The Christian Standard of Love
The Christian Standard of Love
Righteousness is the holy expression of divine love. The scribes and Pharisees failed to draw the distinction between God’ s hatred of sin and His love of the sinner. They interpreted God’s judgment on sin as a command to hate Samaritans, Greeks, and Romans. The Lord Jesus condemned such an attitude and indicated we must show:
I. A Love Which is Dutiful In Its Ministry (5:44)
1. We Must Treat Our Enemies Pleasantly (5:44)
2. We Must Treat Our Enemies Profitably (5:44)
3. We Must Treat Our Enemies Prayerfully (5:44)
II. A Love Which is Distinctive In Its Quality (5:45–47)
1. Spiritual Love (5:45)
2. Impartial Love (5:45–47)
III. A Love Which is Developed In Its Constancy (5:48)
1. Obedience to the Word of God (1 John 2:5)
2. Dependence on the Son of God (1 John 4:17)
3. Allegiance to the Church of God (1 John 4:12)
The church’s greatest need at this hour is a new’ baptism of perfect love. God help us to exercise daily obedience to the Word of God, daily dependence on the Son of God, and daily allegiance to the church of God, so developing that divine quality of love.
Righteousness is the holy expression of divine love. The scribes and Pharisees failed to draw the distinction between God’ s hatred of sin and His love of the sinner. They interpreted God’s judgment on sin as a command to hate Samaritans, Greeks, and Romans. The Lord Jesus condemned such an attitude and indicated we must show:
I. A Love Which is Dutiful In Its Ministry (5:44)
1. We Must Treat Our Enemies Pleasantly (5:44)
2. We Must Treat Our Enemies Profitably (5:44)
3. We Must Treat Our Enemies Prayerfully (5:44)
II. A Love Which is Distinctive In Its Quality (5:45–47)
1. Spiritual Love (5:45)
2. Impartial Love (5:45–47)
III. A Love Which is Developed In Its Constancy (5:48)
1. Obedience to the Word of God (1 John 2:5)
2. Dependence on the Son of God (1 John 4:17)
3. Allegiance to the Church of God (1 John 4:12)
The church’s greatest need at this hour is a new’ baptism of perfect love. God help us to exercise daily obedience to the Word of God, daily dependence on the Son of God, and daily allegiance to the church of God, so developing that divine quality of love.
Righteousness is the holy expression of divine love. The scribes and Pharisees failed to draw the distinction between God’ s hatred of sin and His love of the sinner. They interpreted God’s judgment on sin as a command to hate Samaritans, Greeks, and Romans. The Lord Jesus condemned such an attitude and indicated we must show
I. Love Is Demonstrated Towards Our Enemies (5:44)
The supreme characteristic of divine love is that it is always active, creative, and redemptive. Divine love is never passive in Scripture; God is ever reaching out with selflessness and sacrifice in His concern for others.
It is comparatively easy to love our friends. Therefore, Jesus deliberately tells us to love our enemies, and He specifies three ways in which we are expected to express our love to those we would naturally hate: