The Peace of Christmas: A Blessing from Our God
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Series: Advent 2019 / Topics: Advent; Peace; Praise; Zechariah (priest)
Before Service: Pray with leaders!
Opening Verse: N/A, Advent Reading
Songs for Worship: Angels We Have Heard On High; O Come All Ye Faithful; Hosanna In The Highest
----------------------------------------------------------------------------SLIDE-Transition to Sermon, Ps. 119:105
1. Attention:
a. Christmas is a time filled with joyful songs of praise to God!
i. And you know, that’s a Christmas tradition that comes straight out of the Bible!
b. Luke 1-2 has 5 songs, often known by their Latin names, that have inspired many of the songs we know
i. Elizabeth's Salutation (Greeting, 1:42-45),
ii. Mary's Magnificat (Magnifies, 1:46-55),
iii. Angel's Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Glory to God in the Highest, 2:13),
iv. Simeon's Nune Dimittis (Now You Let me Depart, 2:29-32)
c. But I did miss one—do you know which?
i. Zechariah’s Benedictus (Blessing, 1:67-80)
2. Big Picture: Today we will be focusing in on this and seeing…
a. SLIDE-Title: The Peace of Christmas: A Blessing from our God
b. Immediately my mind is brought back 3 weeks ago when I preached on peace from Philippians 4—
i. If you missed that, remember you can revisit it through a link on our Facebook page
c. Pulling from that let’s quickly remember that biblical peace,
i. Going far beyond the absence of hostility or disturbing thoughts, is
ii. Is a condition of total well-being based on what God makes present for you:
1. Wholeness, satisfaction, relational harmony, good health, security, salvation, a friendly relationship
w/God, etc.
iii. God’s peace is found in three arenas—do you remember these? Peace
1. Between God & us
2. Within us
3. Between others & us
iv. A peace that Jesus secured for us
v. A peace we joyously return to today in Luke 1:67-80.
d. As we do this, I hope that you will see…
i. SLIDE-Thesis: Through Jesus God has blessed us with an amazing peace
3. Passage: With this location laid, let’s quickly remember the context of today’s verses…
a. Context: To summarize...
i. Hundreds of years before the conception of Jesus...
1. God promised to both send a Messiah & to send a forerunner to prepare His people for the Messiah
ii. After a brief introduction, the Gospel according to Luke quickly focuses on an elderly couple,
Zachariah & Elizabeth.
1. While Zachariah offers incense to God within the temple the angel Gabriel meets him & prophesies
that the elderly Elizabeth will conceive & give birth to the one we know as John the Baptist
2. Zachariah sadly doubts this & receives the discipline of becoming mute until the birth of John
3. But, just as God promised, Elizabeth conceives!
iii. Some months later Gabriel then visits Mary (1:26-56) & prophesies of Jesus’ birth, which Mary humble
1. After this, having been told of Zachariah & Elizabeth from Gabriel, Mary travels to their house for
3 months.
iv. After that John is born (57-66) & Zachariah's mouth is opened & he praises God (v64)
1. Today’s verses share an element of that praise in his Benedictus
b. Verses-7 Slides: So, please stand with me as we read Luke 1:67-80…
i. The heart of these verses is Zachariah expressing praise to God
1. Praise that we can join Him in!
2. Praise that is expressed through blessing Him—
a. His praise especially highlights what God has done, is doing, or will do
b. And with this he also reveals the heart of God
3. I invite you to listen for these very things as we read it now
Luke 1:67–80 CSB
Then his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied: 68 Blessed is the Lord, the God
of Israel, because he has visited and provided redemption for his people. 69 He has raised up a horn of
salvation for us in the house of his servant David, 70 just as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets in
ancient times; 71 salvation from our enemies and from the hand of those who hate us. 72 He has dealt
mercifully with our fathers and remembered his holy covenant— 73 the oath that he swore to our father
Abraham. He has given us the privilege, 74 since we have been rescued from the hand of our enemies, to
serve him without fear 75 in holiness and righteousness in his presence all our days. 76 And you, child, will
be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, 77 to give his
people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins. 78 Because of our God’s merciful
compassion, the dawn from on high will visit us 79 to shine on those who live in darkness and the shadow
of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. 80 The child grew up and became spiritually strong, and he
was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel.
c. Transition: Please be seated…
Main Point 1:
Our Praiseworthy God!
1. Explain: And here we have the “Benedictus of Zechariah;” so let us first consider…
a. His Actions: What actions did you see mentioned here? Visit, provide redemption (68), raise horn of
salvation…from... (69/71), Dealt mercifully & remembered (72), Gave privilege to serve (73-75), Gave
salvation knowledge (77), Will visit & shine on & guide feet (78-79)—
i. In summary:
1. MP1: He drew near to His people (vv68, 78)
2. MP1: He remembered His covenant (vv72-73)
3. MP1: He totally saved His people from all our enemies, to include sin (vv68-69, 71, 74, 77)
4. MP1: Brought us into relationship (privilege to serve, guide in peace; vv73-75, 79)
ii. Considering today’s Advent focus—note how each of these actions relate to the holistic peace we’ve
been talking about…
1. To have peace with others, we need God to settle the conflicts that are out of our control (saving us
from our enemies)
2. To have peace with God we needed Him to come to us, be faithful, & bring us into a relationship
with Himself
3. To walk in peace we need to have God guide us & teach us, overcoming our sin-brokenness
iii. The work of Jesus from Christmas to the Ascension worked to establish this great peace
1. Now, moving forward let’s consider the praiseworthy qualities of God that these actions highlight…
b. Qualities: What does He mention explicitly in v78?
i. MP1: Mercifully Compassionate (v78): “Because of our God’s merciful compassion, the dawn from
on high will visit us”
1. Or as the NASB/NIV/ESV put it, “Because of our God’s tender mercy...”
2. This phrase combines two powerful words that highlight God’s great loving care, His powerful
affection for His people
3. Going beyond simply an internal emotion, His love is expressed through acts of kindness (mercy, &
4. In contrast to a vindictive or distant god, our God dearly cares for us & expresses this care in
tangible ways!
5. But let’s move from this explicitly stated quality of God to the ones that are more implicitly
demonstrated through the actions Zachariah highlights
ii. MP1: Powerful: What did God defeat in these verses? Every enemy.
1. From human or demonic foes (vv69, 71, 74) to sin within (vv68, 77)
2. In 1 Cor 15:23-26 Paul reflects on the power of God through Christ—how He will abolish all rule,
authority, & power, putting all his enemies under his feet—to include death!
3. We see a glimpse of this in Zechariah’ prophetic Benedictus
4. Secondly…
iii. MP1: Faithful: vv69, 72-73 point out that in sending Jesus God kept His covenant & promises to
Abraham & David’s family
1. You certainly see this coming out in how God defeats His people’s enemies, too
a. He was a faithful ally, not merely doing then no harm,
b. But also stepping in to help them when they suffer from their enemies!
c. Potentially even due to their own mistakes!
2. Third…
iv. MP1: Relational: This is seen throughout the verses!
1. Despite God’s people’s sins, Zachariah tells us that God chose to…
a. Showed them mercy (72-78),
b. Drew near to them (vv68, 78),
c. Offered salvation through forgiveness of their sins (v77),
d. Provided the privilege to wonderfully serve Him (vv73-75), & He
e. Guided us in the way of peace (v79).
2. Despite the offense & separation of our sin, God still wanted a growing friendship with us and He
was willing to do what it took to establish it!
3. His merciful compassion fits so well into this quality!
4. Together with this we capture a beautiful picture of the heart of our God
2. Illustrate:
a. Many people frequently judge others on whether or not they deserve their given positions or titles.
b. Have you ever met someone with a title or position that you didn’t find them worthy of?
i. Sometimes people look at royalty or politicians this way.
ii. Other times they look at supervisors or co-workers
c. Usually these judgments come from our assessment of these people’s actions or qualities-3. Expand:
a. In these verses we see Zechariah challenging us to assess God’s actions & qualities
i. And in-so-doing to find out how praiseworthy He truly is!
b. If we accept the relationship that God reached out to us in,
i. If we receive His merciful compassion & walk in His power—
ii. Then we should begin to see some pretty substantial life changes
4. Transition: Ones that Zechariah highlights well.
a. So now, let’s talk about…
Main Point 2:
A Peace-Transformed Life
1. Explain:
a. MP2: The peace that Jesus secured for us calls us to be in a fully engaged relationship with God
b. Zechariah established that God provided redemption for His people (v68), raising up a horn of salvation
from their enemies (vv69-71), & rescuing them from their hands…
c. MP2: Therefore the first way to respond is to receive the salvation God has established.
i. Throughout these verses you see this is specifically offered to God’s people
ii. Consequently we should ask—
1. How can I become one of those people?
2. How can I join His family & receive this great peace from all enemies?
iii. And just as this salvation was established by Jesus,
1. so it is entered through relationship w/Him
d. In vv74-75 Zechariah specifically notes that the salvation we have received allows us to.. what?
i. “Serve Him without fear in holiness & righteousness in His presence all our days.”
1. There’s a lot to unpack there...
ii. MP2: Serve Him: Since upon receive God’s salvation, Jesus has become my Savior & Lord, it is only
sensible that I should serve Him.
1. After all the Scriptures are replete with reminders that while we were not saved by good works, we
were saved for good works (John 14:15, 23; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9)
2. Such service can be sacrificial, religious rites, prayer, worship, or summarized: General right
conduct before Him.
3. And while to some this doesn’t seem like a reward…
a. To those who know the great works & character of God’s , there is little else they would prefer
to do!
4. And notice that this service is done…
iii. MP2: Without Fear: We are no longer distracted by our enemies—enemies w/o or enemies w/in like
sin (see Romans 8:15; Hebrews 2:14-15; 1 John 4:18)
1. There is no concern for persecution nor distraction from split desires
2. We are able to fully & courageously serve God!
3. And along with this Zechariah highlights what should accompany our fearless service—we should
serve God…
iv. MP2: In Holiness & Righteousness:
1. Holiness is a personal piety that acts in a manner like God & pleasing to God.
a. It is a proper devoted attitude toward God
2. Righteousness is most simply doing what God requires—living out fair & right actions
e. Finally, v79 highlights a final way that our lives are transformed by God’s peace—did you catch it? We
i. MP2: Learn to walk in God’s peace.
ii. Zechariah makes it clear that God guides us in the way of peace
1. But it is still on us to choose to walk w/in this!
iii. And later in Luke 2:14 the angels sing out, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to
people he favors!”
iv. And this is the peace we spoke of earlier-1. The condition of total well-being based on what God makes present for you:
a. Wholeness, satisfaction, relational harmony, good health, security, salvation, a friendly
relationship w/God, & more!
2. This peace starts between you & God & then extends into your mind/spirit & into your relationships
with others.
v. Let us so walk in this peace!
2. Transition: So, where have we been today?
1. Reiterate: Through Jesus God has blessed us with an amazing peace
a. We have a truly praiseworthy God—
i. From His incredible actions to His foundational qualities!
ii. Let us be a people that share such things year-round!
b. And our awesome God has secured a peace that should transform our lives
i. By bringing us salvation,
ii. Giving us the privilege of serving Him,
iii. While teaching us walk in His peace
2. Apply: So, how should we respond?
a. Zechariah gives us excellent straightforward ways to respond!
b. Con-: If you haven’t yet… Trust Jesus for your total salvation!
i. Con-: 1st: Come to God through faith in Jesus Christ to receive total forgiveness from sin! (c.f.
Romans 10:9–11; 1 John 1:5-10)
1. This is an eternal element of the salvation we have received.
2. It is the redemption that God accomplished with the precious blood of Jesus
3. It is that which brings us into peace with God and then opens the door for peace within and with
ii. Con-: 2nd: Come to God to be daily delivered from sin!
1. This is how we join God for spiritual growth as a living sacrifice, throwing off every hindrance and
the sin that so easily ensnares us (Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 12:1-13).
2. It is the Christian growth whereby having been saved by sin’s reign & death, we now work out this
salvation with fear and trembling to become more like Christ (Philippians 2:5-13)
3. It is how we take up our spiritual armor and fight, not against flesh & blood, but the schemes of the
devil & the sin within (Ephesians 6:10-20)
a. What are some of those enemies that you need rescued from?
b. Perhaps it is an sinful addiction, a bitter heart, greed, anger, or even an element of spiritual
c. Trust in Jesus for your total salvation & struggle alongside with Him to overcome such things in
your life.
ii. 3rd: Look forward to the final peace that Jesus will bring in His Second Advent when our salvation
meets it’s culmination!
c. Con-: Serve God!
i. Con-: Remember that service is “right conduct before Him”
ii. Many Christians get distracted by “right conduct” & “doing things for God”
1. To the extent that they neglect being “before Him,” or with Him & growing closer to Him
2. Our first matter of service to God is: to be with Him & draw closer to Him.
3. Learn to better serve God in this way this week
iii. And realize that this service can be “without fear”
1. In Christ you can have confidence that your eternal salvation is settled
a. There is no fear when we approach God
b. As Hebrews 4:16 shares, "Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that
we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need.”
2. And this even relates to our need for daily deliverance from sin-a. God gives us grace to help in our time of need—through Him we can have victory!
3. As we pursue & walk in this victory Zechariah’s words ring all the more true when He declares that,
“He has given us the privilege, since we have been rescued from the hand of our enemies, to
serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness in his presence all our days.” (Luke 1:73-75)
a. You will see the growth of holiness & righteousness within every area of your life
b. Learn this, practice it, & share it with the world around you!
iv. And finally as one more note of application—Zechariah shared that “Because of our God’s merciful
compassion, the dawn from on high will visit us to shine on those who live in darkness and the shadow
of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." (Luke 1:78–79), therefore…
d. Con-: Walk in God’s Peace:
i. The peace starts with eternal salvation,
1. It continues as we learn to serve Him in holiness & righteousness,
2. Con-: It overflows our own lives, & thus we are to share it with others!
3. It floods into our relationships with others.
ii. As you invite the peace of God to fill you all the more this season-1. Stand out in our world as men & women, boys & girls of peace
2. For, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9, see Matthew
5:43–45; Luke 6:27–36 ; James 3:17–18)
3. Appeal:
a. In Christmas we see the first dramatic way that God humbled Himself in reaching down to us, reaching
down to show us His love, to offer us “terms peace”
Have you received this peace? Do you walk in it?
I pray that you have!
And in this, I also pray that you can join in Zechariah’s great song of praise.
This week, bless your God, our God & Father & the Lord Jesus Christ for so great a salvation and peace
that He has accomplished among us!
4. Conclude: Join me in prayer...