Monday Thanksgiving Service
Scottish Charity No. SC000991
Autumn Communion Season 2014
The Autumn Communion Season begins this coming Thursday evening 9th
We hope to have preaching with us the Rev William Macleod, Rev Donald John
Morrison and the Rev Dr Ben Johnstone. Please note that there are one or two
changes from the previous programme in Spring. The Kirk Session have decided
that there will be no monthly meeting this month, and that the midweek prayer
meeting will be on the Tuesday night ( this week only) where we hope to have Dr
Suresh Velemulapalli of India Village Ministries of Andhra Pradesh sharing with
us . A cordial invitation is given to all to join us for this meeting. In addition the
Kirk Session have decided that due to falling numbers the morning preparatory
service on Thursday will cease.
The Kirk Session will be opened for business on Thursday night after the evening
service. The Session will meet thereafter after all the services, with the sole
purpose of meeting with anyone who desires to profess their faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ and become communicant members of the Congregation. If anyone
would like to discuss this matter privately and informally before the
Communions , please get in touch with either the minister or any of the elders.
The Programme of Meetings for the weekend will be as follows;
Monday 6th October 7pm Church cleaning
Tuesday 7th October 7.30pm Prayer meeting - Dr Suresh Velemulapalli
Thursday 9th October 7 PM
English Rev William Macleod
10th October12 Noon Gaelic Rev Donald John Morrison
10th October 7 Pm
English Rev Donald John Morrison
We have an informal fellowship in the hall after the evening service to which everyone is
most welcome to come along..
Saturday 11th October 12 Noon English Rev Dr Ben Johnstone
( After this service communion tokens will be given to those hoping to go to the Sacrament of
the Lord’s supper on Sunday morning. After this service there is an informal fellowship
meal, a light lunch of soup and sandwiches to which all are warmly invited)
11th October 6 PM Prayer meeting led by elders
Sunday 12th October 12 noon English Rev Donald John Morrison ( DV) During this service
the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be celebrated.
Sunday evening 12th October 6.30 PM English service Rev Ian Murdo Macdonald
(After this service there will be a retiring offering to help with communion expenses)
Monday evening 13th October 7 PM Thanksgiving English Rev William Macleod
More information at