Esdras 7:9-10 Notas
9Porque el día primero del primer mes fue el principio de la partida de Babilonia, y al primero del mes quinto llegó a Jerusalén, estando con él la buena mano de Dios. 10Porque Esdras había preparado su corazón para inquirir la ley de Jehová y para cumplirla, y para enseñar en Israel sus estatutos y decretos.
La buena mano de Dios
Preparado su corazón
The word “heart” (lēḇāḇ) connotes the whole of one’s being.
In “study, observance of the Law … and to teaching” we have the secret of Ezra’s impact. He
In “study, observance of the Law … and to teaching” we have the secret of Ezra’s impact.
Para inquirir la ley de Jehová
In “study, observance of the Law … and to teaching” we have the secret of Ezra’s impact.
Para cumplirla
Para enseñar
This phrase refers to the fulfilling of his mission.
To teach Israel. This phrase refers to the fulfilling of his mission.
It was Thomas Watson, the Puritan, who once said: ‘God had only one son, and he made him a preacher.’ And it was Samuel Chadwick who once declared, ‘I would rather preach than do anything else in this world. I have never missed a chance to preach; I would rather preach than eat my dinner, or have a holiday or anything else the world can offer.’ Those of us who are preachers should ask ourselves honestly, ‘Do I love preaching God’s Word?’ and then follow it up with: ‘Do I believe in the preaching of God’s Word?’