Salvation is here

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The time has come!

Have you ever had someone question or challenged you in what you believe about Jesus? Have they ever said that all this talk of divine conception in Mary or that Jesus was really the Son of God is nonsense? How do you respond to them? For many Christians, they default to “the bible tells me so and therefore I believe.” I have been guilty of this.
But is this giving a sufficient reason for the hope that is in us ()? I think we can do better. I believe that this is exactly what Luke is doing for a high ranking Roman official Theophilus. Luke as a gentile doctor writes this account of Jesus Christ so that Theophilus as a new believer would have certainty or confidence in what he had been taught orally.
A couple weeks ago I went to see the movie Midway with my nephews. This movie is based on a true story about how the Americans broke the Japanese code prior to their attack on Midway. These details came out once these documents were declassified. We believe Edwin T. Layton who helped to break the code because he was there at the time. Personal testimony is imperative to believe what has happened in history.
In like fashion, Luke who more than likely was a Gentile doctor gives an account of the life of Jesus. In the first 4 verses of his gospel he writes to a high ranking Roman official named Theophilus. He most likely is a new believer and desires to know more accurately who Jesus is and how he came to save the world from sin.
Luke gives this narrative based upon what has been accomplished or fulfilled, taking into account eye witnesses and ministers of the word.
Question: Why do people believe an eyewitness who gives an account of breaking the Japanese code but refuse to believe eyewitness accounts of Jesus? I think this happens on two accounts. First, to believe miraculous things such as angels and immaculate conception is fanciful and looney to the one who does not know God. The hardened heart of stone will not believe such things. This is why regeneration of the heart needs to take place by God’s gift of grace and faith.
Second reason for disregarding these accounts is that for too many of us, we have stopped studying God’s word and being able to give a reason for the hope that is in us ().
Throughout December, let us humble ourselves and seek the Lord to give us fresh eyes and ears to understand more fully the reality that good news has come to the world through the promised Messiah. We start today with the account of two elderly folks who are without child.
I believe that we can do better in making strong cases for what we believe. It starts with humility and praying for God to enlighten our hearts to the truth of God’s inerrant and infallible word.
This month as we look to the birth of the Saviour, there are miraculous things happening. Let’s turn our hearts to see how God is who he says he is and humans to see who we are in the climax finally being reached in redemption of God’s people.

Prophecy fulfilled in the gift of a son.

Throughout history, God made a promise to Adam and Eve that a son would be born of a woman who would crush the head of the serpent namely Satan. The son was not Cain or Abel, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David or Solomon. These were all fallen creatures from birth who sinned and therefore could not save people from their debt of sin.

Yet God would continually work through his children patiently because he had a plan from before creation to save sinners. Prophecies were made and fulfilled proving that God makes promises and he keeps them. This makes God sovereign and completely trustworthy.
In around 740 BC in states that before the Messiah comes a voice is going to cry out in the wilderness for Israel to turn from sin back to the one true living God. 300 years later or so the prophet Malachi speaks in 3:1 that a messenger will come before the Lord and in 4:5,6 this messenger will be a prophet Elijah who will turn the hearts of fathers to their children.
Then there is silence for 400 years until an old man Zechariah enters the temple of the Lord as a priest to burn incense on the alter. Luke tells us that Zechariah (Jehovah has remembered) and his wife Elizabeth (God is my oath) were righteous and blameless but were childless. Meaning they were OT saints that believed in a Saviour to come. They however were not sinless as we will see in a few moments.
To serve the Lord as priest was a high honour and they would only get this privilege once in a lifetime. An angel stands to his right and Zechariah is filled with fear. This often is the case when in the presence of the heavenly host.
The angel calms the man down and tells him that his prayers have been heard. Elizabeth will bear a son and his name will be John (Jehovah is gracious). The angel tells him that there will be joy and gladness and much rejoicing at his birth. Why? Well for one thing these wonderful saints will have an heir and this will remove the disgrace of being childless (25).
But that is not the chief reason they will rejoice for (15) he John will be great before the Lord. Zechariah and Elizabeth will not have a priest for a son but a prophet. And not just any prophet but the one who would prepare the people for the coming Messiah! John is not to drink wine or strong drink meaning he is dedicated to Lord alone. Much like a Nazarite.
John will also be filled with the Holy Spirit even in the womb. This is a supernatural miracle as all from Adam are born in sin, but John will be uniquely saved before being born.
In (16,17) John will turn unbelieving Jews back to their God through his powerful preaching of repentance and faith. His ability to do this is in the power and spirit of Elijah which is the fulfillment of . His preaching and baptism will bring renewal of life to God’s people and will restore families, disobedient fools will turn to wisdom and justice. He will be the forerunner preparing the people of God for the Messiah.

Holes in Zechariah’s holiness.

Now, one would think that with this glorious angel telling Zechariah all these wonderful things about the gift God would give, it would increase the faith of this godly man. But that would be a wrong assumption. Godly people say and do dumb things. Zechariah’s faith was not bolstered but rather it was filled with unbelief.
Now, one would think that with this glorious angel telling Zechariah all these wonderful things about the gift God would give, it would increase the faith of this godly man. But that would be a wrong assumption. Godly people say and do dumb things. Zechariah’s faith was not bolstered but rather it was filled with unbelief.
Zechariah wanted a sign to prove that what the angel said was true. Big mistake. His excuse would appear to be valid “I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years” (so politically correct). He apparently had forgotten about Abraham and Sarah who were well aged and beyond childbearing years.
The angel answers this unbelief with a mighty proclamation “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to you and to bring you this good news.” Of all the angels mentioned in Scripture, we are only told the names of two: Gabriel and Michael. Gabriel was the chosen holy angel to bring this good news of a gift given and Zechariah did not believe that God would be able to fulfill what he promised.
While faith is blessed, unbelief was met with discipline. Zechariah would not be able to speak and likely deaf until the day of this promise is fulfilled. The righteous Zechariah did receive his sign that he wanted. A sign that was gracious as well as a rebuke to not doubt the God who created the heavens and the earth by the word of his voice.
Obviously the people were getting a little nervous in Zechariah being delayed. When he did finally come out it was obvious that he had seen a vision. Zechariah probably struggled to complete his week of priestly duties out of sheer excitement but upon finishing he went home to Elizabeth.
And what do you know, soon Elizabeth conceived. Another prophecy fulfilled by the Lord. For five months she kept herself hidden and thanked the Lord for blessing her with this child. Knowing that the public shame would finally be removed. In their culture, it was often seen as that if you were barren it was because of hidden sin. Obviously this is not the case.
What can we learn from Luke’s account? There is more here than time will allow me but let me give you a few nuggets to consider.
Patience. Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous but struggled with shame and being barren when they so wanted a child to love and care for. It is obvious to us that for many years they had prayed for a child with no answer. It was not because of sin but because the Lord wanted to bless them at the right time according to his will and plan. So whether you are praying for a child, a spouse, a lost family member to be saved, a healing from sickness or whatever. Remember to wait on the Lord. Don’t give up praying. Be patient.
Trust. God speaks to Z & E through an angel and tells them good news of a son who would be born to them. Yet Zechariah failed to believe the promise of God. It could be easy to be critical and be shocked at his lack of faith. But before we are too hard on good old Zechariah, maybe do a good self examination of yourself. How do we respond to hard financial times? Do we worry, are we anxious? Or do we hit our knees and pray? When someone sins against us, do we become vindictive and slander them? Or do we lay our worries at the feet of Jesus to help us be restored? When sudden illness hinders us from our plans do we cry foul and blame God? Or do we say “thy will be done?” Let us repent and believe God at his word that he is the Almighty God. That there is nothing too hard for the Lord. Trust God to see you through the muck and mire for he does not abandon his children.
Worship. The prayers of this elderly couple did not diminish over the years. Sure there may have been times of disappointment for we all struggle when our prayers are not answered. But they persisted and in God’s good time he lovingly gave them the gift of a son. Elizabeth’s response in (25) was one of gratitude and worship. She knew that the Lord opens and closes the womb “…the Lord has done for me”. She trusted in God and when her prayers were answered, she gave all the glory to God. Let this serve as a good example to follow. Whether our prayers are answered or not, let us praise God for who he is and that he knows best, he is all-wise. Worship the God of our salvation.
Brothers and sisters, before Jesus came to earth, the OT saints were saved by looking forward to the coming Messiah. A true King who would rule in righteousness and truth. For us now, we look backward to see the fulfillment of God’s promise in Jesus Christ. By God given faith we are unified to the Messiah and saved from sin, death and judgement because Jesus did this for us. This is the “good news” that Gabriel brought to Zechariah. Not just a son, but a forerunner for the Messiah that would come in Jesus!
As children of God, we pray and he hears us. He loves to give us good gifts in his perfect timing and we praise him. As children of God we know that he loves us and forgives us even when we sin and lack faith. We also have holes in our holiness. He disciplined Zechariah because he loved him as a son and when we are caught up in sin he lovingly chastens us to conform to the image of his beloved Son Jesus. He forgives us because we are loved dearly. As children of God let us worship him for our salvation through Christ and for answering our prayers.
If you are here and have not trusted in Jesus as your Saviour, the Lord does not hear your prayers for you are not his child. His holy just wrath is still upon you but if you from sinful living to God and trust in Jesus as your Saviour you will be saved and adopted into God’s family. Today is the day of salvation, do not delay in turning to Christ and enjoy all the spiritual benefits in the King that has come and will come again!
May the promises of God fulfilled encourage your faith and give you reasons for why you believe in Jesus as your Saviour.
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