the pastor or deacons.
One of the keys in this passage and in is the idea of being ready and willing to be used.
-Not in the sense of being taken advantage of but ready to be used in any way shape or form that the Lord has
I will not apologize for this statement…
-If you are unwilling to clean bathrooms at church you are not, in my opinion, fully qualified to be deacon.
-If it is someone else responsibility to shovel the walks on Sunday morning, you ought to decline the nomination.
If you are not ready to be used of the Lord in whatever way He needs you, you are not ready to be a deacon
Deacons are first and foremost servants!
I am not proposing that we do away with deacons meetings and deacons as advisors
I do believe that we have majored where the scriptures do not and minor on what the scriptures major on
As a simple illustration…
-Why is the sign up for the treats always full but the church cleaning comes down a couple families?
-When we have a fellowship there are volunteers to cook and help but outside of the college students there is only a couple families in this congregation willing to teach a Sunday school class
-Why does it seem like it is easier to get tithes than it is to get nursery workers?
-And the ones that are serving…if they are gone there is no one to take their place!
Why does this matter?
That is not a healthy church!
-You can justify and make the excuses you want but the truth is this…
-In a healthy church the work load is spread out among the congregation
-And it starts with the leadership
-This is not between you and I so much as it is between you and the Lord
I will keep laboring here so long as the Lord has us here regardless how many people are by my side.
-But if you are not serving here at Waunakee Baptist and you have reasons, excuses, justifications…take them to the Lord, not me,
-Tell Him why you can serve…He’s the one you will answer to
This church will rise and fall collectively
That rising and falling starts with those in leadership
-If you want to be a leader in the church you had better be ready to step up and serve
-There will be no consequences from me but the Lord, in His word, clearly presents to us that the leadership of the church ought to be those willing to serve
Review of the Principles and the Sermon Proposition
I want to reiterate what I stated at the beginning…
This is in no way blasting the current deacons or any past deacons for that matter…
-I greatly enjoy working with the current deacons
-I am not thinking of any potential nominee
-I had no names in my mind as I worked through this
I want to set the expectation, I believe the biblical expectation, of what a deacon ought to be.
Anyone else that may desire the office needs to understand that there is more to the purpose of a deacon than getting a title and a position within the church.
Challenge to act now (your part)…immanence
I think that even starting now we ought to all be evaluating our hearts to prepare for the process of nominating and electing a deacon.
It is a bit in the future but the process will begin in a couple weeks
-Honestly think about the person you desire to nominate
-Does he qualify, does he meet the requirements in the first point, is his wife qualified, will he be a servant
Men, if you receive a questionnaire saying that you are nominated…
There are areas of your life that only you know if you are qualified…
-Honestly, only you know if you are willing to be a humble servant
-If not, please set aside your pride and decline the nomination.
The honest truth is that this church will be better off with one or two biblically qualified ment that it would be with even a dozen that are seeking for their own gain.
The function of the deacon has less to do with authority and everything to do with serving
It is more important to be Christlike than to be in a position…
So let’s be honest as we go through this process this year
Final Statement
For the praise of His glory!!!
Not ours!!!!!!
Closing Hymn
380 Faithful Men
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