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(Afrikaanse Ou Vertaling) — 17 Daarom moet julle nie onverstandig wees nie, maar verstaan wat die wil van die Here is.
(The Message) — 17 Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.
(NRSV) — 17 So do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Die lewe vandag druk ons al meer in die rigting om te soek na Godse wil in ons lewe. “We are tempted either to give up and withdraw or to become hyperactive, losing precision, purpose, and effectiveness in a frenzy of superficial activity.[1]”
Fool. “Sense[2]: foolish – devoid of wisdom or good sense or sound judgment” “Unwise” is aphrōn (ἀφρων), “without reason, senseless, foolish, stupid, without reflection or intelligence, acting rashly.” [3]
“The proper sense of urgency, however, drives the wise believer to want more than ever to understand what the will of the Lord is, because he knows that only in the Lord’s will and power can anything good and lasting be accomplished.
He will not be foolish by running frenetically in every direction trying to see how many programs and projects he can become involved in.
Such activity easily becomes futile and leads to burnout and discouragement, because it works in the power of the flesh even when it is well-intentioned[4]
Understand. “Sense: to understand – to know and comprehend the nature or meaning of. ““Understanding” is suniēmi (συνιημι), “to set or bring together, to put the perception with the thing perceived, to set or join together in the mind,” thus, “to understand.”
The word speaks of reflective thinking. The verb is present imperative in a prohibition, forbidding the continuance of an action already going on[5]
Die gevolge: The unwise believer who behaves in a foolish manner tries to function apart from God’s will, and is inevitably weak, frustrated, and ineffective, both in his personal life and in his work for God. The only cure for such foolishness is to find and to follow the will of the Lord[6]
1. Illustrasie
I don’t understand electricity, but I’m no fool—I’m not going to sit around in the dark till I do. I don’t understand the thermodynamics of internal combustion and the hydraulics of an automatic transmission either, but I’m no fool—I’m not going to stay in one place until I do.
The truth is that I don’t understand a great deal of the things that are part of my everyday life, but I make them a part of my life anyway.
The same is true of salvation. No one will fully understand how God could become man, how he could die, how his death could be the basis for our forgiveness, how he could give you and me a new life, and all of the other aspects of salvation.
But only a fool would ignore such a great opportunity just because he didn’t understand it.[7]
2. Wat Is Die Wil Van God Vir Ons?
“Sense: inclination (attitude) – an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others.
3. Dat Ons Gered Is
(Die Lewende Bybel) — 3 Dit is die regte manier om te lewe, en dit is ook wat God, ons Verlosser, wil hê. 4 Hy wil hê dat almal gered moet word en dat hulle die waarheid werklik sal verstaan.
(Die Lewende Bybel) — 9 Daar is mense wat dink dat die Here sy belofte om terug te kom op die lange baan geskuif het, maar dit is nie so nie. Wat wel gebeur, is dat Hy julle nog tyd gee, want Hy wil nie hê dat party verlore moet gaan nie. Hy wil hê almal moet tot bekering kom.
4. Dat Ons Gees Vervul Sal Wees
(Die Lewende Bybel) — 17 Daarom moet julle nie doelloos lewe nie, maar julle moet verstaan wat die Here wil hê julle moet doen. 18 Moenie te veel wyn drink nie, want dan kan ’n mens jou nie meer beheer nie. Maar julle moet vol van die Heilige Gees wees.
5. Dat Ons Heilige Sal Lewe.
(Die Lewende Bybel) — 3 God wil hê julle moet heilig wees .....................
6. Dat Ons Onderdanig Sal Leef
(Afrikaanse Ou Vertaling) — 13 Wees dan onderdanig aan elke menslike verordening ter wille van die Here—of dit die koning is as opperheer, 14 of die goewerneurs as sy gesante, om wel kwaaddoeners te straf, maar die wat goed doen, te prys. 15 Want so is dit die wil van God dat julle deur goed te doen die onkunde van die dwase mense tot swye sal bring,
7. Dat Ons Ter Wille Van Hom Sal Ly
(Afrikaanse Ou Vertaling) — 17 Want dit is beter, as die wil van God dit eis, dat julle ly wanneer julle goed doen as wanneer julle kwaad doen.
8. Dat Ons Dankbaar Sal Leef
(Afrikaanse Ou Vertaling) — 18 Wees in alles dankbaar, want dit is die wil van God in Christus Jesus oor julle.
Jy mag sê, "Dit is goeie beginsels, maar hulle vertel my nie waar ek moet gaan na skool of wie ek moet trou nie." Maar as jy gered is, geheilig, onderdanig, ly, en sê dankie, kan jy doen wat jy wil!
Dit is wat die psalmis bedoel het toe hy gesê het, "verlustig jouself in die Here; en hy sal jou die begeertes van jou hart gee "(). Beteken dit dat hy die begeerte vervul?
Ja, maar voordat hy dit vervul, plaas hy dit in jou hart. As jy 'n goddelike lewe leef, sal hy jou die regte begeertes gee en hulle dan vervul.
[1] MacArthur, J.F., Jr., 1986. Ephesians, Chicago: Moody Press.
[2] Bible Sense Dictionary
[3] Wuest, K.S., 1997. Wuest’s word studies from the Greek New Testament: for the English reader, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
[4] MacArthur, J.F., Jr., 1986. Ephesians, Chicago: Moody Press.
[5] Wuest, K.S., 1997. Wuest’s word studies from the Greek New Testament: for the English reader, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
[6] MacArthur, J.F., Jr., 1986. Ephesians, Chicago: Moody Press.
[7] Green, M.P. ed., 1989. Illustrations for Biblical Preaching: Over 1500 sermon illustrations arranged by topic and indexed exhaustively Revised edition of: The expositor’s illustration file., Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
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