Outside In

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The Gospel of Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  28:31
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Outside In: Jesus came to seek and save the Lost, just like Zacheus. Luke 19:1-10

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The olden. Not that type of way and not particularly. Well, if you see me play in church, just let me worse than I was in my youth my grade 5 and once my teacher put me in for this thing called a master class where you go and you play a piece and there's like a resident concert pianist expert person who then gives you feedback on how you play and there's two other people there and so we go. Don't be grumpy. I know their first girl sustained and our pieces like right so at next person system and if that was impressive this guy was like I didn't even know existed all over the piano. It was like these guys were definitely we we we view on when I was so now I'm feeling pretty sick cuz I'm thinking my piece is no so good. I stand up my pieces like it was horrendous felt like a fraud and in the master class woman comes and goes supposed to take them in the in the order in which they can play. She said so that I could be heroes. So she was like, she said hello and see if you can find play a bit more like this and then she proceeded to play it wrong place Total Outsider. I spoke to have never forgotten it was one of the most horrendous experiences of my life emotional is very sad sign. Siri are experiences like that, maybe not as extreme is not cuz I was pretty bad. But are you thinking these folks in to have it all together seems like it's nothing like me. They wouldn't understand me. I'm not like this. I don't get this. I'm not part of this at all about who said one of the reasons you've drifted away from church may be used to come maybe you've been interested for a while if you're drifting away. Well, we have been steadily working our way through this I witness account of the life of Jesus in the Bible Genesis written by a doctor closed-loop as you trying to tell us why the three-year public life of a carpenter 2,000 years ago is good use of great. Joy for all people biography.

Cosmic event that has the power to change everything to read from the Bible and examine what it wants to say we try and learn from the week by week. So let's get on with I know sometimes they can be tricky is complex brick the Bible a very difficult understanding part the room for 3 today because today the statuary actually contains the explanation of why it's there. So this is what is the gold one sister see from an airplane. Would you come forward when he's going to read for us what explanation and it comes near the end? That's the clue comes near the answer to read from Luke Chapter 19 Verse 1 to 4. Page 105 3 in your blue bibles. If you go to their big number 19 little tiny, I'm going to start at beginning read all the way down into 9 million. Please ticket wave. Zacchaeus the tax collector Jesus Interjet a cool and was passing through a man was there by the name of the key has he was a chief. Split turn on was will see you wanted to see who Jesus was it but because he was short he could not see you over the code. So here on ahead and clean. Sycamore fig tree to see him since Jesus was coming that we when Jesus speaks the sport he looked up and said to him the key has come down immediately. I must be at your house today. So he came down at once and welcomes him gladly all the people saw this and began to much he is going to be the case of a sinner but the key is to dolphin say to the Lord Luke Lord here and now I give half of my position to the pure and if I have cheated anybody anything I will pay back four times. The amount Jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house because this month to as a son of Abraham That makes one for the son of man came to seek and to save the lost on the screen here is exactly what were meant to understand from the section that the son of mine that's Jesus as a title uses when he's talking about himself Jesus the son of man came to seek and save the lost. That is today's big point. That is for the story that you probably know from Sunday school. Can you remember the song? Zacchaeus Was a very little man and exactly right yet? That's the point of this story is not probably some of the things you might think is about her some of the things you were told. It was raining Sunday school. It's not the main point isn't that Jesus is nice that he is nice 30 sliders is not that we need to go out on a limb for Jesus with my favorite.

To seek and save the lost in this guy. Zacchaeus is the example par Excellence of that and solute or when Zacchaeus and meets Jesus and Celeste intern seek. Jesus came to seek. So Jesus is passing through this town of Jericho and he's making his way for being with us making his way towards Jerusalem for the culmination of his mission and we're working our way toward that graduated Church week-by-week stick with us supposed to get fantastically exciting things. You definitely don't want to come back to church in the new year because we're getting to the really interesting stuff. So it definitely come by for that his pictures of his miracles. Like perfect for Instagram is teaching his light ideal for tweeting. He is anti-establishment humble guy man of the people, he's an absolute if you're living in Jericho you are desperate to see in this is the biggest thing to happen to your time for a long time is the matter moment is Kanye Harry and Meghan all rolled into one is massive Huntsville. Jesus is strolling along that is precisely not what it looks like, right? So this is the first lie. Jesus was no one really wore white clothes. 3rd Legion of a Halo 4 play it wasn't like the middle of all time in Edinborough. The gray sky All-Stars reason. I just know uke refreshed Frodo cages of standing light ticket easily. We're in the Middle East has random hustle-bustle. Can you try to touch him people trying to speak to him just in the low hundreds of people everywhere a big manly crammed together moving along one Mass along the streets, maybe something a bit more like this so they make a space for him. So I'll be good as long as a tree watching to try and get sight of Jesus as he walks by you and want to miss a thing. Jesus come in the walking through your time. He's up the tree watching all this quite the thing I asked Jesus is in line with the tree Jesus thoughts the whole manly starts Jesus. Leaks out to the tree everyone in the Maylee turns and looks up to the tree and Zacchaeus. I like things using points on is Jesus says Zacchaeus up the tree as a moment of brain freeze. Is there another Zacchaeus industry? No, there's not. I know it gets worse because Jesus the only says the key is he says come down. I want to come and stay at your house. Text me when we want the process over. I must stay at your house the word stay there means an indefinite. Of time is nothing. I want to come to visit. I want to come and stay I'm going to come and stay at your house the Kia Springfield going to Seoul in and Donnie comes from the tree. Probably produce punch chest puffed up, you know, the weed man anymore. He's the big man Jesus the Megastar what news is named Point University price Kohl's in Diamond says, I'm coming to your house to stay. He's the big star knives is Kia's comes down at once and welcome them gladly. We cannot answer for 6. This meeting is new accident because Jesus came to seek and save the lost. This is what he does. This is what he's still doing as a human person anymore the goat still seeks and save the lost. This is the mission of God. And if you're a Christian here, you might well with back I know what it's like to feel God seeking you.

You don't often see it maybe until you become a Christian, but you can see how you was arranging things on people and events in order to make you think about him to make you find out more to make you want to fight no more. I'm what begins to look as though you started looking like you seeking for God you actually see is God seeking you. I work with dancing at work and it was a conversation. I overheard I wasn't part of that but one of our colleagues were saying that she used to go to church in two people to go to church all the time. I've known for years and my sister-in-law in the place as well. Angie are always people right now, I just can't believe how many people from church in the last couple years.

Of course, we don't believe in coincidences and Zacchaeus thought he's waiting for Jesus. He's at the tree think he's waiting for Jesus. Actually. Jesus is waiting for him or rather. Jesus is coming for him. Jesus is seeking him. I must come to your house today. I knew this was coming. I planned this I've been waiting for this is a Divine appointment if ever there was It was about Greek and Malaysia's of our age of the moment is loneliness Froehlich connectedness in our togetherness online and all that. It can definitely be a front and you may know that for yourself. Is anybody really know the real me? Honestly did would they like it? Probably not. Can I really show anyone? I'm really like I really had met all those things that I feel and think well the good news of great. Joy for all people is that God does know the real you and he loves the real exactly. As you are of the Bible says, he doesn't ignore you Bible says he knows how many Heroes you have in your head. You know, she's not well every single one is connected says he misses you together and your mom's to the Peachtree together the nearest Precious Child infinite vinyl you and you're important to God import enough that he is willing to seek you out. We something stupid like Zacchaeus. We still feel a bit of a distant Observer from all this but this story is telling us that God is a bite not reason for seeking this is doing and you're not ever sitting up a tree God is seeking you your part of the story. So you're not detach from it like Zacchaeus up a tree you're in it, so don't ignore his seeking. You got sense that God is trying to break into your life you feel as coincidences that you're meeting people from church all the time or that you're coming back around or whatever is the feel like God is trying to get through to your will that is exactly what is happening. He is trying to get through to you. You come to church you're interested. You're up the tree The Gardener I was looking directly at you and seeing it done from the tree. Let me speak to you. Let me be a part of your life Bible says if you hear his voice don't Harden your heart. And this morning is part of his Cole to you. He's seeking you so hear him speak to you as I speak. No, it is no accident that you're here. I'm seeking you I'm looking for you. Sue Jesus comes to seek what happens next the purpose. So Jesus came to seek more than just finding Jesus came to save. Do no State Tax Collectors will notice if you can or in church for wild with the lowest of the low absolute scum bags and the tax collectors going to keep whatever they made over and above the tax, they collected and so they would cheat and extort with Force as much as they can possibly get away with some people hate them for it. Understandably scabs the worst Weasley selfish people the absolute worst, and he's the chief tax collector, right? So he's probably got a whole team of guys underneath the big pyramid scheme Zacchaeus of the top wealthy because he cheated his way to the top. So he's the absolute worst of the worst. Text messages about Keys the worst of them during Jesus. There's an immediate and seismic shift in him. It's not exactly clearly don't even wear verse 7 and 8 the current 6 cases at the tree. Jesus says come down from the tree then he comes and it's not clear whether there's a gap between verse 6 & 7 some people think it happens right away and he has changed instantly and understands what it is to be a follower of Jesus actually think it's more likely there's some kind of gas there perhaps this next bit verse 7 and 8 is a touring Elite time, maybe back and see Kia's house. So no, I didn't say Zacchaeus stands up to speak to the Lord and I suspect me to do enters. I just need to send that makes more sense to me, but it doesn't really matter what even another day. It doesn't matter who doesn't give us much detail because the key is isn't the main character in the story. It says I kind of just happened but he's the example to follow Jesus. Philip wants to see so Jesus says about Zacchaeus salvation has come to this house today verse 9. And that's why he is sort Zacchaeus. He sort them out in order to save. Engine case has been changed whether it's right then at the bottom of the tree or later. He's been changed what's important to him has changed what your values as being replaced by following Jesus we used to drive in money greed has given way to General State and kindness. Something incredible has taken place. What's this taking money?

Give me money. Did it gives away a half of everything you always to the pure which is a big amount of money. So 50% is a massive jaw dropping figured. He goes further east submit himself to this high standard / 4 x repayment which you can look back in the old parts of the Bible the earlier pause and this was made back to the punishment is severe punishment a deterrent for people who extorted and cheated people. Punishment for he's going to do that. If you remember back to a couple weeks ago, we're looking at the Rich Young Ruler, which is you can read that in your Bibles in chapter 18 few weeks ago. He's a champion cancers Jesus, but goes away sad because he cares money more than Jesus the Lucas showing us hear what salvation looks like Zacchaeus then go east side after meeting Jesus e goes away on new mine rejoice and happy. Happy to give away is money. There's a complete change before his money to me. Now. He says I'm a follower of Jesus. So something to be gained and hoard it for myself. It's going to be put in the service of God by sza proofs money. That's true change radical change for the key is not just words, but visible from the outside Chase change the everyone around them can see no one can meet anytime you that this is more than lip-service accused was like the greediest guy in Jericho. I know he's giving away money hand-over-fist incredible stuff on Jesus Psalms all that off in verse 9 by saying salvation has come to this house. Salvation is the Bible's words to describe. What we really need is a rescue but it's a bigger concept the nozzle just rescue Jesus promises to bring us a message for satisfaction. That isn't based on circumstances the reordering them so that we love the right things. He comes to resolve our shame and guilt in a way that done just ignore it cast aside from crushed by an explanation to understand yourself human nature the world around us, especially the reality of evil because us hope that is more than just optimism meaning in life that suffering can't take away home.

Something's here people call themselves Fuller's of Jesus and maybe because they went to church or because their parents went to church or something like that salvation is far more than changing reality ordering turn your life around and turn your life the right way up change. Alice salvation is costly Jesus is marching towards Jerusalem marching towards his destiny. How do you say sticks and save the lost? We're going to see requires no less than his own death. This is not surprised. He thinks I'm posting this all the way through his ministry and he's been saying it explicitly a number of times a couple of weeks ago. We read this the son of mine is I mean you talk about yourself in the third person. We will we will be delivered over to the Gentiles. They will mock him insult him spit on him wall game and killing and on the third day. He will rise again.

The world is broken. A break and more and more everyday just read the news. It doesn't take much to see who's more. We're broken crushed by expectations and identity on the failure and Brokenness of our lives in such Brokenness is a radical cataclysmic solution. The God himself answers creation suffers dies rises again, just as he promised and to make this all the Salvation possible to fix the Brokenness of the world and inside us, so Jesus comes to seek but he also comes to save Finally, then he comes for the lost. So here's a Seaking and saving for is it for the Rich and Famous important? The great was against a person is trying out for good reasons that he certainly important and no one liked him. No one would be his friend or help him excluded from everything in Jewish Society on the fringes you can imagine him trying to find a space in the crime and it's poking around trying to get a space but no one is about to let him you see is a key is behind them, even though they could land through and if he did the prophecy over the top of them is a short guy went away with the front cuz you don't want to know if I receive any favors. This is the one thing they can get one over on him. So everybody just look straight ahead was his ranks ignore the voice keep them on the other side lyrics Tree on. Seymour explicit denver7, we don't even by those first seven all the people saw this when she's just cause I'm done from the tree all the people saw this make

How much is closing down there quick to turn up their noses at Jesus choice of host? Why is he going with him? The absolute worst the chief of the times going through the worst of the worst. Of course. This is a new behavior from Jesus not surprised. If you've been following through this story would be here before Jesus is always choosing the wrong people first. It was the leaders isn't like him hanging out with a common people notice the common people who don't like him hanging out with this official this to the person isn't right for you Jesus. It's not know what type of person you should be hanging out with we like it when you preached peace and love me like your Miracles at the beginning to be friends with that guy. Bring that guy on from there.

This is exactly who Jesus came for. There's only one right type of person for Jesus and that is the Lost losers like me like you say you feel yours. Jesus came to seek and save and he came for the Lost.

Hey Google, a set of these I meant to bring them my ones Apple airports, and I don't actually have one of these I left is so annoying. I left one on my bedside table in the morning, baby. Hope Game of Thrones. Snow day or night. Definitely nice. Deadly summer. I've searched everywhere for this thing Channel find out where she's going to turn off. I'm going to end up buying a new say I went a couple of years. I'll be so annoyed when will turn off imagine this one of your Port Airport is sitting somewhere in my house quite the thing just sitting there that is lost. If only we'd Cryin to me I could find it. There's we can do that lasted too long though. It's too late, but it's just sitting there waiting to be fun, but it won't help me. If only wanted to be fine. This whole thing would be easier know last week. If you were here you remember we were told about this blind beggar in the Bible and he was crying. I knew you was lost new any did Jesus have mercy on me show them to him?

You're like maybe you are like broken. My life is in a mess. I need help Jesus. I need help. Well, great being crushed by expectations. Wholeness of what the world offers you intended purpose and meaning you're here at Chuck's you're seeking. Well, the good news is God is also seeking you. I need comes to seek and save the lost. This is what he does. Just like you and just like me or maybe you're a bit more like Zacchaeus. You're detached interested enough to be observing. He come along the church now and again for whatever reason you like my hair pulled. You don't know you're lost like Zacchaeus. You're up the tree. Just watching observing. Play The Croods. Maybe you're thinking it's not really sure. It's Jesus things for me. Don't really think he has an interest in my type of hurting me you I'm like, I'm really just type. I'm at the church type and I don't know check shirt for starters to be one of these. Well, let me tell you who Jesus is also seeking and saving that kind of lost person as well. What do you know in or whether you're there or not? You know, you're lost. It's not an accident. You're here. You're not here.

God is seeking you Jesus is seeking you out offers you a new life purpose meaning identity as his precious child. No, based on how you feel about yourself or what people say about you from the Irish saved the Beast only on your identity as his child is real freedom. And that's what you'll first cuz Jesus came to seek lost people like you and like me and bring them salvation. Bring them rescue. Bring them real change. Bites, my piano gig and I walked in and they were there for me ready for me. Welcome in Greek. We can wait for you. Come on in and wait to hear you play and I Stumble through my Facebook was fantastic. I'm a part of it. Well imagine you could feel that inside that part of it. We are by life. But the universe you're on the inside accepted loved welcome value new master your performance. Even when you're very worst day. Someone loves you more than you can possibly imagine. Well, that is exactly what Jesus offers I need done because Jesus came to seek and save the lost like Zacchaeus like you I like me.

What's acquiring 30 seconds? Who's your eyes think about some of the things we've been talking about it and then I'm going to praise what's a wee moment of quiet close your eyes just reflect on some of these things and I will pray for us in just 30 seconds.

Heavenly Father we are lost. Did you find us were far from you, but you draw near to us?

Homemade Knorr chicken and live their own way you see cuz I saw a sign. Thank you that you seek us as we are lost broken in need of your rescue. If you don't leave us as we are. UC costs in order to change us a rescue means hope acceptance forgiveness new star, New Destiny.

Pray for those here. You are searching for something pretty that they would see that what they are searching for his friend in you thank you that you are seeking them even as they are searching for you to find their way to finish restoration.

For those of us already in your family already fund continue to change us father. We need to be changed. We're so far from perfect continue to work on us day by day to find and restore has thank you that you never give up on us even when we feel would be seal your help and support or even this week even today even though thank you that you have sought us and save this for men.

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