I Know This Man
11 o’clock English Service
Gaelic service in the Church hall
NEP 82 ‘Hosanna Hosanna ‘
Ps 24: 1-6 ‘ The earth belongs unto the Lord '
Young Peoples talk
Bible Reading Isaiah 50: 4-9 ( NIV ) The Third Servant Song
The Sovereign Lord has given me a well- instructed tongue,
to know the word that sustains the weary.
He wakens me morning by morning,
wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.
The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears;
I have not been rebellious,
I have not turned away.
I offered my back to those who beat me,
my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard;
I did not hide my face
from mocking and spitting.
Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,
I will not be disgraced.
Therefore have I set my face like flint,
and I know I will not be put to shame.
He who vindicates me is near.
Who then will bring charges against me?
Let us face each other!
Who is my accuser?
Let him confront me!
It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me.
Who will condemn me?
They will all wear out like a garment;
the moths will eat them up
NEP 144 ‘ Lord I lift your name on high ‘
‘ One Man’s Obedience ‘
In the first two ‘ Servant Songs’ God introduces His servant , but in this
the third ‘ Song’ the Servant’s ultimate mission becomes clearer, with ‘dark
shadows of the sufferings of the Cross coming to view.
NEP 279 ‘ When I survey the Wondrous Cross’
Ps 93 ‘The Lord doth reign, and cloth’d is he’
Isaiah 50
Ps 46: 1-5 ‘ God is our refuge and our strength ‘
Ps 139 : 1-10 ‘ O Lord thou hast me searched and known’
6 PM Evening English service
Bible reading Isaiah 52:13 - 53 :1- 12
Sermon ‘ I know this man ’
In the last and most memorable of the Servant Songs, the Servant
is shown as the Suffering Servant of God whose identity becomes
ever clearer.
Tonight’s praise
Psalm 23 ‘ The Lord’s my Shepherd ‘
Para 25 : 1-6 ‘ How few receive with cordial faith
Para 58 ‘ Where high the heav’nly temple stands,’
Hymn 106 When I survey the wondrous Cross ’
Services next Sunday 6th April 2014
• 11 o’clock English service - John Hebditch
• On creche Christine M & Anne
• No Gaelic service
• 6 PM English service
Services next Sunday 13th April 2014
service - Gordon Macleod
• On creche Rachel B & Morag
• No Gaelic service
• 6 PM English service Iain Macmillan