Promise of the Messiah

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Season of Advent 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  26:05
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It has been a long time since Jeremiah prophesied the coming of the messiah, and particularly peace for Jerusalem. We certainly don't have peace yet in Jerusalem, but we don't need to lose hope, for God is about to come into the world again through Christmas.

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The days are surely coming. You would have thought that maybe in the 2500 years since this reading they might have come. There are days that David doesn't feel like it right. The God's promise would be fulfilled. There are days there are days.

The days are surely coming says the Lord when I will fulfill the promise I made House of Israel to the land of Judah.

In those days and at that time, I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David and he shall execute Justice and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved in Jerusalem will live in safety.

And this is the name by which it will be called the Lord is our righteousness.

Jerusalem will live in safety. Have you read the news?

Jerusalem is not in safety, right? You would think again in the 2500 years, but it's been since roughly this prophecy might have been written that we might have heard. might of heard of Jerusalem safety

list from the Jewish Chronicle bar and Bat Mitzvahs in weddings. Couldn't be held this was written about a week and a half ago as there was no way to guarantee people's safety crying Brides were interviewed on TV family took to social media in hopes of finding Halls out of Rocket range to host weddings. I know Jessica's wedding was quick Jeff, but you didn't have to deal with rocket range, right?

Offers poured in in a few couples took advantage of the kindness of others moving their wedding weddings miles away one couple instead of celebrating with a thousand guests celebrated in a bomb shelter with a hundred when it became clear that too many guests were afraid to leave their homes to travel. The last wedding I did hear the guest list was limited by the number of people we could fit in here. Non the bomb shelter. If the promise is the Jerusalem will live in safety.

It's certainly not that. Usually the most difficult thing for wedding couples here is getting their preferred time slots in the Rock Garden at the RBG for the photos. right

this from our partner church, but Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan in the Holy Land.

Are deeply concerned with the US administration's recent announcement reversing its position on the building of settlements on Palestinian land this reversal of a long-held commitment and understanding is an opposition to international law and consensus. Let's change in US policy in dangers future negotiations toward the two-state solution and a Jerusalem shared by three abrahamic face. Furthermore of the ELC. Jhl worries for the US declaration in support of Israeli settlements will lead to more expansion into already dwindling Palestinian territory further displacing Palestinians written by their Bishop the right Reverend Sami Ibrahim hazard

So when when are those days going to come when will Jerusalem live in safety? when will those better days be here?

I wonder for a moment what piece? would really look like

I thank God that I'm not the one who needs to determine. The foot piece is going to be like in the Holy Land. It is far too complicated for me. There is so much that is going on on either side on all signs on many signs that I'm not sure what a solution would be.

I was never sure that we'd see peace and Ireland either meet at times we don't have but for the most part we do but I remember my cousin's absolutely panicking when they drove through a checkpoint in Ireland. See my cousin's being Scottish.

One would think that they were on a particular side of that divided but they were Roman Catholic. So no matter which side they were on of that divided they were wrong.

peace can come

but is peace. Is peace really just the absence of War? Or is there something else? Is there something else that is really needed in order for there to be peace?

What I long for the most is peace of mind when the connection for the projector goes out I have absolutely none.

But that's what I long for the most.

Wasn't a branch of Jesse raised up for us. Wasn't Jesus supposed to be that? And even though I've been baptized and confirmed and ordained a couple of times. And know the stories. somewhat well

You would think that piece of Mind might be easier to get.

but it's not that time peace of mind can be fleeting can be difficult because there is so much going on in our world that just invade sus I don't know if it was like for you and those three minutes of silence after the reading.

But I can be hard to quiet down. It can be hard. To stop and listen because so much goes running through your mind.

For that says the Lord. David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the House of Israel and then live it a cold free. She'll never like a man in my presence to offer burnt offerings to make grain offerings and to make sacrifices for all time.

God's promises of peace God's promises I'm providing God's promises of presents are not just political ones. They're also worship for ecclesiastical ones.

Moby Pizza

mind peace in the land peace and worship

But what strikes me is I read all of this.

in the midst of God's promises

What's our involvement in that? It is good that God promises these things. boras

But he'll how do we enter into providing peace in the world? We've heard God's promises and we know that God is alive and active in the world today. and we know What is 3 oz? The God does what God does. So I'll tell you this I haven't lost hope. Don't get me wrong. There are days. There are days when it can be difficult to cling to the hope that the promise will happen. That was me 2500 years ago. But I know them the few weeks we'll celebrate gone coming will have the manger will have baby Jesus lying in it. Will think again as we read the stories of Jesus's birth.

And we'll know already that that baby will grow and we'll change our understanding of the world.

I know that Jesus will help me understand Justice and peace and righteousness and love in ways. But I still haven't fully understood.

Peace and hope our time together in my mind.

peace of mind hope of spirit

May we never lose those things. Maybe we be willing to share those things. Proclaim those things to a world so clearly needs them. almond

tenants disciples laid hands upon the sick and through the contact of one human being with another the healing love of God was made known.

Be with all those who spend these days away from their homes and hospitals rehab centers in nursing homes, open our hearts and compassion that we might take time to spend by their side bringing your presence and love to them. We offer prayers for those we know especially Freeda Rose and Herman Ingo and Sandra Irene Ray Wayne Raymond Ellen, Ken. Decima Jeff Shelly Jesse Valerie Aidan jerlene Celeste Sarah Tom Peter helland Kimberly Patrick Pam and plate and all whom we hold in our hearts.

Come Lord, Jesus.

Almond sisters brothers and siblings in Christ. God knows our needs before we ask and then are asking prepares us to receive the gift of Grace God Minister who was not as one who is absent but it's one who is present in human hands voices and limes full of the Holy Spirit.

I invite you to come and receive a sign of healing and wholeness in the name of the Triune God.

Ben can I get a hold of my book for me, please?

Oh Holy One Giver of health and salvation as your Apostles anointed those who are sick and healed them so we continue the ministry of healing in your church sanctify your people, but they may be freed from suffering and distress find inward peace and know the joy of your salvation through your son Jesus Christ woman

My sisters and brothers and siblings the Peace of Christ be with you always. Please share Christ peace with each other.

So the purpose of the peace liturgically is so that we can reconcile ourselves to each other before we receive communion. And so I need to reconcile myself to Maureen if I met somebody in the list of prayers because I wrote those prayers so long ago that somebody wasn't included. Because somebody wasn't here. Yes, somebody that was born recently.

So that's why Caleb wasn't in the prayers. It was just they was one of those things like that those prayers. I don't know.

And the cellphone Caleb was not here at the end of August. So

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