Death Is No Trouble for Mike Kohn

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Michael Kohn, age 60, of Allendale, MI went to be with his Lord and Savior on Thursday, November 28, 2019. Michael was preceded in death by his mother, Delores “Dee” Kohn.
He will be lovingly missed by his father, Homer (Rosemary) Kohn; siblings Kimberly (Loren) Walburg, and Naomi (Mike) Nyboer; nieces and nephews Laura (Brad) Gustafson, Justin (Heidi) Walburg, Jason Walburg, Collin, Shelby, Bryce, and Jarred Nyboer; great-nieces and nephews Addie, Charlotte, Marlowe Gustafson, and Ella and Colton Walburg; and many friends.
For 60 years Michael’s body had earthly limitations, BUT NO MORE! Mike is now with the Lord where he has inherited his eternal life. Michael traveled many miles over the years to facilities that cared for his every need: Shepherds Home in Union Grove, WI; Fort Sill, OK; Landstuhl, Germany; Career Industries in Racine, WI; and Life Circles in Holland, MI. The family wishes to thank all the nurses and staff for their loving and compassionate care.
In , Judas had just left the upper room to betray the Lord and now Jesus was preparing the rest of his apostles for his inevitable departure. They were really struggling with this reality, but Jesus wanted them to understand that the momentary pain would lead to everlasting joy!
As troubling as death is, Death is no Trouble for the Believer.
On Thanksgiving, I received a phone call from Holland Hosptial that Mike was not doing well and the family was facing end of life decisions for their dear son and brother.
By the time I arrived at the Hospital, Mike was resting comfortably without the aid of any life support. He was surrounded by his loving family as we waited for the Lord to take him home.
I was compelled to read from . Kim, Mike’s sister said this was one of the passages Mike had memorized while living at Shepherds Home in Wisconsin. It turns out Mike was excellent at Scripture memory!
So, I thought it was appropriate that we spend a little bit of time in this particular text to learn what Mike studied so long ago.
The overarching theme is this
Remember, as troubling as death is, death is no trouble for the believer.
I have four observations from this text I’d like to share with you this morning and the first is this...
Don’t be Troubled - Jesus is God
John 14:1 ESV
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.
Things were about to get really rough for Jesus and the disciples. And the disciples still didn’t understand what was about to take place even though Jesus had told them repeatedly the He would be lifted up on a cross and die.
There friend, their mentor, their brother was about to die and they simply didn’t understand why.
And so Jesus, the one who was facing a horrific crucifixion, chooses to focus on encouraging his friends.
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.”
The remedy for a troubled heart, according to Jesus, is belief in Jesus. Specifically belief that this Jesus was no ordinary man - Jesus was and is God.
Mike believed this to be true! As I spoke with Homer yesterday, he wasn’t exactly sure when Mike started believing but there was no question, by the evidence in Mike’s life, that he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and was saved.
What were some of those evidences?
Mike’s love to memorize Scripture
Mike’s love for the great hymns of the faith - would even sing them publically!
Mike’s love to share about Jesus - In the mall, greated someone who sat near him - in a pretty strong manner. His mom gently told Mike to ease up a little. Mike’s response was fantastic - “Don’t you want me to talk about Jesus?”
Mike’s contentment with his difficult situation - 30 years in a wheelchair and never complained.
How are these things possible? By the grace of God alone.
Mike was not troubled because Mike believed Jesus is God.
Don’t be Troubled - Jesus has a place for you.
John 14:2 ESV
In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
Jesus comforts His disciples by teaching them there is great joy beyond their trial. He, the one who created all things in 6 days has spent the past 2000 years preparing a room for Mike Kohn.
From a human perspective, our hearts ache for a person emprisironed in his own body.
Homer and his family knew Mike, from an early age, would have his challenges. As time went on his challenges increased. 1989 was a turning point after a hamstring surgery. After this surgery, Mike began experiencing sever sesuires and other complications that would eventually leave him imoveable and forced to be nourished through a feeding tube.
30 years of being bound to a body that would no longer cooperate is enough to make anyone complain and be miserable. But not Mike. He was sustained by the love of his family and especially by the grace of His God!
Mike’s emprisioned body would not be his final situation or destination.
Jesus knows Mike well! And He has been taking His time making the perfect, permanent, home for him!
Don’t be Troubled - Jesus wants you to be with Him.
John 14:3 ESV
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
Jesus continues to encourage his apostles by sharing some Jesus logic with them. “If I go through all the trouble to prepare a place for you, doesn’t it make sence that I will take you to our permanent, eternal home?”
And the answer is a resounding “YES!” It does make sense!
Jesus has NEVER made a promise He fails to keep. And this promise isn’t just for the apostles, it was for Mike and for all who are “in Christ Jesus!”
On Thanksgiving Day, at 1:06 pm. Jesus made good on his promise to Mike.
The verses Mike memorized so many year prior were now a reality! Jesus arrived and brought Mike home!
His sisters said that their mom probably ran ahead of Jesus to grab ahold of Mike first - not sure if that’s true, but I do know this, that where Jesus is, Mike is there also.
Can you imagine? Mike Kohn dealt with a broken body in this life, but now he is more alive than any of us sitting here this morning.
His body, in this life was wracked with pain and frustration, but now he is far stronger than the stongest person here!
He is singing at the top of his lungs praises to God himself.
Naomi mentioned the sweet irony of Mike passing on Thanksgiving day. For 30 years, Mike was not able to enjoy a meal. His feeding tube supplied all of his nutrition.
However, when Jesus brought him to heaven, Naomi and the family believes there was a thanksgiving feast awaiting her dear brother that was far greater than anything this world could ever offer.
Jesus made a promise to Mike Kohn in His Word, and on November 28th, He fulfilled it!
Don’t be Troubled - The Way is not Confusing
John 14:4–6 ESV
And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
The disciples were confused. They were not clear on what Jesus was telling them. So, He make His message to them as clear as possible.
“Let me tell you the way to God, this is not cofusing!” “I AM THE WAY, I AM THE TRUTH, AND I AM THE LIFE! THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO GOD THE FATHER - NONE- IT IS ONLY THROUGH ME!”
Mike placed his faith in the truth that there was only one way to the Father. And that one way is Christ alone. Christ is not only the way to eternal life. He is eternal life.
When Mike became a follower of Jesus, his eternal life began. On Thurday this reality became real for him!
We grieve for the loss of our friend, uncle, brother, son. But none of us here would wish him back from the ultimate joy and freedom he is experiencing right now.
But if Mike were able to come back. And if he were able to give you one message, do you know what he would say? I’m sure he would thank you for your faithful love to him - especially to those of you who selflessly cared for him over the years.
But I guarantee that if Mike were given the oppotunity, he would beg you to believe Jesus Christ! He would beg you to submit to Christ as your only hope of eternal salvation! He would plead with you to be born-again!
On Thanksgiving day, Jesus took Mike home to be with Him.
He would tell you to “Not be troubled” because the way to heaven is not confusing. It is quite simple, really. Trust Christ! Repent of your sin and believe that Jesus is, in fact, the way, the truth and the life.
On Thanksgiving day, Mike finally got to see Jesus face to face.
Perhaps people outside this family might be tempted to say that it was such a shame to see Mike live in such a dehabilitated way all these years.
But the family told me just the opposite. Certainly the didn’t want to see Mike suffer, but they told me that “Mike was the center of their life.” He was always in the middle of family life. And they will be forever grateful for the tremendous impact he has had on each of them.
As well as the tremendous impact he made for His Lord. Homer and Naomi told Angie and me that “Mike brought the mission field to us.” Everywhere Mike went, whether it be hospitals or care facilities in America, Germany or around the world, because of Mike, the truth of the gospel, the love of Christ was shared!
But now, Mike’s work is ended. His burden is lifted. He has entered into eternal rest - He is praising Jesus and maybe running around chasing those sheltie dogs he loved so much.
Funerals are not for those who have passed before nnus. They are for the living. They are for you. They force us to look at our own mortality. The force us to come to terms with the truth that one day our body will be in a casket.
The question I leave you with this morning is this. Will you follow Mike’s Way to heaven? Will you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? After all, He is the ONLY way you will be received into eternal Heaven.
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