A New Prophet Like Moses

Deuteronomy the Book of Remembrance  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:13:53
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11 o’clock English Service Ps 16: 5-11 ‘ God is of mine inheritance ‘ Prayer 12 Noon Gaelic service in the Church hall Ps 16:1-5 ' Lord keep me; for I trust in thee ' Young People’s talk Bible Readings Deuteronomy 18:1-5 ( NIV) 1 The Levitical priests—indeed, the whole tribe of Levi—are to have no allotment or inheritance with Israel. They shall live on the food offerings presented to the Lord, for that is their inheritance. 2 They shall have no inheritance among their fellow Israelites; the Lord is their inheritance, as he promised them. 3 This is the share due the priests from the people who sacrifice a bull or a sheep: the shoulder, the internal organs and the meat from the head. 4 You are to give them the firstfruits of your grain, new wine and olive oil, and the first wool from the shearing of your sheep, 5 for the Lord your God has chosen them and their descendants out of all your tribes to stand and minister in the Lords name always. Urnaigh Ps 107: 1-9 ‘ God’s mercies I will ever sing Leughadh Deuteronomi 18 / Salm 16 ‘ Ps 16: 6-11 ' Unto me happily the lines ' Searmon ‘ Cuibhreann mo chup'. Is m' oighreachd Dia’ Ps 67 ' Lord bless and pity us ' Psalm 16: 5-8 (NIV) 5 Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. 6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. 7 I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. 8 I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Sermon ‘A Delightful inheritance ‘ Of all the tribes of Israel , the tribe of Levi were unique in that they had no portion of land allotted to them. The reason was that God was their inheritance. In Psalm 16 David claims that God is his portion , his ‘delightful inheritance.’ • Security • Share • Stability Hymn 564 ' Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah ' 3.30 PM Sunday school in Church hall The Sunday School would like to thank everyone who helped out and came along to the outing to Coll yesterday. The weather was mixed but that didn’t stop us having fun. We give thanks to God for keeping us all safe and well once again. 6 PM Evening English service
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