December 1st Second Morning Service

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1 Timothy  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  31:45
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God Has The Directions For The Way Ahead…Here Are Some Truths That We Need To Nail Down As We Move Forward!

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Just passing and we looked at Joseph's passing and we we can thought about the reality of this true that when when crisis happens. Sometimes it can help give us Clarity and all we had talked about how crosses came with Jacob died and when Joseph died and it helped clarify to Israel that this was a time that they could be reminded of God's faithfulness, but also be read read directed towards the future he has for them and the one thing that I think everybody heard because I just belabor the point so very much was this true that we're not in crisis. We are not in crisis. We are in a season of change and sometimes when you're in a season season of change that equates to crisis for some folks, but we're not we're not in a crisis. We are in a place where God has us as a church where we are transitioning you're going to be calling a new pastor to to to lead into Shepherd and we have been called to serve on the mission field. So we're in in the season of of transition and then again, we're not in crisis, but when the season of change and And this morning when we look at at at this book of Joshua, we look at the story of Joshua being called. So it's step in where Moses went stood. We're going to see this. I think this kind of truth that you know, I don't know if you've ever heard the statement but never heard somebody say something along these lines the more things change the more they stay the same that can be incredibly negative statement, but it can also be incredibly encouraging because in the Small Things, yeah things change and and and you know it affect our life but in the grand scheme of things God is unchanging. I mean, he has a plan for us at planned for this church, and we are encouraged by that and I think I was going to want to speak to our hearts with words. Once I'm going to be really quick. I want to read this text to you what we're going to be digging into I'm going to pray and then we're just going to dive in of stuff you can you will let stand together just to Just recognize that what we are about to read has the power to change our life has the power to redirect air in entire life. Let's read this will pray and then we'll ask the Lord's at salitos to his word. We read after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord the Lord said to Joshua the son of nun Moses's assistant Moses. My servant is dead. Now. Therefore arrives go over this Jordan you and all this people into the land that I'm giving to them to the people of Israel every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you just as I promised to Moses from the Wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the Great River the river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites to the great sea towards the going down of the Sun. Chubby, your territory. No, man, shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you be strong and courageous for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them only be strong and very courageous. Be careful to do all. The law that Moses my servant commanded you do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left that you may have good success wherever you go this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that's written in it for then you will make your way prosperous. Then you will have good success. If I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be frightened. Do not be dismayed. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Thank you Lord. Let's pray together. Or we thank you that you are with us wherever we go, whatever we do. Everyday Lord that we breathe your air in. Is it day or that you have made and God this is a day that you've made and we will rejoice in it and we will look to you Lord to to teach us to grow us-22 to challenge us Lord to walk by faith and not by sight. I pray the Lord that whatever it is Lord that you wanted to accomplish through the preaching of your word this morning that I would not be a hindrance to that happen. Got it. You would use me as an instrument of vessel and worried that we would collectively. As your body receive your word and respond to that with a man be glorified Lord and are gathering for EIC sings The Name of Jesus a man. You can be Siri.

the more things change more things stay the same this morning. I This week's been wide open and I know I'm not alone. I know that a lot of y'all have had a busy busy with this week's been really busy and and there's been a lot going on in their life. And so this morning I woke up and it's kind of a little hazy still and I was walking down and one of my children approached me and said the dad where's the Advent calendar? I don't know if anybody grew up with Advent calendars, I grew up with Advent calendars and my kids are growing up with Advent calendars and it's basically this calendar when I know you know this but maybe not you open a window every day and it's got either are Arab encounters have candy in them. I had to grow up just getting pictures behind my Advent calendars. But but anyway, this child is like, oh, it's December December 1st. Then the second thing that she said to me was and by the way, are we going to get a Christmas tree today? Because it's after Thanksgiving and you can have Christmas trees at Thanksgiving without anybody making fun of you So I'm dealing with this. I'm thinking about this and and you know that's normative for our house. Usually we've already got a Christmas tree and then I look over to another one of my children and noticed that she's playing my phone and I don't know if anybody has big problems, but I lose my phone all the time because my children they steal it all the time little criminals, you know, they grabbed my phone and take off with it. I'll look over and see my phone and she's a playing this this game and and she's coloring. I like. Oh that's that's interesting. I seen you do that one before what what what are you playing? And what first boss to give me my phone back and then I say, what are you playing? And she said Ola this is a game. I just found that's what is it. So well, it's the game where I am. I'm a tattoo artist and I'm tattooing people. Oh, that's nice. Okay. Didn't know you was considering that career path, but that's okay. You know, I'm not going to say anything bad about that. She's working, right? You know, that's bothering some of y'all really really bad that I didn't jump on her, but that's not how we roll. So anyway, anyway, I said, you know of okay and she said in and by the way Daddy, I'm not planning on being a tattoo artist. I just like pretending you know that I'm touching somebody's arm and I just walked away from their thinking I got one one child that you know is when an advent calendar wanting a tree and then I got another child is pretending to tattoo people and you know, we're about to go to church so that the more things change the more they get older that that the more things stay the same. Because if you knew which child it was this would not be surprising at all. This morning we're looking at something that is consistently part of the story of God throughout all of Redemptive history. This story that we're looking at this morning is Joshua taking over where Moses leaves the scene and time will not allow us to look at all of the examples the scripture gifts to God using transition transitioning Leader's transitioning people to get The people of God to the place God has for them last week. We talked about how transition can be a perfect God brought about transition can be a perfect place for us to be reminded his faithfulness to be reminded of the future he has for us this morning what we're going to look at in this story of transition is this big-time true. Has the directions for the way ahead. He's got he's got it figured out for all of us no matter where you're at now if we're transitioning as as a family you're transitioning as a church, but there's other transitions going on right now. Some of you have just received a brand new diagnosis from the doctor, you're transitioning you're trying to walk through that some of you are trying to transition. What do I do? My children have went crazy? What do I do with them you're transitioning through that or maybe maybe a spouse has went crazy or maybe a job is when we are constantly bombarded with Transitions. And how do we approach them? How do we process them in a way that honors God? Book of Joshua is a historical book. It's also a hugely practical book and the truce that God's going to teach us this morning. If I ever get going I think will help us as we seek to discover. The directions God has for us as a church as his people. So let's look again at chapter number 1 vs. Number one in and look look with me how this story starts. After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord the Lord said to Joshua the son of nun Moses assistant Moses. My servant is dead. Now therefore because of that arise go over this Jordan you and all this people into the land. That I'm giving to them to the people of Israel couple weeks ago. We looked at the oldest Psalm and all of the songs and it's the song that knows. This is tributed Moses is a prayer of Moses is this song of Moses and we talked about that time how incredibly unique most of his calling was we had to think about that for just a second Moses Force raised up by God to lead God's people out of Egypt out of bondage into a promised land. They get on the very edge of that promised land in the cause of disbelief. They don't go in and God judges them and he says Hey, none of you are going to go into into the promised land. None of you are going to see what I've got for you all of you are going to have to pass away and your children's going to get the promise, but that was Moses's lot in life. He had to Shepherd care for pastor a group of P. Did it all actuality had to die? So that the people of God could get what it was got hacked them and that that's hard. I think nobody wants to be the guy or the girl gal that has to die Revival to come I want to volunteer for that. You don't say hey, I want to be that person that is constantly a stumbling block to God's church-going Ford.

It might be helpful, though. for us to ask Emma a stumbling block for God's Church to go forward Moses had to die. So that God's people could go into the Canaan. Sometimes things must happen for other things happen. I know that's mind-boggling right? I know that's earth-shattering but I used to always say this in counseling if you want a different result, you may have to do things differently. I know that that's way, you know, like crazy to think about but but that's the truth. Sometimes things must happen for other things to happen. God wanted his people to inherit a land flowing with milk and honey. But Moses had to die so that they could go in that land now. I'm not comparing myself to Moses in any way but here's what I am saying. We mustn't get distracted by the temporary and lose sight of the Eternal. The church has been going for God for 2,000 years. The church has been set of Fire by the Gospel of Jesus Christ for 2,000 years and guess what the church is going to continue to go because God is driving this church. So we must if we're going to get at the directions God has for our life individually and also for his church. We got to understand that are part is a temporary part. I'm not saying it's an unimportant part but it's very much a temporary port in an eternal story Moses had to die. And here's another truth. It is encouraging Mozart was used by God Moses was raised as a prince why because he was going to have to stand before King a kind of sometimes wonder what it would be like so much you think it's really really important. I work like it. You don't like much more important to you. Sometimes I get around. No, I just came back from the convention the Tennessee Baptist convention and I looked it. I'm judging them. Yeah, I was but I was nearly as important as you think you are, you know. Can you imagine what it would have been like to stand before the most powerful person in the world which was Pharaoh and God called you to go and basically tell them off they put you on everything that they don't want to hear. Imagine how hard that would have been. What's neat about the store is that Moses was raised around Pharaoh. He was raised in Pharaoh's home. Moses was used by God Natalie, but guess what? God was also going to use Joshua modlily Moses's time was very specific for such a time as this God was going to move his people out of Egypt into the promised land, but now the promised land had to be conquered and that would be a new need for a new leader. We got to understand are temporary part in God's Eternal storm. We cannot get distracted from the Eternal because of the temporary it has the potential so Joshua Is referred to as an assistant that means he was a minister to Moses it been a minister to Moses for some Woodside Josephus said he was born in slavery in Egypt. We know that Caleb is about 85 years old at this time. More than likely. Joshua is probably closer to 90. Much of his life. He's been walking with Moses and Moses his dad. What is the potential for Joshua to do? I know I'm not alone you ever lost somebody that's really really close to you. What is the potential there just to sit down and quit right said forget this. I'm ready to go to heaven. Forget it. So what is God do for Joshua? Look at what God says to Joshua arise it up because Moses is past arrived go over this Jordan you and all these people into the land that I'm giving to you to the people of Israel. Joshua every place that the sole of our summer three of your feet will tread upon I have given that to you just as I promised to Moses from the Wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the Great River the river Euphrates all the land of the guitarist the great sea towards the going down of the sun shall be your church a look at what God is doing for Joshua. He's reminding him to look up. I've got a lot still I want to do I've got a lot that I still want to show you. Understanding our trip report in God's Eternal story is essential. Because here's the deal. I may not even get to any of the rest of the point. Here's the deal. We need for the most part live like this life is going to last forever.

I'm just curious speed bikes with me this morning anybody tracking with me or am I just preaching to Jamie this morning. We live like we're going to live forever. But the reality is we're not going to live forever. This is a temporary life that we have down here, but the internal down the other side and most of our energy most of our resources is poured into the temporary instead of being eternal. God's word. So clear lay up for yourself Treasures in Heaven where moth and rust and gopher rats that live on Goodfield Road will not destroy.

So what are we doing after church the temporary or the Eternal we mustn't lose sight. Of the Eternal because of the temperature in prayer Lee God is doing some things here. He's moving us. But that's not going to stop what he is already set in place is going to happen. So got to understand our temporary. What else do we need? We need not only understand it. But we really need to walk in wisdom book with me verse number 5. No, man, shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Now. That's an awesome promise and I have been given an awesome promise and then you start thinking about the promise you like. I know I don't know if it's really that awesome. This is an awesome promised. Joshua is told by God, but nobody's going to be able to stand against him away rise up and stop what God is going to do to Joshua. But you know what that also says to me that says that there's going to be people is going to try they're not going to be able to succeed but they're going to try walking in wisdom through the twists and turns that we have in front of us means that we understand it the way it's going to be difficult when there is going to be difficulties, but These difficulties are not going to destroy us but I'm going to stop what God is wanting to do. We must lean into the promises of God not into our own wisdom walking in wisdom means that we understand that there's difficulties. But what else do we understand? Look at what he says just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. Somebody in their walk with the Lord is such a waltz right now wished I could have that. nicest I know hard for me to grab hold of but you can you can You can I used to run around a different tradition and we have that there's some there's some traditions within Christendom where the pastor is treated as a celebrity minutes hole TV TV network where they're treated celebrities and they fly around on Jets and having billion dollar houses in in in in in many of those scenarios. You are taught that God has his special anointing for them and they're his his Superstars, but we're just like the Little Folks but that's not scriptural. What's a scripture to God God has no respecter of persons all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. In fact you follow Paul's Epistles when he's getting ready to go back to Jerusalem. Cuz he knew that he needed to meet with the father's. What is he say, so I went to those who seem to be important, but in reality God shows no partiality to anybody. Except his son Jesus. So here's the deal. Moses is passing away in Joshua is now called to lead this church. What is it that God wants Joshua to understand just as I was with Moses and Moses was a huge figure for Israel. I'm going to be with you as well. Joshua you got the good the good is me not Moses's staff not Moses's ability to communicate. Moses is smile not Moses his way of preaching you got the good and the good with Moses is me walking and wisdom. Is Paramount for us as we move forward? And the wisdom of God is this.

You don't need another Jamie.

You don't need. another Jimmy You don't need another Lauren or Craig or any other man, that's filled this Pulpit you need God's man. Need the man for such a time as this because it's never about the man if it becomes about the man that we missed it. It's not fair for me to build a Naman to myself. It's not for you to come here and worship Jamie and I appreciate how much you love me and how much you have encouraged me. How much you have drove me crazy sometimes? I appreciate that. But it's not about me. Walking wisdom through the twists and turns that lie ahead means that we understand there's going to be difficulties, but God's going to be with us and here's the truth or 6 be strong and courageous for you. Shall call this people to inherit the land what God has said to Joshua's you're going to be a cause for these people to get in there you realize that God wants to use you as a cause a catalyst for Revival for Renewal. He has chosen explicitly in scripture. We read that God has chosen the Angels wanted the job. But God has chosen his church to be his vehicle for his kingdom going forth. explicitly scripture speaks of that You First Baptist Decatur?

you Are the one ones that God has chosen to cause his kingdom to go forward in Decatur, Tennessee. So walk in wisdom be the cause that God has called you to be And then last real quick, we got to walk in wisdom. We have to understand our spot in this big story and feet really bad. If you don't hear none of the other ones here this one man, the church needs to hear this. We really need to discern what are are non-negotiables. What are the you-know-what like, okay. So, you know when we have the first child, you don't want to meet in dirt mean you don't want the third child eating dirt either but you realize it ain't going to kill him to eat a little dirt, right? Anybody there with me, I mean you just you just you know that I can't I can't survive mentally or physically if I parent the third one as I did the first one it just can't work that way. So you have to kind of get down. What is the non-negotiables? Alright, I want them to not go to school naked right? I mean there are we go that's okay. As long as I got clothes on. It's okay, you know, what are are non-negotiables as a church? We we we responded damn we get down to the nitty-gritty. What are the things that we will not negotiate on?

verse number 7 only be strong and very courageous be careful to do according to all the law. That Moses my servant commanded you and I was already established in the beginning of this that we could not do all the law. We needed a new heart, but we've been given a new heart. So I want you to see something real quick right here. Look at what Joshua is told to do be careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded to you. Discerning the non-negotiables of this journey, what is one of the non-negotiables that we must major on that? We will Faithfully pass on what has been entrusted to us. You realize do you realize this that we gather as a church? that believes that the Bible is true and if that's not that's not always the case you realize that we gather as a church that believes that if the Bible says it and we've got to believe it whether we like it or not. You know why we gather the church life because you got a great Pastor. It's because for 200 years men and women have entrusted to us the gospel number one. They have shared with us generation after generation what it looked like from men and women to come to faith in Christ to be transformed. We've got to discern. What are the naughty ghost was and here's here's a biggin.

tradition is not what we have been entrusted to hold fast to.

I just say that one again. Traditions, all right until it gets in the way of Truth.

A no so many times tradition gets in the way of Truth. Guys camp out here for just a second. We got I got one more minute at least.

There are things that we like our things that we hold very dear to our heart that are nothing more than are preference.

Ain't nobody following me this morning what it what's wrong with y'all. Well, we prefer not to have drums and I worship. You know what that's a preference.

It's not a Troost. We prefer that people wear suits and ties. That's a preference. Not a truth. We prefer that we sing from the hymnal not. Praise and worship that's preference. That's not a truth.

We must discern what are the non-negotiables of our church and those non-negotiables must be truth. Not tradition.

We have been entrusted with truth and I'll say this we are one generation away from losing that truth. If we don't pass on Faithfully the gospel to our children, it stops with us because God has no grandchildren. You hear that God doesn't save Elijah jewels and Shiloh because daddy saved. They must repent of their sins and Trust in Christ as their savior. So we got to discern the non-negotiables of the journey first and foremost that we will pass on what has been entrusted to us for Dish no truth. Yes. Look what else is a non-negotiable there say the book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. The word of God needs to be a big deal. It needs to be the biggest deal. If we're not preaching the word of God, we might as well go to Watts Bar and catch big mouth Largemouth largemouth bass, right big mouth bass, whatever they are. If we're not if we're not people of the word then what are we nothing more than a social Gathering?

So we must make a big deal of the Bible. And here's the last one. verse number 9 Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be frightened. Do not be dismayed God knew that Joshua had the potential to allow fear and despair to drive him. Fear and despair has the potential to take us places. We don't want to go.

Fear will take us places. We don't want to go.

Going back to what I just made you mad about while ago if we if we let go of some of those traditions and who knows where it'll end up.

Fear and despair will take us places. We don't want to go. This must be are non-negotiable that we are never driven by fear or despair. But what is the constant truth that God's all that we do. Lessons for the Lord your God is with you. Wherever you go.

what will be our true that we hold fast to when all the world is burning around us. This is truth that God will not leave us. God will not leave this church. God will not leave us as a family. God will not leave you.

And that must be a non-negotiable that must be something that we hold fast to.

Because the way ahead is a way that the man's face. from all of us but God has the directions for the way ahead and I want to go where he's leaving. Hey, man, I want to go where he's taking us. Let's pray together father. We love you. We thank you for your word. We thank you God that you are glorious. We don't make you glorious. We reflect your glory Lord to a lost in a broken world.

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