Philippians 4:4-9
19th June 2016
A very warm welcome to our Sunday school family service. We pray
that you will all know God’s blessing as we meet together. Worship
this evening is led by Mr Iain Macmillan
Induction loops are fitted in both the Church and hall for the
hard of hearing. Please set your hearing aid to position ‘T’.
Recordings of all our services are available on our website as free Podcasts. CD recordings
are also made of the services and are made available free of
charge to the housebound and elderly. Please ask one of the
office bearers if you would like a copy.
On crèche: Baba & Cathie
Follow us on Twitter at
or via Google by entering ‘@eaglaisnis’ for more information and audio
content. If you would like information posted on the website,
please contact Chris on 810112 or email the website
Cross Ness Church of Scotland is a registered Scottish Charity No.SC000991
The Week Ahead
Tuesday 21st 7.30pm - Local Church Review visitation team will
be here on Tuesday night. If you’re free, and helped with the
questionnaires we filled in for the Local Church Review, please
come along. Any members and adherents welcome.
Wednesday 22nd 7.30pm. This week at our prayer meeting we
welcome the Gideon’s Bible Society.
Friday 24th June 7.30pm - Polar Explorers Holiday Club. We will
start to decorate the school gym hall on Friday night for the
forthcoming holiday club. Please come along to help out, there’s
always something to do! If anyone has any old white sheets they
would be willing to donate, we would be most grateful!
Footfall. A new outreach for teenagers (S1 upwards) starts on
Friday 1st July and runs for the 4 Fridays in July. This combines
exciting outdoor activities and exploring Ness with Christian
teaching. We would welcome your prayers for this new venture,
and if you want to help out as a leader,
or take part, please let Chris know
Services next Sunday 26th June 2016
11am service – Mr John Hebditch
On crèche: Rachel & Sandra
6pm service –Mr Iain Maclean
Please pray for the upcoming holiday
club at Lionel School