Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
…My city
We were called to this city to influence it.
Let it not be said that when our times is finished that 10 righteous can’t be found.
let it not be said that we intercede for a city that we aren’t willing to pay the price to influence
Let it not be said that we preached repentance to a city yet were indifferent to its destruction.
this is our city.
We have been called her for more than just occupational pursuit or putting down roots for our family tree.
Jonah hoped for the destruction of their city
Abraham prayed that God would spare that city
Lot silently suffered silently within the city
But Nehemiah prayed and worked for the salvation of his city.
- Here is the common ingredient between last years vision that frankly was a flop…and this years vision…they both require work.
There is no way around that.
Here is the common ingredient between last years vision that frankly was a flop…and this years vision…they both require work.
There is no way around that.
The first element of the 2020 vision is as Systems, we
It hasn’t been intentional, but our focus has become very internal.
Rightfully so…we have had to focus on building the building…tightening up process, policies and procedures...
I do believe that God has given me a plan for 2020...
ill likely come as an awkward ending to a great weekend…but I’ve got to know…Now I’ve asked this question to a few leaders independently and I’ve received some good feedback…That often times we cast the vision in January and then we don’t keep it in front of the people.
I receive that and I hope to correct that…However, I will state that this planning retreat and the vision casting is more than probably 99% of the churches in our movement do.
I know that question can come across as being manipulative…but where I am at right now mentally and emotionally…I don’t care how you take it.
I believe that you all and the church love me.
I believe that you love my preaching and my pulpit ministry.
However, I do feel that my leadership has become ineffective.
Everything has a shelf life…and if my time is up, I am ready to do whatever God wants next.
Before I lay out this elaborate plan for 2020, I need to know.
I can’t take the frustration of another year of ineffective leadership.
things like 9:00 prayer should have been a one time announcement.
I never should have had to even say that twice.
Especially not to this group.
Last years vision was Dead on Arrival.
I’m not going to be petty and ask how many of you made a personal investment outside of our scheduled church services.
If the direction of this church is to become an institutional church that conducts all of its business in the hours of Sunday morning and Wednesday night service, and resists any sort of sacrifice beyond that…you certainly have that choice…but not if I’m going to pastor…if that what you want…one of two things will end up happening…I’m going to frustrate the life out of you or you’re going to drain the passion out of me.
I would think neither of us want that.
In fact, I refuse to do that.
So…I’m being serious and I’m really and truly not trying to manipulate you all.
But I can’t do another year like 2019.
I can’t do too many more years of casting vision that I know God has given only to realize it was dead on arrival.
So…I know this will likely come as an awkward ending to a great weekend…but I’ve got to know…Now I’ve asked this question to a few leaders independently and I’ve received some good feedback…That often times we cast the vision in January and then we don’t keep it in front of the people.
I receive that and I hope to correct that…However, I will state that this planning retreat and the vision casting is more than probably 99% of the churches in our movement do.
I do enjoy these weekends…I enjoy the planning retreats…Its one of the highlights of the year for me aside from all of the stupidity that always raises its head leading up to it…but this is more than just a fun weekend for me.
It is what God has given me as they key for our church in the coming year.
its a blueprint for success.
or its a paper airplane.
My city:
4 areas of focus:
Slide 2 Heal my city - A focus on prayer ()
Linda Simpkins is going to be the visions assistant for the Heal my city focus.
I will talk more about what that means here in a few minutes.
Slide 3 Serve my city - A focus on serving
Kadesha Mitchell is going to be the vision assistant for the this area of focus.
Slide 4 Reach my city - A focus on community events
Simone McManus is going to be the vision assistant over the Reach portion of the vision.
Slide 5 Save my City - A Focus on Harvest
Don’t yet have an assistant named over this portion.
Let me first of all state that much of what I am going to share will operate within a structure outside of our system structure…In the sense that it wont flow within the systems and teams that we have in place.
However, I hope that you all will be involved.
I also want our systems to buy into these 4 points of vision for our systems.
What we do this year is to take ownership and influence our city.
When our lawn team takes takes care of the of the lawn…we want to do it in such away that it attracts our community
First touch…We want our hospitality to extend not just in this building but into our community.
I don’t even know how that might happen…but this year is about reaching our city!
Youth system, buy into these 4 areas of vision and lets come up with ways that our youth can Heal, Serve, Reach and Save our city!
As for the plan for this year:
Slide 6 We will identify 8 different target communities within our city.
Examples: Fox chase, Westbury, Hickory Hills, etc...
We will have a team assigned to each community.
There will then be a schedule starting in February and on most Saturdays a team will go out into the community they are reaching into.
(We didn’t schedule on Holidays or Saturdays when we had a major event on the calendar).
Slide 7 for the first 3 areas of focus, each team will go out one Saturday per quarter:
1st quarter - Prayer
2nd quarter - Serve
3rd quarter - Reach
So, we are using the hypothetical example of Jose and Nikki as the team leads over Westbury...
Lets say their team #1 and they are going into Westbury on February 1st.
Sis Simpkins will work with them to identify the spiritual strongholds within that community and help them with resources to equip their team to pray over those areas.
The team lead will organize a prayer and fasting chain from Monday through Friday among their team and then on the Saturday they will do a prayer event in that community.
We are also going to have a community liaison that will help us to go into the various communities we are identifying to work with the HOA leader and or community center leader.
We aren’t just going to ask you to march through the streets of your community doing spiritual warfare.
Our hope is that we might even be able to have the HOA leader or the community leader send an email to invite the members of the community to join with us in prayer.
Our goal in each of these times we go into a community is to make connections.
so each team will go on a different Saturday.
When The Alberty’s team’s turn comes up again…April 18th, this time they will go into Westbury to do an act of service.
Kadesha will be working with the head of the HOA or the community center leader as well as the team lead to identify an act of service that will impact that community.
Again, the goal is to make connections.
this second time would still be preceded by a prayer and fasting chain by the team.
The third time through the rotation would be June 20th.
They will this time go in with a focus on evangelism and outreach.
Slide 8 We are going to work to put together a reach kit.
purchase our own moon bounce, a popcorn machine, possibly a cotton candy machine, go in and do a fun event for the community.
With a small table set up where we ask the parents what prayer items we as a church can join with them in prayer over.
Again, the teams will organize a prayer and fasting chain the week leading up.
We will also work to have flyers provided for the leaders to go in and let the people that live there know when and what time we will be coming in to the community on that Saturday.
I am hoping that the teams will take ownership and the scheduled events will be the minimum.
Maybe outside of the structure identified they would go in and do additional acts of service…organize another community event.
Again, the goal is to make connections.
The final focus is SAVE our city.
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9