Church (2)
Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 48:31
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Introduction: The human body is an amazing feature of God’s creation. What little we know of the physical body is sufficient to cause us to be amazed. We stand is awe of our great God who has made an instrument of His glory with such design, precision, and unparalleled capabilities.
Our physical bodies have been the focus of much scientific study. We have discovered wonderful details about our biological structures, physiological functions, psychological brain activity, not to mention the many other features that make up the human body.
We are people who bleed, think, feel, and function according to design. We give great effort, some more than other, to maintaining the health of our bodies. We try to eat better, exercise more, get proper rest, and take our medicines in order to keep these bodies functioning at the greatest level for the longest time possible. Yet, even as much as we have discovered about ourselves we still cannot keep our bodies from dying. We may be better at prolonging the process, but the reality is we cannot stop the wrinkles from coming, the brain waives from jumbling, and the heart from stopping.
Transition: Its very interesting that one of the main metaphors that Scripture uses to describe the church, is the body. Today, as we continue our series on the Church, we are focusing our attention on the members of the body of Christ. Last week we discovered from God’s word some important truth concerning Jesus, as the head of His body the church. Today, we’ll be focusing our attention on the authority, responsibilities and joy for the members of the head of the church. Last week… Jesus, the Head. Today, members, the body.
Members, the Body
Members, the Body
Read text Ephesians 4:1-16
Delegated Authority
Delegated Authority
1. (Look at Matt 16:13-20 ) Given the keys of the kingdom, Its not an authority of our own to accomplish our agenda. Rather it is delegated authority to ambassadors of the king. We have been given the ministry and message of reconciliation. We are as Christ’s body and as such we are those who represent a heavenly sovereign kingdom. We hold the key of the kingdom in that we declare the goodness of God t
2. Authority for what? As those who are purchased by the blood of Christ, Those who are redeemed we have the authority represent His kingdom on earth. To help prepare people to be with Christ. As we found last week, to make disciples.
Transition: How do we go about doing that?
Diverse & Unified Responsibility
Diverse & Unified Responsibility
Not all the same. Different gifts, but same responsibility to represent the Kingdom of heaven on earth as ambassadors for Christ. To make disciples.
That’s the general mission, but what are the details of that mission. How do we go about making disciples? What are some of our specific responsibilities as members of the body of Christ?
Defined Joy
Defined Joy
Ephesians 4:15-16 remind us of our great joy in functioning as members of the body of Christ.