Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Birth of the Prince of Peace
On June 27, 1976, a plane of 248 passengers from Telaviv to Paris was hijacked by terrorists.
It was forced to land in Uganda.
Idi Amin, the president of Uganda, personally praised them on their success.
They demanded 5 million dollars and 54 terrorists to be released which included 40 who were in prison in Israel.
They separated the Jews from the non-Jews.
They slowly released the non-Jews.
They were giving them unto July 4th to meet their demands.
Operation Thunderbolt.
Israel attempted a daring rescue with the help of Kenya.
The Israeli Defense Forces transported 100 commandos 2500 miles and rescued 102 of the 106 hostages.
Idi Amin ordered a retaliation and wanted all Kenyans living in Uganda to be exterminated.
245 were killed and 3,000 fled the country.
The time at which this prophecy was given was a very dangerous time in history.
Assyria was raging across the land and conquering country after country.
Israel and some smaller countries were going to ban together to fight Assyria.
They asked Judah for help and instead Judah reached out and made an alliance with Assyria.
Israel was conquered by Assyria.
These are the troubling times Isaiah found himself in.
The Lord had revealed to Isaiah about Babylon coming to destroy and take the people into captivity.
In spite of that utter darkness and desperation that was taking place, God gave a prophecy of what will happen in 700 years.
We move forward 700 years.
We see the same land conquered by another enemy.
This one is Rome.
Taxes are high and government is severe.
In this time period, God decides to send His son.
He is born in Bethlehem.
The same town, David was anointed King by the prophet Samuel.
Bethlemhem is situated on an ancient caravan route.
It housed different kinds of people from differen cultures.
At one time it was important, stategic, and fortified city under King Rehoboam.
It had declined greatly and was just a small village at the time of Jesus’ birth.
Here the King of Kings and the lord of Lords was born homeless and into poverty.
We move forward 700 years.
We see the same land conquered by another enemy.
This one is Rome.
Taxes are high and government is severe.
In this time period, God decides to send His son.
He is born in Bethlehem.
The same town, David was anointed King by the prophet Samuel.
Bethlemhem is situated on an ancient caravan route.
It housed different kinds of people from differen cultures.
At one time it was important, stategic, and fortified city under King Rehoboam.
It had declined greatly and was just a small village at the time of Jesus’ birth.
Here the King of Kings and the lord of Lords was born homeless and into poverty.
We move forward 700 years.
We see the same land conquered by another enemy.
This one is Rome.
Taxes are high and government is severe.
In this time period, God decides to send His son.
He is born in Bethlehem.
The same town, David was anointed King by the prophet Samuel.
Bethlemhem is situated on an ancient caravan route.
It housed different kinds of people from differen cultures.
At one time it was important, stategic, and fortified city under King Rehoboam.
It had declined greatly and was just a small village at the time of Jesus’ birth.
Here the King of Kings and the lord of Lords was born homeless and into poverty.
We move forward 700 years.
We see the same land conquered by another enemy.
This one is Rome.
Taxes are high and the government is severe.
In this time period, God decides to send His son.
He is born in Bethlehem.
The same town David was anointed King by the prophet Samuel.
Bethlehem is situated on an ancient caravan route.
It housed different kinds of people from different cultures.
At one time it was an important, strategic, and fortified city under King Rehoboam.
It had declined greatly and was just a small village at the time of Jesus’ birth.
Here the King of Kings and the lord of Lords was born homeless and into poverty.
We sometimes feel that God is far away and so separated from our lives.
That is so untrue.
In the darkest times, He shines His light.
He shines a light into the darkness.
Are you walking in a darkness right now?
The way seems unclear?
He shines a light in the darkness.
Christmas is not about the presents or all the food, it is about a God who choose to invade our darkness and save us from ourselves.
Christmas is about hope and a future where otherwise there would be none.
Isaiah lived during some perilous times.
Jesus lived in the form of His creation during perilous times.
We live during perilous times.
The news is filled with atrocities of what one person living outside of the light of Jesus Christ does to another person.
This world lives in the darkness of the enemy.
Isaiah lived to see his country destroyed.
He looked to the restoration of Israel.
He did not die a peaceful death.
He was sawed in half.
Jesus was born into the bondage of the Roman government.
He was born homeless.
But he was born in what was thought to be an obscure town, it was a place where all different people groups lived.
Though Bethlehem was small, it represented different cultures of the known world.
God does not do anything by accident.
Jesus was born in a town that dates back to the annointing of Israel’s greatest king.
Jesus was born into the humblest beginnings.
You can not get anymore humble than homeless.
Jesus was born into a town that was not strictly a Jewish town.
It was a town with roots in different cultures and different people groups.
He is the saviour of the entire world.
He is for all mankind.
Bethlehem represented the world culturally and financially.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9