Sunday, December 8, 2019 AM

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Well, good morning church.

I normally would ask you to open your Bibles to Hebrews right now. But over the next several weeks we're going to be taking a look at several different focuses for this time of the year being a bond the Incarnation their birth of Jesus Christ. But before we get to our study today, I want to thank everyone that is in here for your prayers both the Joelle and Kessler family as well as the Lippert family really do appreciate the prayer Support over these past several weeks and even months for sister Joellen as yesterday. Both of them as brother. Bob had mentioned were called home to be with the Lord. There's a lot of interesting things that the Lord has done through both of these set of circumstances and calling them home and Hope that you have an opportunity to be able to be at their homegoing celebration on this coming Tuesday, and that will be for brother Vic and this coming Thursday and that will be for sister Joellen.

The leopard family that Vicki and Patty and everyone Joe this year. We've got to do this more often than 6 years. The last time that we did. This was a celebration of life when Matthew and Jennifer married honoring the sacred institution of marriage and this time we're also celebrating life. Because Vic as well as Joanne, they first experienced true life when they came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and I'm thankful to say that he gives us living hope today. Let me ask you this. Have you ever given much thought about your ancestry? or the roots of your family tree

chances are because it's such a popular thing over the past several decades someone in your family has done some genealogical research during the past and my family my older brother Kermit. He has traced our family all the way back to about a hundred years prior to the Mayflower and it stopped with my great-great-great-great-grandfather Nehemiah Daniel Sr. Interesting. Isn't that Jennifer?

If I was visiting with the Lippert yesterday, I noticed on their table they had a book and that was the Lippard family tree.

Evicted taken time along with others in his family to be able to put together.

And as we think about family trees and if you've ever been a part of the research that's associated with trying to gather all that information and sometimes even going to physical places to be able to gather that information there because some of the older records are not as available as things are today in the digital world. Sometimes these focuses or these desires is nothing more than a curiosity for families. But if we turn our attention this month, especially as were thinking about Jesus Christ and the Incarnation the hypostatic union of Jesus. The Jews took their ancestry very seriously for many reasons because it had to do with the claim of land. It also had to do with the right of inheritance or even possibly a claim with regard to priesthood or royalty. All of those would be a great motivation for the Jews to take their Heritage seriously. You know as we turn our attention to the New Testament, there are two lists that are outlined in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Now, if you go to Mark, are you looking the Gospel of John? You're not going to find it because you're only find Jesus's genealogy over in Matthew and Luke. And during this time of the season because of Christmas is because of Christmas churches around the world are focusing on the Advent birth of Jesus Christ. We should acknowledge that these two genealogies that are from Matthew and Luke are different in their chronological view of Jesus. And his family tree or ancestry. I know you all know this. So I'm just kind of doing a summarization to help us come up to speed but Matthew approaches in the opposite fashion of Luke. He goes from the past to the present starting with Abraham and ending with Jesus. Luke goes from the present to the Past just like my brother Kermit did he started with my father and he worked his way back until he came to my great great great. Great. Great. Grandfather, Nehemiah, Daniel

Luke began with Jesus's grandfather going all the way back to Adam and God and just FYI Matthew's genealogy focuses upon the Royal line through David that is Christ kingship. And then as we look at Luke's genealogy to focus is up on the bloodline of David and that focuses up on his his Humanity so over the next several weeks. We're going to examine the family ancestry of Jesus. Looking at the prophetic Prophecy of the Messiah as we come to this time of the year. There are a lot of things that are competing with wanting to identify the very purpose of this time of the year. What is we want to know what honors God in order to be able to take away the the full impact of what God has done towards us. We need to be able to look to the scriptures and be able to see that thousands of years ago. Even back to the very beginning in the fall is we will find out today that Jesus is the grace of God that is given to us to be able to redeem us.

Ross going to be taking a look at the announcement of Jesus's birth and swell as his birth as we come closer to Christmas Day. I want you to know that this is not going to be an exhaustive study. Cuz there are far too many scriptures and passages prophetic scriptures and passages that discuss the prophetic promise of the Messiah. But this morning we're going to trace a few of the old testament old testament lineage of Jesus using very specific criteria beginning with a promised seed. And then we will be navigated through the Old Testament by the patriarch family as recorded in Matthew. But still I want you to know that this will not be exhaustive. It is amazing to see that there are so many hundreds of prophetic prophecy that speak about the coming of the Messiah. How encouraging it is to us that God had a plan from the very beginning even before he created anything into existence from the physical things of this earth and the physical things of the solar system even down to the creation of man and everything that goes along with what is upon the Earth. God had a plan he knew that man would fall in his plan rest in the hope of his son Jesus Christ as we look to Matthew. I just want to mention and Matthew 1:2 I am going to stay away from a lot of Matthew and Luke as we go through this remaining few weeks leading up to Christmas. We're going to be taking a look at those passages more specifically, but and that's you want to us is Abraham begat Isaac. Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob got Judah and his brothers. This is the patriarch family right here. This is the ancestry family that Jesus Christ would come through we will find today. So I want us to go ahead and open in prayer. And then we're going to be taking a look at the seed of the woman that is found in Genesis chapter 3. So let's go to the throne of grace for just a minute father. We come to you in prayer.

and father would just seeking to know more about what you have for field in the truth of your scriptures.

Why this is so important for us for many reasons, but one is that life is fleeting and life is a vapor. And we don't have the control over life the way that any of us would want. The father when we look back to scripture and we see your prophetic hand and we see your faithfulness. to your people a father regardless of what is going on in our life regardless of what we're in control of Father we can have rest in that we can have peace in that Noah Wayne. That you are guiding and directing all of what is happening in life. According to your will and according to your glory.

Father I'm thankful for that. I pray that all of us would be able to rest in that truth. Knowing that the circumstances of our life truly do not dictate who we are but truly the mark of Christ in our life determines who we are and where we will be for an eternity. I pray in Jesus's name. Amen. So let's go ahead and open the Bible Genesis chapter 3 verse 15

I'm not quite sure how far we're going to get through this this lineup that we are going to see through the seed of the woman and then through Abraham and Isaac and then Jacob and down through Judah and even to David I will just work through it as much as we can. But all of this should be a reminder of God's grace that he has shown towards us. Some two thousand years ago. I want you to remember when Jesus was born. It was according to prophecy. And we'll find out that he was he was born precisely at the time that God wanted him to be born and within that manger there laid Jesus Christ a hypostatic union the God man that would come to be able to represent those who have faith and trust in him. The bound up in those swaddling clothes was God's grace. Batista's play tortoise I pray that we all take away that not only during this time of the season. But let it be the beat that the motivation. To our lives as we live out the remainder of our life Genesis 3:15 look with me there if you would please. If not, it'll be on the screens behind me.

And I will put enmity between you and the woman. and between your seed and her seed he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. Isn't it amazing and it should not be of any type of surprised that the very first Messianic prophecy should occur within the context of the Fall.

If there was no sin, if sin had not entered the world there have been no reason for Jesus Christ as the Messiah to come and to redeem a people that are lost and bound to sin. But as we look at this verse here after the fall God curses the serpent. Who had caused the fall and declares enmity? declares enmity between The Serpent and the woman now this enmity can be seen in many different Fashions today. Metaphorically, it can be seen between Good and Evil. Very general and it's aspect. But we're beginning to see in our day and time of the 21st century that there is a direct hatred on a national level. That is anti-Semitic towards Israel. This is a part of what God instituted right here in the beginning during the fall.

The enmity is to extend to the seed of the woman into the seed of the serpent. The seed of the woman refers obviously to Jesus Christ. Now sometimes Scholars don't like the fact that we'll discuss that here. We see the first indications of the Virgin birth. Now the Virgin birth is not specifically mentioned here. But as we take the full context of out all of God's word and we're able to look back through the New Testament. We see clearly that is what was being spoken off here. But not only that seed of the woman refers to Christ as we will discuss what that seed is as we go through our teaching today. It also refers those who are a better in Christ.

As we look to the seed of the serpent is specifically refers to Satan or those who have representation and that would be the Antichrist or those who reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah.

So you think about Genesis 315 I want you to acknowledge that this is the beginning of God's Plan of Salvation. That's unfolding in his word.

We only need to look. at Matthew chapter 1 verse 21 Jesus's first Advent is recorded there where it says. This is the reason why Jesus came as a child.

He will be called Jesus because he will save his people from their sins. This is the first Advent. This is what we celebrate this time of the year is the birth of Christ incarnation of Christ. But yes. That is not all of the picture of what God reveals in his word. There will be a second Advent. He will return as a king.

Isn't this an unexpected Wonder of Christmas? And it's very first form. The grace of God is prophetically announced as the seed of woman. Genesis 3 15 states that the Messiah will crush the head of the serpent. That is Satan. And in the process Satan will manage to bruise the heel of the Messiah. The bruising of the messiah's he'll took place at Jesus's crucifixion.

painful as that crucifix crucifixion is as we look at that. I want you to know that there is hope that is found in that crucifixion because Satan only bruised the heel. The only bruise the heel and the Nae Eternal since there is no fatality here.

death delivers a blow to all of us everyone of us But in a Eternal sense death is the final Redemptive Act of a believer.

Who has given their trust and their life over to Jesus Christ as Lord and savior?

And I'm not going to deliver a eulogy here this morning, but as we think about Vic and we think about Joellen. as we think about many of our family members that have trusted turned over their life their hopes to Jesus Christ think about ourselves we all need to remember that this is a part of God's process of redeeming us

and it's nothing less than what our Lord and savior did not do himself he suffered death it was not a fatal blow he was resurrected 3 days later and it gives us hope today because what is perishable cannot inherit what is in perishable What a hopeless life we would have if death is the end but death is not the end and we find that hope right here in Genesis.

But we do know that the crushing blow to the serpent will come one day. It has not fully come. We know according to Romans 16:20 and the God of Peace will crush Satan under your feet. shortly in context series referring to believers We we suffer many trials. many disappointments but one day

God will crush the Serpent's had he's already defeated death because Jesus Christ is Victorious through death burial and Resurrection.

We know that the final blow will come when God finally cast Satan into the Lake of Fire according to Revelation chapter 20 verse 10. You see the serpents?

is limited with regard to the expectancy that he will be able to roam. And then he will be able to devour. But our hope is a living hope that is bound up in the grace and life of Jesus Christ. I want a fast forward as a little bit over to Galatians 4 and I want to mention to you. Like I said in the opening comments that I'm staying away from some of the traditional passages on purpose cuz I want us to really find some of the other prophetic mentions of the messiahship in the Old Testament as well as the Fulfillment as we look into the New Testament big license for for the Apostle. Paul says this but when the fullness of time had come

When the fullness of time it come God sent forth his son born of a woman and born under the law.

Do we realize that Christ coming supplied the basis for the freedom from sin? Matter of fact as to Redeemer, he has redeemed us from the bondage of sin.

Scripture says says that he came in the fullness of time and we need to acknowledge and understand that phone is of time was precisely when God the Father wanted him to come on to the scene here up on Earth. So bound up in that verse in Galatians 4:4 several things is the hypostatic union that we see we see Jesus Christ fully God, but as well as fully man fully human. We call him the god-man, right?

There's a reason for that. As God as we've been studying true Hebrews. Hopefully you will remember as God in the fact that he's perfect. He ends up being the perfect sacrifice that God accepted as payment for our sins. God is a righteous and holy God and there will be Justice because of that and Jesus has stepped in on our behalf. But as man, he would bear the penalty and the punishment. for those who trust him Isn't that amazing? So I'm encouraging you as we come to this time of the year, but not only this time of the year, but hopefully each day of the year each day of your life that we would be able to acknowledge and recognize that Jesus ask God and ask man has fully made a way possible for us to have a reconciled relationship with the father by taking on the very punishments and the full wrath of God so we could be set free from our sins. But you don't hear that talked about much at Christmas Around The Christmas Tree now, I'm not against the tradition of the Christmas tree in the gift exchange or anything like that. But if we're going to talk about the real reason for the season, it needs to be focused Upon Jesus Christ. That's how we as Believers can worship him. Not only at this time of the year. But every day of the year, I want to take us over to Hebrews chapter 2 verses 14 and 15 that goes on to talk about the Fulfillment as it was first given back in Genesis 3 15. It says they are in as much then as the children have for taking of the flesh and blood

I don't think any of us in here would find fault and knowing that we all are a flesh-and-blood. He himself likewise shared in the same that through death. He might destroy him who had power over or scuse me power of death. That is the devil numbers 15 and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. Do you realize that verse verse 15 back of Genesis chapter 3 as I mentioned before is the first indication of God's Plan of Salvation to redeem a lost people for himself.

And he would do such.

Through his son and I want you to acknowledge and recognize today that Jesus is like no one of the trinity. He's Monica Nace. He is God just like God the father and God the spirit, but he is also fully human in the purpose of that hypostatic Union was so that he would bear the burden and the cost on our behalf. Are you beginning to take in the reality of what Christmas is truly about? We only have life as brother Bob said because the light of Life came into us in the first place according to what Jesus says over in John chapter 8.

Let's go and look now at Abraham the Seed of Abraham. I'm going to talk a little bit more about the seed and the significance of it and just a second, but I want to turn our attentions to Genesis 22 verse 18. It says in your seed. Nice talkin to Abraham. He says in your seed all the nations of the Earth shall be blessed because you have obeyed my voice now. 4 months coming up on a year. We have been going through diligently and expository study of Hebrews by now. You would hopefully know and understand what the Eternal Covenant promise was to Israel one. It would be over land. To it would be descendants the patriarch family. And then three it would be a blessing to the nations of the world. It is as we look at this here. We see that that blessing to the nations of the Earth has been given out.

The term seed in Hebrew is always found in a singular form you need to remember that is always found in a singular form, but it is used in two different ways. It can be used as an absolute singular meaning one individual person or as a collective singular meaning one group. Within the context of the abrahamic Covenant when seed is used it is typically always seen in a collective sense. referring to say the nation of Israel

When used as a absolute singular form, it refers to specifically one person and that would be the Messiah. We see that because of what the Apostle Paul says over in Galatians 3:16 where it says now to Adam and his seed were the promises made. He does not say and to seeds. As of many but as to one and to your seed who is Christ.

Paul says to us very clearly hear that the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seat and that seed would be Jesus Christ signifying that Jesus Christ would come through the patriarch family. Paul is quoting here in Galatians 3:16. Genesis 22:18 highlighting the absolute nature of the seed and applying it to Jesus. As we think back to Genesis 3 15 we learned that the Messiah would be the seed of the woman.

Meaning that Jesus Christ would have to be human. to represent us

the second Point made in this prophecy in Genesis is to the Gentiles into the nations of the Gentiles.

You will be blessed through the Seed of Abraham. This is not to explain here. This is not explain here specifically, but if you went over to Isaiah 42 or to Isaiah 49, it talks more specifically about that explanation. But the seed of woman is limited to the descendants of Abraham. Now, I know that most of us know very well the New Testament. But it's important for us to know the Old Testament as well. In order to be able to have not only a fuller understanding but we can see how God has been so diligent from the very beginning of time to be able to redeem a people through a very specific order of ancestry that would end up in the Fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Meaning that God is faithful always regardless of the trials or the difficulties that you may be facing in life. Today know that God is always faithful to those of the seed of the woman those who are of Christ the elect This will become a little bit more clear if we are able to get down to Jacob today. I want to point you to Matthew 1:1 and it's just a very quick versus the book of genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David and the son of Abraham. We see Matthew signifying a recognized in the genealogy that comes through Abraham Hebrews. 2:16 says this for indeed he does not give Aid to Angel but he does give Aid to the Seed of Abraham. amazing How about Galatians 3:29 and if you are Christ? Then you are Abraham's seed. It's an ad encouraging. Did you know that you were Jewish and nature spiritually speaking? Because as we look right here, we understand that Jesus Christ would come by the seed of the woman. He would come to the patriarch family. Meaning that hate will be a Jew. impulses and if you are in Christ Then you are of Abraham seed and The Heirs of the promise of the Covenant. It's amazing.

Want to take a look at the seed of Isaac next?

Isaac's of course being the son of Promise. We're going to look at Genesis 21 verse 12 where it says, but God said to Abraham do not let it be displeasing in your sight be cause of the lab or because of your Bond woman. Whatever Sarah has said to you. Listen to her voice for an Isaac your seed shall be called.

the context of that verse

Sarah hears Ishmael mocking Abraham encourage is Abraham to send the bondwoman in the bond child away. And then God said to Abraham.

Do not let it be displeasing in your sight. Because of the land or because of your Bond woman Abraham was angered. But what he found out, it's just whatever Sarah said to you. Listen to her for an Isaac. Your seed Shall be Called not there's many things that I'm going to mention here. But one of the things that I want to mention to you right now is that There is only one way for anyone to be saved. There's only one way for anyone to be redeemed. There's only one way for anyone to have their sins paid for and that is according to God's Plan of Salvation that is through the seed of the woman that is going to come through Abraham is going to go through a cick does going to go through. Jacob is going to go down through the tribe of Judah and it's going to trickle down and if it's going to come to that manger in Bethlehem, and it's going to be through and in Jesus Christ Alone. That is God's Plan of Salvation. Now I know what mankind enjoys to do is no different than Satan. They like to take what God has revealed in his Revelation take a little bit of that give a little bit of authenticity to it a little bit of authority to it. And then we want to mix it up and basically say well as long as you get to the top of the mountain, that's okay. You will never reach the top of the mountain.

Because the only way that any of us ever reach the top of the mountain is by the grace of God through faith, and we're carried there by Jeezy.

I love what it Paul says open Romans 9 6 and 7 referring here to Isaac. He says. But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel.

No, are they all children because they are the Seed of Abraham.

But in Isaac your seed shall be called. We understand that the line of the Covenant runs through Isaac.

We understand it was he who was to be counted as Abraham's seed?

And it would be fulfilled through Isaac. The Covenant would be

so as we think back to

Scripture it's not through Ishmael. But it is through Isaac. It's not Ruiz all it is through Jacob and ultimately comes down through it is only through Jesus Christ.

So as we look at this not all the descendants of Abraham or of Israel.

Is truly a part of the Covenant promise Destiny to be fulfilled.

By God, it is only those hearts and lice of those by God's grace would respond to the truth of God Scripture and by the conviction of the spirit today. That would lead us in obedience to the truth of God's word. Mirfak Jesus tells us she says if you love me, you will keep my Commandments. That's how we recognize Christians today. It's through faith. But faith is obedience. They go hand-in-hand two sides of the same coin. The Gathering here like this. First day of the week is very important for someone and has come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ when it has been regenerated when it has been set free New Creations that new creation means a new Lifestyle. The lifestyle is defined by scripture.

Hebrews 11 17 through 19 says by faith Abraham when he was tested offered up Isaac and he who had received the promise offered him. Only begotten son of home is with sad and Isaac your seed Shall be Called concluding that God was able to raise him up even from the dead from which he also received him in a figurative sense. There's a lot going on here in these few versus we actually went through these verses here recently in our study and Hebrews, but one of the things that I want to point out to you and me today, is it God tested Abraham

Now, this is a Crossroads for many of us in here today.

God tested Abraham to see whether or not that patriarchy love. For God was stronger than his love for his son.

We understand that the greatest commandment is that we would love the Lord Our God with all your heart soul mind strength.

That means every ounce of Who We Are. We are to love the Lord thy God.

Cuz we understand and believe and have faith that the Abundant Life that Jesus Christ speaks of can only be found within the body of Believers can only be found in our faith that leads to obedience out of gratitude and Thanksgiving for what God has done for us.

Let's go over to Jacob and then we're going to conclude today. We won't make the tribe of Judah or even David, but that's okay.

Jacob is where many of us will find ourselves today.

Genesis 28 10 through 14 Define the seed of Jacob. Jacob went out from their Shiba and went towards Quran. So he came to a certain place and stay there all night because the sun has set and he took one of the stones of that place and put it as his head.

And he laid down in the place to sleep. They drained and behold the ladder was set up on the earth and its top reach to heaven and they're the angels of God ascending and descending on it and behold the Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the god of Isaac. The land on which you lie. I will give to you and your descendants and verse 14. Also your descendants shall be as a dust of the earth. You shall spread abroad to the Westin to the east to the north and to the South and in you and in your seed all the families of the Earth shall be blessed.

Jacob's relationship with God was quite different than Abraham and Isaac.

God tested Abraham But what we find out in scripture Jacob tested God.

God told Abraham to leave his country before he entered into that blessing. But Jacob impose conditions on God before Eve out to in return to bless God.

Jacob was willing to accept God's promises. But he did not commit himself to God until God proved his faithfulness to him.

What I'm trying to emphasize here is how God is faithful to his Covenant how God is faithful to his truth are regardless of us.

so parents grandparents

those who have friends that are lost and have no desire to to to know Jesus to to walk with Jesus to hear anything about the gospel. Jesus Christ. Don't give up because God is faithful and God's going to get his people. We need to stay in intercessory prayer for those people.

And we don't need to to have desperation in our life. We need to trust in. The truth of God's word. Not one will be lost according to scripture.

That doesn't mean that we just throw up our hands because how we live our life determines who we live for.

Many of us are just like Jacob we bargain with God.

Maybe because we don't want to worship like God does God describes very specifically in his scriptures how he desires to be worship. It determines who the focus of our worship is. Are you here today? Because of what you want or you here today to worship God?

In the 21st century many of our struggles are so many there so vast with regards to how we wish to bargain with God. But I hope that you will walk away and looking at Jacobs life and realize and even as we look at Isaac and Abraham.

We have to make sure that we put God first in our life. And yes, that means even above your family. Yes, it means even above your lifestyle of what you want to do in this world and what you want to achieve. What matters most is what God wants to achieve in your life.

Now I'm not saying that.

Regardless of what we do it's going to be okay.

Because I think that's a gray area that we have to be very careful because as I said just a few minutes ago. How we live our life truly determines who were living for?

But I'm thankful God's faithful.

Even here with Jacob.

And it was because of that great Covenant that he handed out back in the very beginning as we see his Plan of Salvation beginning to be revealed. It's a mystery. It's been a mystery through the Old Testament all of this time that we've been studying because they were putting all of their hope into the priesthood and all of the Hope into the works and into what the sacrifices were accounting for. But all of that was a foreshadow pointing to one person of Hope and that is Jesus Christ. And guess what? There's nothing on this side of Earth can be a greater disappointment than the hope of what Jesus gives us. As we think about the homecoming. The homecoming that we have this week.

Yes, it's a Bittersweet situation because we now have entered into a journey without someone that we love.

They just didn't have Hazard lead. I got a pointed a time. We're both of them to die and it happened to be yesterday on the same day in the same Hospice house within a few hours of each other.

Put the clothes we have this living hope that is in Christ Jesus.

We know that death is not the end. We know that death is nothing more than a trance transition and we know that death is the Fulfillment of the final Redemptive act for those who have trusted in the seed and plan of Jesus Christ.

This time of the year. Is great, but it's also discouraging.

The joy that we see in church and and sometimes and how we dress. And how we worship in the joy Fisher all external. And they should be evidences of the genuine reality and acceptance of all that God has done for us from the very beginning. But after Christmas while I'll go back to her old ruts. I want to encourage you. Did each day is an opportunity to worship God more clearly because of his truth and more clearly because the inspiration of his spirit that dwells within us and each day should be an opportunity to worship God more purely and spirit and Truth.

Jesus is the ultimate.

Answer to all of our needs.

Jesus tells us

over and John chapter 8

first 12 he tells us that I am the light of the world. He who follows me? Shall not walk in darkness.

Darkness and death are associated together.

Vic and Joellen they're not walking in darkness today.

They've been walking in the Light of Christ. and Jesus goes on to say you shall not walk in darkness. But have the light of life.

We should be celebrating the life that Christ has given to us.

Both of these saints that have preceded us.

I will say that. As a pastor I see things that some or many never see.

The one of the things that I often have an opportunity to see and I saw through the life of these two Saints as we were thinking back to last week's teaching out of Hebrews as we came to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Essay ended or came to the end of their life. They were not filled with despair.

Why because they were trusting in God and his faithfulness and I can tell you that Vic and Joellen. At the end of their life have trusted in the faithfulness of God. And because of that death is not the end. But you have to ask yourself the question. Have I done what have I done? What was done? And a great sermon that Peter delivered at Pentecost have I repented of my sins have I turned my life over to Christ have I decided to follow him? Because there is where true life is found.

It's acknowledging your condition and asking God to forgive you. Salvation, is that simple?

the hard work it's for those that are regenerated. Anna and the new life that we've been given that is in Christ. For us to walk in the light. And to be an admittance of that truth of Jesus Christ just like a lighthouse that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home. We need to let people see the gospel and everything that we do they need to see it and they need to hear the gospel from us because they're in there alone is the hope that came from the seed of the woman of God's Plan of Salvation.

I pray that you are right with the Lord today.

But I do know what life is like. I do know the trials. I do know the difficulty. And I am thankful as I've been reminded over these last several days. How soothing prayer can be you only need to turn to him and to seek guidance and forgiveness and he washes it away. He takes the burden of it away and allows you to live the way that were called to live. I pray that if your burden today that you'll do the right thing that honors God. osprey

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