The Birth of Christ - Matthew 1:18-25

Christmas 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Birth of Christ

Hopewell Baptist Church

December 8, 2019

Opening Illustration – Video GOD WITH US

Transition – One of the most overlooked people in the narrative of Jesus’ life is His earthly father, Joseph…

Big Idea: The Birth of Christ wrought faith, and through that faith, obedience on the part of his earthly father, Joseph.

I. – The Betrothal

a. A betrothal was a very serious and long process in ancient times
i. Betrothal means, “to be or become legally promised in marriage” to someone – a much more serious agreement than our modern day engagements.
1. It’s a legally binding agreement, breakable only by a writ of divorce.
ii. Mary would have been living with Joseph and his family for upwards of a year (prior to the final wedding ceremony and consummation of the marriage).
b. Found to be with child – she was pregnant “having the condition of…”
i. Mary was well aware beforehand that she was with child by the Holy Spirit (), and that it was by the power of the Spirit of God that she was pregnant.

II. – The impending divorce

a. Joseph, having yet to have a revelation from God regarding what is going on, logically concludes that Mary was unfaithful, thus not a virgin
i. Pregnancy = intercourse = non-virgin
ii. A non-virgin in ineligible to marry.
b. Joseph, a just man, is going to divorce her quietly, or privately, as not to shame her
i. Just man = Good, law abiding, God-fearing Jew.
ii. Same word “just” when describing Noah in (v.5-9 for context)

III. – The Angelic Visit

a. While Joseph was sleeping on what he was going to do, an “Angel of the Lord” appeared to him.
i. Angel = Messenger of God
ii. Lord (in Greek) = Yahweh (in Hebrew), or LORD as we often see it written in the Old Testament
b. Joseph was meditating (considering) what is was going to do when his course of action was directly redirected by God.
c. Angel refers to Joseph as “Joseph, the son of David”
i. Reminds Joseph of his messianic lineage
ii. Cements the legal status of his future “Step-child” Jesus being not only legally Joseph’s son, but through this, legally a son of David
d. Joseph is informed by this Angelic messenger that God is the Father of the baby that Mary is carrying, and that the Spirit of God supernaturally impregnated her, inferring that she is still a virgin.

IV. Mathew 1:21 – She will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

a. The name Jesus (Hebrew Yeshua) means “the LORD saves”
i. “for he will save his people from their sins”
b. The fact that this child will be “special” is cemented in v.21
i. The salvation is not the physical liberation of Israel from its enemies, but instead it is the spiritual salvation via the removal of the alienation from God caused by sin…i.e. the great exchange of

V. – All this took place to fulfill what the Lord has spoken by the prophet… ()

a. Fulfill = to be satisfied, for the requirement to be satisfactorily met of an agreement, such as a contract or covenant (the Covenant of Redemption)
b. God shows his continued faithfulness to His people as He works towards the fulfillment of redemption and restoration through His Son Jesus on the Cross.

VI. – When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife…

a. Joseph was obedient to what was commanded by the Angel of the Lord, the messenger of Yahweh.
i. This was a step of obedient faith in God for Joseph, because no one else would know why, everyone else would think that he was marrying an adulteress (anyone who knew that she was pregnant beforehand, that is).
b. He knew her not – they did not consummate the marriage until after she had given birth – fulfillment of (above)
c. In naming him, he legally claimed Jesus as his son, legally making Him a son of David, legally of the messianic lineage. (He is biologically a son of David through Mary, see ).

VII. Application – So what?

a. Like Joseph, we must respond in faith to the call of God on our lives
i. Faith comes through hearing, hearing the Word of Christ ()
b. Also, like Joseph, we respond in faith by responding in obedience.
i. – He did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him, even though no one else would understand why.

VIII. Invitation

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