Totally Covered
As we conclude this sermonic series, I would like to impress upon each of you to consider your covering. Many here and throughout this community have questioned and are questioning why the leadership at Wortham chose Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship as our covering. It is simple God does not want us to be disconnected and uncovered. Covering brings about connections and connections bring about expansion and expansion brings about growth both internal and external. When you are connected to something larger than yourself it allows you to receive what you would not have the capacity to receive. In other words if you have a membership to Sams Club you have access to all that Sams Club has to offer, but the only thing you get from Sams Club is what you can afford or what you need. Church do not be dismayed with the provocation of misinformation, but be enlightened to the fact that covering also gives you access! As we move through this text we have to take note of the context. Israel is on its way out of Egypt, Egypt is refusing to let go. In Godly theological fashion God prepares Israel to go out with a bang. But before they can leave they have to prepare a sacrifice to God. This specific sacrifice would represent who God is and what God will do. So Moses and Aaron told the people to prepare a Lamb for each house and set it aside for 14 days for inspection because it had to be their best. This brings back to my memory the story of Cain and Able. Cain was a farmer of the field and Able was a shepherd of the livestock. Cain brought SOME of the yield of his field. Able however brought the best of his livestock and they both offered their offering to the Lord. God looked favorable on Able’s offering, but did not look favorable on Cain’s offering. Many would say that’s not fair they both brought offerings, but I would like to remind you that when you do something for God it should always be your best!!! See some of you all are tipping and not tithing but you are mad about how God blesses others! Check your offering and your tithes, because God has not respect of persons! What he does for one he will do for the other. Cain was mad at God and jealous of Able. When he should have been mad himself. So before you get angry because God blesses someone with a nice house and car, with money and overflow, with gifts and anointing, you may need to inspect your offering first.
After the Hebrew People sacrificed the animals they were instructed to do something with the Blood. God had told Moses that he was going to pass through the land on a specific night and every first born of Humanity and animals alike would die. God was executing his judgement on Egypt, because Egypt and Pharoah was hard headed. They had already suffered nine plagues. 1st God turned the water into blood and all the fish died and yielded a smell that turned the noise of satan himself. Secondly he flooded Egypt with frogs that hopped and croaked everywhere. Third he released bugs from the earth and caused calamity throughout the land. Fourth he caused herds of wild animals to rampage through the land destroying everything in its path. 5th Sickness hit the livestock in the form of a pestilence and they had to watch as their horses, cattle, and livestock perished before their eyes. 6th the people and animals were stricken with Boils and 7th they had an unprecedented hail storm that killed animals and humans whomever were exposed to its rage. 8th God caused the locust to eat up everything green. 9th darkness fell on the land so much so that even if the Egyptians lit a candle it would not stay lit, but even with all of these plagues that hit Egypt none of these plagues hit the Hebrew people in Goshen which encourages me that even when things hit the land it doesn’t have to hit my house! God had to show Egypt that their gods of fertility didn’t work, the god of the nile river didn’t work, their god of the sun couldn’t shine, because when the one true God is for you He is more than the whole world against you. God will protect his children. God will bless his children. God will keep his children even in the middle of a war zone!
The Blood:
The Blood:
So here we are church in our text today at the 10th plague where there is both celebration and devastation hitting almost at the same time. Remember I told you that they had to do something with the blood. Well the bible says that Moses instructed them to put the blood from the sacrifice on their door post. The blood on their house would be a sign. If you all don’t know blood is powerful. In the Cain and Able travesty God asked Cain where is your brother Cain said Am I my brother’s keeper? God said what have you done I hear Able’s blood crying to me from the ground. Which informs me that God sees the blood and hears the blood! Remember this church the blood was on the house. So where the blood was God would Pesach which is Hebrew for Pass Over! That’s why we have to be careful church how we leave and where we go spiritually. When you get mad and leave the church you may leave your covering. When you get upset with your pastor and go on protest you may be leaving your covering. But where the Blood is there is covering! When the destroyer was released in Egypt every first born had to die, but every where the destroyer saw the Blood he would pass over. I am so glad that my parents covered me with the blood, because I know there were some times that I should have died but it Passed Over me!
To the Cross!