Me- Submit to Who?
Me? Submit to Who?
1 Peter 2:13-20
Conduct Pleasing to God
What is Commendable Conduct?
We are to submit ourselves to:
1. Kings & governors 2. Masters
Good & evil Good & bad
Why Is It Commendable to do that?
It is the will of God
It silences the ignorance of foolish men
Testimony/God is glorified
It is a conduct governed by our relationship to our master
Rebellion - what does that cause/produce
Resignation - zaps personal/emotional energy
What does awareness of God do?
When is it commendable to submit?
Theirs - authoritarian, emperors ruled. Slavery - how would Christianity survive s a movement? Higher purpose
Ours - slavery - our whole system was different than theirs
It’s OK to improve your station in life, but not in a way our desires/wants deafen the sound of Christian witness and Christian virtues.
Free to choose to be orderly.
How is it to be done?
By actions and behaviors consistent with contracts made with our employers
Being law-abiding
By being good citizens
By demonstrating excellent behavior
Being industrious
Having a solid work ethic
being kind
being loyal
being dependable
1 Peter 2:21
Higher Purpose