Everlasting Good News

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Morning Service (15 Dec 2019)

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What kind of meat are the gate the scriptures now, please not to fold letter to the Romans. Are you like the Romans and chapter one and I read from the 60s? I am not ashamed of the Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For the rest of the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for Faith. I should just reach the righteous shall live by faith. For the love of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men about Allen Rochester suppress the truth. Perfect for what can be done about God is plain to them because God showed it to them for his invisible attributes name to find a ship have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse for older. They knew God they did not want to him as God or give thanks to him, but I'm thinking and that foolish hearts with Dokken play me to be wise they became fools and exchange the glory of the Emoji or muscle God for images resembling Balsam 9 and birds and animals and creeping thing. That's what God gave them. The disorder that brought is among themselves because I exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever.

For this reason God gave them to just take them up to Desoto oppressions, but I waited exchange not to relations for those that are Country Tonite show them and likewise gave up natural relations with women and because shooting with a passion, what is it, man commission Shameless sex with man and receiving in themselves that you penalty for that. And since I did not see fit to acknowledge God God gave them over to a debased mind to do or not to be done later filled with all manner of unrighteousness evil covetousness and envy Strife deceit deliciousness that gossips laundress height of God insolent hulce Russell inventors of evil disobedient to parents foolish faithless heartless ruthless. But I know God's righteous decreed that those who practice such things deserve to die and also need to do them give up group. I'll give approval to those who practice. My bad and we pray that God would bless his word to IHOP.

Last week started to think about a preparations for Christmas and Centron our thoughts around the verse in Luke chapter 2 verse 10 where the other invest time and the angel said to them fear not for behold. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people I bring you good news of great joy. We don't say the last time that they brought that plan the God had to create devised and all the sudden. She passed by applying that it would be come to fruition and so forth the glory and the best seat and the Majesty of God and all this he died. Travelocity fly has two large degree being fulfilled, but there is still more to come. Climb is the proclamation of good news. Everlasting good news. Good news is always good thing of here is the good news of the Gospel in this letter to the Romans is reminding us all that good news of the Gospel when he says I'm not ashamed of the Gospel of Salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek for dinner in it. The righteousness of God is revealed from faith for Faith. I should just Richard the righteous shall live by faith. I just important to note the Paul speaks of this good news speaks of the power of the Gospel the relevance of the Gospel just before he speaks all the evil the wickedness that was so prevalent in society in which he lived in particular in places like an athlete indeed right throughout the whole bunch of the whole of the narwhal. Look at that time those words that you use to describe the situation then assault applicable to the situation today. We going to eat those when it's out and use them as a clear description of what is actually happening in a society in a nation today. This troubling is disturbing. We see the game the situation we've shared concerning this your mind heal so tragically and helping others and we are concerned rightly about but how do we do with all sets in that? Good news. The pool is speaking up because that good news is the good news of God's it Everlasting plan. It is theon's it is the means whereby things would change and situations will be put right. It's not the various commissions the various groups the various Community after some people may set up girl with dynamite be a problem. There is a solution and that is the reality of Christmas. That is why the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world in order to bring that solution in order to deal with the need the every single human being has and he is the only one who couldn't deal with that. He is not ashamed of the Gospel the gospel is so powerful is so affectionate the gospel hits. Which is So Glorious is a message that is far greater fall supersedes any other message and the other was that anyone else maybe I will just bring the gospel says only what about all those things. What is a Toda Raba see it is a truth of God. And is that the does come with such relevance and such ground? That's why I pull says that's a shame. He says I'm not ashamed of the Gospel gwenpool was in Road when he'd written this letter could he wasn't strong he scratches on her was to be in Rolla MO for when he was in the wrong eventually, but he was in the other places like Athens and son and he said I had a great desire peace great concern is overwhelming concern was that he would preach that gospel. You never heard back from the gospel. He would always make it clear wherever he went. He did. This is Athens Arcos when he spoke of all those gods and I guarantee for clients of the unknown God. He proclaimed the gospel.

You still able to Proclaim that gospel 5 today and did we find ourselves and I said in a very similar situation to him we need it is desperate that we make that gospel. No. For it is the only true hope that any kind have a we should not be ashamed of the Gospel Press. One of the problems that the church is Right. Space that we are ashamed of it. We hold back and I f***** up nation of it. We add scenes to it or with your track from it or we keep totally song about the gospel. This is this is where the solution is. If there is a true awareness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a proper presentation that gospel and every wife that not gospel can be presented. It is going to be an amazing different when the Church of Jerusalem was especially Q-tips and they were driven to other parts of the line to feather line as well. We read that he went around and the actual translation could be if they win. Girl sipping the gospel. They share the gospel men and women as I met one another in the marketplace. Is there a different places they shared the gospel. I spoke of the Gospel speaking of something that was a divorce from the reality of that loss. Was that the surrounding that I should not interfere with more formally Proclaim in the preaching the gospel Nation Mack gospel because all this message is a message so I can never be defeated never beat it on because the gospel is that true reality for phone says, but I'm not ashamed of the gospel for this. Oh God for salvation to power of God for salvation solution to the nation's problems where I see if he just putting things right and she's not here to deal with social needs to deal with problem is that people have we are here to proclaim the gospel, which is a truly powerful gospel because that is a powerful God for salvation. Amisha Sonos critical the most important the most volatile need that can ever be known by any single individual it is what they need. That growth spurt. And God is Grace God is Messi amazingly has entrusted to us the proclamation of that gospel to Wait. Good news know the good news that salvation is actually possible. The Salvation can be a reality because all of us in our natural state are sinners. We are sinners from God everyone everyone. It's England during Churchill born into this world is nice. Salivation. Salivation comes about only through an experience of the truth of the Gospel the good news, which says the Christ Jesus came into this world to save Sinners, but he died on that cross. They gave himself that he lets his blood was shed in order that we might know that salvation that forgiveness the cleansing the God Alone. Give true that shed blood of Jesus Christ all the sacrifices of the Old Testament pointed forward to that shaking of the blood of Christ and then wash now whether he just said that it was none other good enough to pay the price of said he only could unlock the Gates of Heaven and let him know other white. Jesus. My sister Eclipse people didn't like it when he said it. I'm not giving this sentence today. I am the way the truth and the life no no single individual in this world comes to God for me. Don't come downtown and charity nisos. He becomes so Leaf the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a power of Salvation. This is what's elevation. Really it the way you can be ready. We can be Change Report says war in just a moment to become as he speaks of this glorious of Wondrous Cross. When I wonder the shed the angel spoke to the Shepherds all that good news, or the world has come to use that we can share the good news is it's not just for the Jew or just for the chance. I'll pull over cuz I want to say I'm not ashamed of the Gospel. What is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek it matters not what nationality am I wasn't. What group that I made with long to not where they come from without bring it is with that background is none of that is relevant. We just don't know what makes any difference people don't become Christians because they belong to a certain group or Sutton nation and ever, Christians because they have a certain way of living or a certain way of doing things. We can only become Christian because the Salvation the power of the Gospel comes to us through Christ has done in his grace that is applied to us. So those are actually help with those who have no hope to a totally dead in that trust was his on the sins in Grace. God awakens. God makes alive through the power of the gospel and it applies to all types of people to All Nations weary dacus in the Book of Revelation. Vision given to John of what heaven is like Are those from every tribe Every Nation every language every country every part of this world throughout the whole of history. There is no difference.

that is what the gospel. It brings together groups the naturally Brant Beach Oakley separated might be in conflict with each other but it brings them together but glory of the gospel and we have this good news of that good news, the people that live next door to us the people we work with the people at school or college with whatever it might be the people that we see die, but I got an A good novel or just walking past here cuz I Don't Preach they need of that good news little going to hear it unless we tell him But God has decreed that that is the why God of Christian is so I'm just going to call out of this world were mine. And I know that it's our facial is entrusted to us that Ministry Macon not good news, and it is ever lost it but just for the time of Christmas for the time of each step not just for one Lifetime on Lifetime. It is evident that and it is a message that we must Proclaim every device for climbing. But she knows the power of the Gospel. I need not necessary is for that to be for flight. That's why we need for that great. Good news. That is what pool is speaking of here. What is that good use made up of what is the reality of that reports as you verse 17 of Romans 1:4 idiot. I send the gospel. The righteousness of God is revealed from faith for Faith ostriches Richland. The righteous shall live by faith. What it the righteousness of God is review. aghast The true gospel message is a message about the righteousness of God. What are The Graces delusions Saints and his clothes piece of believe is that the message of that gospel is that it's about that own righteousness. Let me get a honey be at peace with God we can only achieve forgiveness of I said we don't need a chief righteousness as we ourselves become righteous. Malaysia currency is what Martin Luther night so clear when he was actually reading the same brush. It's as $500 two years ago where he had so giving up everything and eat beaches on body flashlight shine and he really went through every possible leads to make him self righteous. But as he read this passage you realize that's not the way to righteousness. It is only through Christ. God is absolutely right. Absolutely righteous. He cannot look upon sin. The two are totally incompatible the color be on the one hand righteousness and sit on the other and say we're going to bring those things together and you not copy. For the gospel. Spring righteousness for the gospel says to us. There's nothing you can do. There's no gift that you can bring there's no sacrifice and you can make. There's nothing you can buy without a special system that you need to go for we baptized here. If I do baptism does not make anyone a Christian never Candice. We baptized and acknowledgement that I have made a profession.

For the Roses believe baptism them Christians.

Lot in the Bible teaching the Bible preaching the Bible Can never make a Christian. They have great knowledge of the Bible. protector experiences

There's only one way. anassa, Taverna College around righteousness and she only his righteousness. I'm pleased that that righteousness becomes Alice. That's a guy in the power of the Gospel. That's the message. We can Proclaim. We don't I have two people inside. Look you don't know yourself better. Go to come to church don't do this that and the other recite you're in desperate need.

I need a at the righteousness righteousness of God. And the message that is Proclaim is not righteousness through God's grace does come. But that is because that's what we were sent that righteousness. You guys want to say is by faith. It's what I just be saying we don't have to how to get a lot of points and it was reach a certain standard

I just exercised faith. And that go kiss just pull a train that efficient says that it is by Grace. We are saved through faith and that not of ourselves. It is the gift of God. We have no fight we did we're not able to respond. But he gives us at Faith. The name is a substitute. So tremendous good news is that we all the problems. We see it around all the sin or the morality or they don't have these things that so Warriors quite rightly. How crunch it is going to say look you don't got to put those things right? Get right with God.

Ask him play with it. You hear that face to know what that gospel is what that truth is. And then these things we put right it's a fact of history if you re church history. I know what the menu to do suck. You see what has happened over history. Is that have been many many times just as it was two thousand years ago in Rome and Athens when Paul was around when there was such evil. It was such rejection of God. It was such a desire to worship. It's all pretend to that. I never saw great violence. There was a lack of respect for human life.

and so many evil things flow from when the gospel was preached when the Lord what that's so changed. Bush people became Rogers and they want you to live righteously chestnuts. how to change attitudes in society I'm in Long Beach later, but to 302 50 years ago. Turn on the music. I rather roughly in the establishment of school Sunday school of the need to get real Cafe proper social cat. That was all the result of the Gospel. That's what history is done because when people become Believers when people become Christians, they have a proper concern for one another. And that's what the gospel. Snutz the news that people need to hit. That's what we need to tell us we need for flying ants just what is being the case from the beginning but not gospel was first promise. We read in full size got some today. But Seventeen for in the Rochester NH the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for Faith ostriches Richland. The righteous shall live by faith quotation from the book of habakkuk. Have a good to invest for hold. His soul is popped up. It is Stitches not right within him, but the righteous shall live by his faith. And that's what is true. That's what's so strong Martin Luther and it is sad that he actually wrote in the margin is Bible the word solo. Hello. We shall live by faith alarm. Oh, that is the ants that is how things are going to change. That's one of my Christmas Riu. That is what he's going to do make this Society a better place. Buy us in God's strength with God's desire truly preach and proclaiming and living. What the gospel truly is? That's what we must. Cuz we don't do that the blame for the ills of our society our place firmly and feet with a good news is with us and we have not declared it. Give me reason for music. Jason Lucas, is that passage about the Watchmen? I don't know what sets it's the Watchmen. Watching over the city walls at night. She's the enemy. and warms the people but the people don't listen. I may get destroyed. That blocked is on that hunts if the Watchman. Does not declare that the enemy is coming. And the people are destroyed that blood is on the watchman's Hat.

first chapter of Isaiah the Lord sets your make many prayers. But all I will not hear you. Your hands are full of life. Is the block? Establish a man others who've been killed so violently. it's a plot of those who live around us here is about of those that showing an interest I'm not leaving to say old. Is that blocked? my tights on your hats because we have not share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with

I'm at.


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