
Advent 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Me: Last week we began our time of expectancy known as Advent. We journeyed into what does it mean to have a “thrill of hope” in the middle of the weariness of our world. In a world of busyness, more, never enough, trials and difficulties, how can we possibly have any hope for a lasting hope?
I am historically not the best gift receiver. Can anybody relate to that?
And what we realized was that our hope in Jesus is more thrilling than we could possibly imagine!
But this hope is not just a logical truth to believe but a joy to be experienced.
I remember as a kid wanting a new electric guitar for Christmas so I told my parents over and over again.
But if I am being honest I am not always exuding with Gospel joy!
On Christmas morning my parents hand me my gift and it is a brand new acoustic guitar with guitar lessons.
For example, Christmas.
Now this was less than ideal for two reasons:
1) I didn’t want an acoustic guitar, I wanted an electric. I don’t know if I wasn’t clear enough about my desire or if my parents were just intelligent enough to not hand their child who had shown zero musical ability an electric amp.
I am historically not the joyful gift receiver. Can anybody relate to that?
2) I didn’t want to take this new acoustic guitar that I didn’t want to go hang out with a stranger. I was terrified of strangers so basically my parents were sending me to my eminent death with a device that I couldn’t even rock out with.
I remember as a kid wanting a new electric guitar for Christmas so I told my parents over and over again.
My response wasn’t not exactly “joyful and triumphant.” I looked at them both, smiled, my eyes filled with tears and I ran to my room.
On Christmas morning my parents hand me my gift and it is a brand new acoustic guitar with guitar lessons.
Not the best gift receiver. It’s not quite as bad now. But the more I have thought about it I have realized I responded based on what I believed was the purpose of this season and by extension my life… to get what I want. And I was only prepared to experience joy if that purpose was fulfilled.
Now this was less than ideal for two reasons:
1) I didn’t want an acoustic guitar, I wanted an electric. I don’t know if I wasn’t clear enough about my desire or if my parents were just intelligent enough to not hand their child who had shown zero musical ability an electric amp.
You: What would you say is the purpose of your life?
Better yet, what does the way you face difficult circumstances say is the purpose of your life?
2) I didn’t want to take this new acoustic guitar that I didn’t want to go hang out with a stranger. I was terrified of strangers so basically my parents were sending me to my eminent death with a device that I couldn’t even rock out with.
For many of us, it can be easier to express gratitude and delight in God when everything is going according to our plan, but unfortunately we live in a world that rarely goes according to plan.
My response wasn’t not exactly “joyful and triumphant.” I looked at them both, smiled, my eyes filled with tears and I ran to my room.
Instead, much of our life is filled with circumstances that aren’t ideal, and they can believe it or not be worse than an eight year old getting the wrong kind of guitar for Christmas.
Not the most joyful gift receiver. It’s not quite as bad now. But the more I have thought about it I have realized I responded based on what I believed was the purpose of this season and by extension my life… to get what I want. And I was only prepared to experience joy if that purpose was fulfilled.
We struggle with addictions, roommate situations, job circumstances, relationship dynamics, money issues, the dreaded diagnosis for ourselves or our family members, or also for millions of our brothers and sisters around the world extreme persecution.
You: What would you say is the purpose of your life?
Better yet, what does the way you face difficult circumstances say is the purpose of your life?
When you encounter the less than pleasant realities of your life, what does your response reveal about your purpose? Your source of joy.
I don’t know about you but I can struggle to find joy most days because life isn’t perfect, and there are situations I believe if they were just resolved the way I want then it will all be okay… I don’t have joy regardless… regardless of circumstance, regardless of temptation, regardless of difficulty, I have joy if… if everything turns out the way I want, starting with if I get the presents I want and extends all the way out to if I preach as well as I want.
For many of us, it can be easier to express gratitude and delight in God when everything is going according to our plan, but unfortunately we live in a world that rarely goes according to plan.
Main Idea: When God is our purpose we can have joy regardless…
Instead, much of our life is filled with circumstances that aren’t ideal, and they can believe it or not be worse than an eight year old getting the wrong kind of guitar for Christmas.
We struggle with addictions, roommate situations, job circumstances, relationship dynamics, money issues, the dreaded diagnosis for ourselves or our family members, or also for millions of our brothers and sisters around the world extreme persecution.
God: Go ahead and open your bibles to
James was in between Advents… the first Advent when Jesus arrived on the scene and when He would advent again to make all things NEW.
When you encounter the less than pleasant realities of your life, what does your response reveal about your purpose? Your source of joy.
I don’t know about you but I can struggle to find joy most days because life isn’t perfect, and there are situations I believe if they were just resolved the way I want then it will all be okay… I don’t have joy regardless… regardless of circumstance, regardless of temptation, regardless of difficulty, I have joy if… if everything turns out the way I want, starting with if I get the presents I want and extends all the way out to if I preach as well as I want.
Brother of Jesus and leader within the Jesus movement, James had seen it all. He had doubted and he had his eyes opened. He had seen and awaited the day when his older brother and Savior would return.
Now James writes this letter to the church, a church that has been beaten up and bruised but still stood, and James encouragement is simple… to have joy regardless.
Main Idea: When God is our purpose we can have joy regardless…
God: Go ahead and open your bibles to
Vs 2 – “Count it all joy” – this is the call for us to consider whatever we are going through with a confidence in God’s goodness and greatness. “This is a command, an imperative, and it’s a verb that addresses how we think, which is important. This is not about feeling. This is not about putting on a happy face and pretending everything is okay.”
“when you meet trials of various kinds” – trials come in all shapes and sizes, because they are various. We can think of comparison of trials, we can view our small trials as bigger than they are or feel guilty for struggling with our small trials when others have it worse but this passage is inclusive of all trials big or small, minor or major.
James was in between Advents… the first Advent when Jesus arrived on the scene and when He would advent again to make all things NEW.
Somehow though we are being called to consider it joy when our world is falling apart. That feels kind of insulting.
Brother of Jesus and leader within the Jesus movement, James had seen it all. He had doubted and he had his eyes opened. He had seen and awaited the day when his older brother and Savior would return.
Now James writes this letter to the church, a church that has been beaten up and bruised but still stood, and James encouragement is simple… to have joy regardless.
But what this is not saying is that the trials we face are joyful in and of themselves. Trials are historically not fun. They don’t feel like a night of cozying up to the fireplace. They can be brutal and devastating, and they are usually completely out of our control. James doesn’t minimize the trials but he is reminding these churches that while they are struggling with realities out of their control, they are within the control of God.
Vs 2 – “Count it all joy” – this is the call for us to consider whatever we are going through with a confidence in God’s goodness and greatness. “This is a command, an imperative, and it’s a verb that addresses how we think, which is important. This is not about feeling. This is not about putting on a happy face and pretending everything is okay.”
I remember being in the hospital for the month while we slowly watched my Dad die. It was the worst. The pain was so deep. I didn’t feel very joy filled.
“when you meet trials of various kinds” – trials come in all shapes and sizes, because they are various. We can think of comparison of trials, we can view our small trials as bigger than they are or feel guilty for struggling with our small trials when others have it worse but this passage is inclusive of all trials big or small, minor or major.
I remember asking my grandpa how do you hold onto Jesus when He is taking another son away from you?
He said, Danny he is the only one we can turn to.
Somehow though we are being called to consider it joy when our world is falling apart. That feels kind of insulting.
This belief that God’s got this, that God is in control in the middle of a world that is out of control is called the sovereignty of God.
But what this is not saying is that the trials we face are joyful in and of themselves. Trials are historically not fun. They don’t feel like a night of cozying up to the fireplace. They can be brutal and devastating, and they are usually completely out of our control. James doesn’t minimize the trials but he is reminding these churches that while they are struggling with realities out of their control, they are within the control of God.
We can struggle to even desire to believe in God’s sovereignty because we struggle to reconcile how God can be both fully good and fully great.
I remember being in the hospital for the month while we slowly watched my Dad die. It was the worst. The pain was so deep. I didn’t feel very joy filled.
I remember asking my grandpa how do you hold onto Jesus when He is taking another son away from you?
God’s goodness – “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” () Believing that God is good is to believe that He desires good for us. That He isn’t a cosmic bully.
God’s greatness – Believing that God is great is to believe that He has the strength to do whatever He desires. That is isn’t a cosmic wimp.
He said, Danny he is the only one we can turn to.
We can struggle to believe either of these… we can believe God is good but not great, that He really does love us but He is not strong enough to heal our dying relative or protect us from losing our job or being persecuted.
This belief that God’s got this, that God is in control in the middle of a world that is out of control is called the sovereignty of God.
Or we can believe God is great but not good. He can do whatever He wants but He is actively choosing not to because at the end of the day He doesn’t really care about us.
We can struggle to even desire to believe in God’s sovereignty because we struggle to reconcile how God can be both fully good and fully great.
God’s goodness – “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” () Believing that God is good is to believe that He desires good for us. That He isn’t a cosmic bully.
But within Scripture we discover God is both. And yet evil exists, people die, brothers and sisters in the family of God are persecuted. There is a mystery to the why, but God is still in control.
So how can we trust that He is both? Why would we even want to?
God’s greatness – Believing that God is great is to believe that He has the strength to do whatever He desires. That is isn’t a cosmic wimp.
We can struggle to believe either of these… we can believe God is good but not great, that He really does love us but He is not strong enough to heal our dying relative or protect us from losing our job or being persecuted.
Or we can believe God is great but not good. He can do whatever He wants but He is actively choosing not to because at the end of the day He doesn’t really care about us.
Jesus is the reason that we can trust God, Jesus is the reason that we can have joy regardless…
But within Scripture we discover God is both. And yet evil exists, people die, brothers and sisters in the family of God are persecuted. There is a mystery to the why, but God is still in control.
Because while the world was struggling in the darkness, God didn’t stay in eternity, He came and made His dwelling among us.
He came into this world just like we did. He was born from the womb of His mother. He grew up and struggled just like we do. He felt hunger, sadness, excitement, the intimacy of conversations with good friends, he was tempted, he experienced life.
So how can we trust that He is both? Why would we even want to?
After thirty years of experiencing both the beauty and the brokenness of humanity, He willingly gave Himself up to be put on a cross to rescue, redeem and restore us!
Jesus is the reason that we can trust God, Jesus is the reason that we can have joy regardless…
When we look upon Jesus we look upon the face of the Father, and Jesus demonstrated perfect goodness and greatness.
Because while the world was struggling in the darkness, God didn’t stay in eternity, He came and made His dwelling among us.
We can trust God because Jesus showed Himself trustworthy.
So we don’t have to fake ourselves into believing that somehow the trials, temptations, and suffering is a good thing. But we can experience joy beyond emotion as we live in active trust in what God has done, which allows us to trust Him with our present and future circumstances.
He came into this world just like we did. He was born from the womb of His mother. He grew up and struggled just like we do. He felt hunger, sadness, excitement, the intimacy of conversations with good friends, he was tempted, he experienced life.
This is NOT a passage to quote to at people who are suffering.
After thirty years of experiencing both the beauty and the brokenness of humanity, He willingly gave Himself up to be put on a cross to rescue, redeem and restore us!
When we look upon Jesus we look upon the face of the Father, and Jesus demonstrated perfect goodness and greatness.
If you would have told me to buck up when my Dad was dying and read this passage to me I wouldn’t have responded with kindness. Instead, the best thing we can do is to be present with those who are suffering. Like Jesus, we mourn with those who mourn.
We can trust God because Jesus showed Himself trustworthy.
When Jesus arrived at the funeral of His friend, He was moments away from raising him from the dead, but He didn’t respond by saying, “Did you see who just showed up? This guy!” Instead, He wept. He grieved and was simply present. The reality that Messiah Jesus would desire to grieve with His fallen creation is as great of a miracle as what He would soon do when He called his friend from his grave.
When we have friends who are enduring trials of various kinds, reserve judgment, clichés, and turning the focus onto yourself. Instead, be present, seek the Spirit of God’s wisdom in how to proceed, and focus on being Jesus to them.
So we don’t have to fake ourselves into believing that somehow the trials, temptations, and suffering is a good thing. But we can experience joy beyond emotion as we live in active trust in what God has done, which allows us to trust Him with our present and future circumstances.
Vs 3 & 4 – Trials do test our faith, and the test has the potential to build us up, because it ultimately leads us to greater dependence on Jesus.
Word of caution about this passage: This is NOT a passage to quote to at people who are suffering.
If you would have told me to buck up when my Dad was dying and read this passage to me I wouldn’t have responded with kindness. Instead, the best thing we can do is to be present with those who are suffering and allow the Spirit of God give us the words to say or not say. Like Jesus, we mourn with those who mourn.
Trials have the uncanny ability to inform us of how little control we have, and reminds us of how desperately we need Jesus.
The truth is we need Him for our next breath, we need Him to continue the movement of the Earth on it’s axis. But we live most of our lives without a real awareness of how much we need Him.
When Jesus arrived at the funeral of His friend, He was moments away from raising him from the dead, but He didn’t respond by saying, “Did you see who just showed up? This guy!” Instead, He wept. He grieved and was simply present. The reality that Messiah Jesus would desire to grieve with His fallen creation is as great of a miracle as what He would soon do when He called his friend from his grave.
But in the middle of trials we are reminded of our need and that changes everything. We begin to understand a bit more of what Jesus meant when He said apart from Him we can do NOTHING.
When we have friends who are enduring trials of various kinds, reserve judgment, clichés, and turning the focus onto yourself. Instead, be present, seek the Spirit of God’s wisdom in how to proceed, and focus on being Jesus to them.
Vs 3 & 4 – Trials do test our faith, and the test has the potential to build us up, because it ultimately leads us to greater dependence on Jesus.
We see how much our focus is to modify our circumstance.
Trials have the uncanny ability to inform us of how little control we have, and reminds us of how desperately we need Jesus.
It is only in our relationship with the Spirit of God that we can be encouraged, emboldened, given joy that is beyond us.
The truth is we need Him for our next breath, we need Him to continue the movement of the Earth on it’s axis. But we live most of our lives without a real awareness of how much we need Him.
As we abide with Jesus and draw near to the Spirit of God, we are changed.
We are made more like Jesus because we have the opportunity to experience a depth of intimacy that we walk by every day until we need it most.
But in the middle of trials we are reminded of our need and that changes everything. We begin to understand a bit more of what Jesus meant when He said apart from Him we can do NOTHING.
We see how much our focus is to modify our circumstance.
The difficulty though is that to live like this we have to have a radically God-centered perspective on life. “Think of a trial in your life (no matter how big or small): if the goal is just to fix your circumstances, then you are setting yourself up for constant frustration because often the circumstance won’t get fixed like you want it to, or fixed at all. Even if it does something else will come up soon enough, and you will live in constant anxiety. But if your ultimate goal is not just to fix your circumstances but to know God and to grow in Him, then rejoice because no matter what your circumstances you will achieve your goal. God has designed trials for your growth in godliness. Trials are joy when God is our goal.”
There is a brilliant short creed called the Westminster shorter catechism and with in it explains, “Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”
It is only in our relationship with the Spirit of God that we can be encouraged, emboldened, given joy that is beyond us.
We were created for God to be our purpose. We were created to literally enjoy Him! He is supposed to be our source of Joy.
As we abide with Jesus and draw near to the Spirit of God, we are changed.
The struggle is we live most of our lives blind to this reality. But if we wake up to our true purpose everything changes.
We are made more like Jesus because we have the opportunity to experience a depth of intimacy that we walk by every day until we need it most.
The difficulty though is that to live like this we have to have a radically God-centered perspective on life. “Think of a trial in your life (no matter how big or small): if the goal is just to fix your circumstances, then you are setting yourself up for constant frustration because often the circumstance won’t get fixed like you want it to, or fixed at all. Even if it does something else will come up soon enough, and you will live in constant anxiety. But if your ultimate goal is not just to fix your circumstances but to know God and to grow in Him, then rejoice because no matter what your circumstances you will achieve your goal. God has designed trials for your growth in godliness. Trials are joy when God is our goal.”
There is a short clip I want to show you from one of my favorite Christmas season movies called Rise of the Guardians. In it the character of Jack Frost had been wandered around for centuries without purpose and essentially just wrecked havoc.
But then he is called to be a guardian along with Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy and continually refuses the call because he cannot believe that is truly his purpose. Until his eyes are opened…
There is a brilliant short creed called the Westminster shorter catechism and with in it explains, “Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.”
Let’s take a look.
We were created for God to be our purpose. We were created to literally enjoy Him! He is supposed to be our source of Joy.
We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!
The struggle is we live most of our lives blind to this reality. But if we wake up to our true purpose everything changes.
There is a short clip I want to show you from one of my favorite Christmas season movies called Rise of the Guardians. In it the character of Jack Frost had been wandered around for centuries without purpose and essentially just wreaked havoc.
That is why you were created. Whether you follow Jesus right now or not, that is your purpose. It is so much greater than living a comfortable life, simply receiving financial security, having the perfect family, the perfect home, or climbing the Disney corporate ladder.
Main Idea: When God is our purpose we can have joy regardless…
When we become aware of our true purpose we view ever part of our lives differently.
But then he is called to be a guardian along with Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy and continually refuses the call because he cannot believe that is truly his purpose. Until his eyes are opened…
About two weeks into our month of Hell in the hospital, Ali and I both sensed the Spirit of God telling us that my Dad wasn’t going to make it out of the hospital with us. Instead, He was going to go glorify His Father and delight in Him forever face to face.
Let’s take a look.
We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!
Somehow though it wasn’t a gut punch. In that space, we somehow had joy. Not because my Dad was leaving us, but because we had a clarity about how everything is ultimately for Jesus and for Him. And in that we had joy, even though we didn’t feel joyful.
That is why you were created. Whether you follow Jesus right now or not, according to what we discover within Scripture this is your purpose. It is so much greater than living a comfortable life, simply receiving financial security, having the perfect family, the perfect home, or climbing the Disney corporate ladder.
I wish I could explain it any clearer but all I can say is we truly experienced joy regardless…
Main Idea: When God is our purpose we can have joy regardless…
You: What is your source of joy? What do you believe is your purpose?
I confess that as I asked myself this week that question my answer has been my comfort. I don’t want to be inconvenienced or bothered. I want to live a comfort, bothersome free life.
About two weeks into our month of Hell in the hospital, Ali and I both sensed the Spirit of God telling us that my Dad wasn’t going to make it out of the hospital with us. Instead, He was going to go glorify His Father and delight in Him forever face to face.
Somehow though it wasn’t a gut punch. In that space, we somehow had joy. Not because my Dad was leaving us, but because we had a clarity about how everything is ultimately for Jesus and for Him. And in that we had joy, even though we didn’t feel joyful.
I have been confessing my idolatry to God. What about you?
This is not a one time thing. We are forgetful, but the cool part is that God won’t waste the trials. He will use them to make us whole and complete, lacking in nothing.
I wish I could explain it any clearer but all I can say is we truly experienced joy regardless…
Us: This is our life long journey with Jesus, to respond like the song “O Come all Ye Faithful Calls us to”
You: What is your source of joy? What do you believe is your purpose?
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant!
I confess that as I asked myself this week that question my answer has been my comfort. I don’t want to be inconvenienced or bothered. I want to live a comfort, bothersome free life.
I have been confessing my idolatry to God. What about you?
O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem
This is not a one-time thing. We are forgetful, but the cool part is that God won’t waste the trials. He will use them to make us whole and complete, lacking in nothing.
Come and behold Him
Born the King of Angels
Us: This is our life long journey with Jesus, to respond like the song “O Come all Ye Faithful” calls us to:
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant!
O come, let us adore Him
O come ye, O come ye, to Bethlehem
Christ the Lord
Come and behold Him
Come and glorify our Messiah! Come and delight in Him! Come and be captivated by His love and beauty! In doing so we discover we are truly joyful and triumphant!
Born the King of Angels
The only words I would change in that song are this: O Come all ye “Faithful”
We rarely are faithful to God, we are really faithless. But the call comes to us all the same. So wherever you are on your journey tonight.
O come, let us adore Him
Christ the Lord
If you are struggling right now with faith, doubts, and questions. You are safe here. At the end of our gathering we will have elders and deacons who would love to pray with and for you and also chat about any questions you might have or things you are struggling with.
Just come on down and they would love to hang out for a bit.
Come and glorify our Messiah! Come and delight in Him! Come and be captivated by His love and beauty! In doing so we discover we are truly joyful and triumphant!
The only words I would change in that song are this: O Come all ye “Faithful”
We rarely are faithful to God, we are really faithless. But the call comes to us all the same. So wherever you are on your journey tonight.
If you are struggling right now with faith, doubts, and questions. You are safe here. At the end of our gathering we will have elders and deacons who would love to pray with and for you and also chat about any questions you might have or things you are struggling with.
Just come on down and they would love to hang out for a bit.
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