Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Time is at hand
Time is essential.
Time had come for prophesy to be fulfilled.
Time had come for the law to be fulfilled.
Time had come for the Savior to become the sacrifice for all time.
In the Jewish way of reckoning time, it was from 6:00am - 6:00pm.
and in Mark 14-15 we see three times listed.
We have already seen the first time (Mk15:25)
This was after a night and morning of torture and ridicule.
Now we have also seen that He was on the cross for six hours up to this point (Mk15:26-32) where the taunting, the ridicule, the mocking continued.
We have arrived at the time at hand, the time that Jesus came to live for, to die as our propitiation for our sins.
We come to the last 3 hours of His life.
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
This morning as many churches are gathering and looking at the birth of Christ we are looking at the death of Christ so that we can be reborn!
We are going to look at the death and the burial passages this morning.
Death of Jesus
The last three hours of Jesus life.
There are some important elements for us to learn from or be reminded of as we get into this passage.
The passion of the Christ is before us now and is culminated in these things.
The Darkness (Mk15:33; fulfilling Jn3:16-21, 12:35-41, also see 2Cor4:3-6)
How long did this darkness last?
There was darkness in the minds and the hearts of the people
Could this be the darkness that Jesus spoke of to Nicodemus?
Is this the darkness that fulfills the Isaiah prophesy?
Is this a time of judgment, a time of veiling for those who are perishing?
The cry of agony (Mk15:34; Ps22:1; other sayings from the cross Lk23:34, 23:43; Jn19:26-27; Jn19:28, 30; Lk23:46)
This cry of agony in the flesh as seen previously in the cry of David
Psalm 22 is a prophetic look at this cry of agony that ended the Psalm with supreme confidence.
The international bible dictionary says regarding this
“This interpretation does not deny the real anguish that Jesus experiences but understands His cry as an expression of trust that God will intervene and ultimately vindicate Him” -ibid.
I think that it is important that we take just a few minutes to acknowledge the 7 sayings from the cross that Jesus makes, Mark does not cover them all.
Father forgive them! - prior to Him being the perfect sacrifice.
Today you will be with me, the promise to the thief on the cross, forgiveness as he had offered to others.
The instructions to John and to His mom that John was faithful to carryout
The words to prepare for the final two statements from the cross, but it is here that bring about the compassion of the Centurion who would profess his belief in a very short while.
It is finished!
The sin of the world had been placed on his shoulders, there was nothing left to do.
He offered up His Spirit, man did not take it from him, or break His Spirit!
His final words! - Jesus was not a martyr for a cause, He was a willing sacrifice for the sins of the world.
We could spend much time on the 7 sayings, but that could me a study in and of itself but today we are looking at the Mark account of God love from the cross to the tomb.
So may we now continue.
The mockery and the sympathy (Mk15:35-36)
As he was mocked in Mk15:29-32 the mockery continues in this passage.
So does the compassion of one who offered him a sponge with vinegar or some versions say sour wine.
all this leading now to his death in the 9th hour.
The death (Mk15:37)
Mark does not give the details of what He cried out, but we know from the other readings we have done today already.
The death some claim was from insanquination; some say from ruptured heart, some from dehydration, but it seems that it was a willing heart brought about the finished work on the cross!
The curtain (Mk15:38; also the earthquake Mt27:51; Exo19:16-18; also check out Heb10:19-20)
From heaven to earth, the veil that separated man from God, from the holy place to the most holy place.
Jesus sacrifice tore the veil of separation and all were made able to come into God’s presence.
This took place with an earthquake
This is similar to the earthquake that happened when the Law was given to Moses in Exo19:16-18.
So an earthquake to bring the law and one to end the law when the law was fulfilled and it was finished!
May we also consider that it is the end of the old covenant what was being replaced by the new.
Let those verses sink in!
But yet there is more to look at.
The Centurion's conclusion (Mk15:39)
What does Romans 10:17 say about faith?
Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of Christ.
Literally that is what this Roman centurion heard and it brought about faith that this man truly was the Son of God!
The ministering women (Mk15:40-41; Jn19:25; Mt27:56)
They looked from afar to see where they buried Him.
Ministering woman had been a part of Jesus journey to the cross from early on (Lk8:1-3)
These women are identified in the passage along with more details in the supporting passages.
We have Mark of Magdalene
We have Mary, James and Joses mother, and wife to Clopas
Salome, this is James and John’s mother
Mark does not identify Mary the mother of Jesus in his passage, but she was there according to John’s account
The story is not over and you know it.
We have the picture of the blood Christ beaten beyond recognition, slandered, mocked, nailed, pierced dead on the cross now come our next section for today.
Burial of Jesus
Love from the cross to the tomb continues as we look at the burial of Jesus.
The time (Mk15:42)
This is the time of twilight, the preparation day to the Sabbath.
This is just after the time of the evening sacrifice that would have been given at the temple.
Jesus was not a sacrifice, HE was the sacrifice.
The request (Mk15:43; Jn19:38-39)
We know he was a member of the council (Sanhedrin)
We know he too was waiting for the kingdom of God
He risked it all as a believer to go and request for the body along with Nicodemus; also along with
The confirmation of His death (Mk15:44-45)
The timing was too short for a typical crucifixion when word came to Pilate that he was dead and now Joseph is asking for the body.
Pilate wanted confirmation before releasing the body, he got it an released the body.
The burial (Mk15:46; Jn19:40-42)
We can learn a little more about the tomb from John’s account
One more quick thing to mention in the passage before we close
The women (Mk15:47; Lk23:55-56)
and when they knew they went to prepare
So, what are you walking away with today?
we have looked and love from the cross, and love from the cross to the tomb.
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