The Nano Second you STOP Believing!
Arminians accept the security of the believer but believe it is conditional rather than unconditional—that is, God keeps believers secure, but we are responsible to avail ourselves of his power. In John, there are not only the examples of 6:60–66 and 17:12 but the warning passage of 15:1–6, stating that if those who are in Jesus quit bearing fruit, they will be “thrown away … wither … [and be] gathered into a pile to be burned.” Outside John, Arminians appeal to such passages as Heb 6:4–6; 10:26–31; Jas 5:19–20; 2 Pet 2:20–21; 1 John 5:16. In other words, they believe that God keeps us secure but that there is a real danger of rejecting his security and turning our backs on Christ. As Witherington says, “God’s role in the relationship is incomparably greater than the human one, but the fact remains that God does not and will not save a person without the positive human response, called faith, to the divine leading and drawing”